Chapter 2

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"So how do you say 'aunt' in Japanese?"

The boys were snuggled up together beneath the covers of Hiro's old futon. The colored glare of the flat screen TV danced over their faces as they disinterestedly talked through an old Kung Fu movie they'd both seen dozens of times before.


"Yeah. Like, if I wanted to call your Aunt Cass 'Auntie' in Japanese, what would I say?"

Hiro chuckled. "Dude, my Aunt Cass already loves you. Why are you trying to score brownie points?"

Miguel tightened his grip around Hiro's midsection, kissing his exposed shoulder. "Who knows? She might be my in-law someday. If you play your cards right."

Hiro nudged his friend in the gut, causing him to recoil with laughter. "You're such a dork. Obasan."


"No. That's grandmother. Short 'ah'."


"Yep." Hiro twisted around, planting a quick kiss on Miguel's cheek. "How do you say it in Spanish?"


Hiro closed his eyes, nuzzling his cheek into the pillow. "Mmn, that's pretty."

A handsome smirk spread over Miguel's face. "Hey dude... while I'm thinking about it, I got another question."


"So, like... were you just straight-up born without an ass? Or did you get into some sort of terrible accident and had to get it removed?"

Hiro's eyes shot open wide. "What?!"

Miguel's face was stony and concerned. "I mean, it's fine either way. I still like you or whatever. I was just wondering if it was a birth defect or if a dog bit it off when you were a baby or something."

Hiro's cheeks turned pink. "I have an ass!"

Unable to contain it any longer, Miguel's face broke into its familiar one-dimpled grin. "I've been spooning you this whole time, esé. There is nothing back here."

Sitting up, Hiro gave Miguel a mighty shove. "I'm half-asian! We don't have big butts, thank you very much!"

"I know, but... like, it's concave . Woodland creatures could use it as a shelter on rainy days."


Miguel giggled, wrapping his arms around Hiro's waist and pulling him back down onto the futon. "Aww, so sensitive about his wittle bitty tushie!"

Hiro huffed as Miguel gave him an affectionate squeeze. "Whatever. At least it's not a big honkin' red beans and rice butt like yours. Does your family have to buy special pants for you?"

Miguel grinned. "Ay dios mio, Papi... you been lookin' at my ass? Got something sinful and perverted on your mind?"

Rolling his eyes, Hiro coiled his arms around his friends midsection. Truth be told, he had been looking. Only every spare glance he could steal.

"Why do I like you so much?" Hiro sighed.

"Um, because I'm strong and handsome like a powerful horse? And because I'm spontaneous. Especially when I do stuff like this..."

Hiro squeaked as he felt something flat and cold slip underneath his boxers. His grip tightened around Miguel's midsection as the boy's hand slid over the bare curve of his ass.

"Oh, wow. So there is something back here!" Fondle, fondle, fondle. "I mean... it's still super tiny. Barely fills the palm of my hand. But that's okay I guess. You come over to my house more often. My abuela 'll get you nice and thick in no time."

By this point, Hiro's squeaks had given way to panting. His skinny arms clenched Miguel's ribcage with each pass of the boy's calloused hand.

"Heheheh... someone's getting excited." Miguel planted a gentle kiss on Hiro's forehead. "I can feel it."

It was true. In the span of ten seconds, Hiro had gotten rock hard. The tent in his underwear was aggressively nudging Miguel's inner thigh beneath the duvet cover.

"M-miguel..." Hiro whimpered.

The boy's hand immediately stopped its exploration. "Too fast?"

Closing his eyes, Hiro licked his badly chapped lips. "N-no. It's okay. Just... mff..."

Without warning, Hiro shifted over on top of his friend, straddling his waist. Miguel found himself pinned to the bedsheets. As Hiro leaned down to lick his throat, his eyes went out of focus.

"Dude..." Miguel seethed. His arms rose out from the covers, banding around Hiro's slender neck. "Just so you know, it's gonna be real hard for me to stop in a minute or two."

"Who said I wanted you to stop?" Hiro purred against his ear before taking Miguel's earlobe in his teeth.

They had never gone this far. The prospect of finally getting to use the packet of lube he kept in his wallet had Miguel dizzy with excitement. His fingers gripped the scruff of Hiro's neck, pulling him down.

Right as they were about to kiss, three light knocks sounded on the bedroom door.

"Hiro?" came Aunt Cass' voice. "You didn't come down for dinner, so I brought up a tray. Are you boys hungry?"

Aunt Cass stood in the doorframe as muted whispers and a violent fumbling struggle ensued in the room beyond, followed by something heavy being dragged away from the door. When it finally opened, Miguel's bright brown eyes peeked out from the crack.

"Hey obasan! Aww, you didn't have to bring us food. You're too good to us, really."

Caught momentarily off guard, Aunt Cass' eyes lit up. "Aww, Miguel! You're learning Japanese!"

"Heh... yeah."

"You boys almost done? I hate that they've got you doing homework on the weekend."

"We just finished, Aunt Cass," said Hiro. Checking over his shoulder to make sure Hiro was fully dressed (he was) Miguel opened the door the rest of the way, taking the tray with two fixed dinner plates out of her hands.

"Sorry about dinner, Aunt Cass. Guess we lost track of time."

"Yeah. As a matter of fact, don't worry about cleaning up Señorita. Me and dandelion head will take care of the dishes."

"Aww, Miguel! I swear, sometimes I wish I could adopt you," Aunt Cass beamed, pinching Miguel's cheek. "Well don't stay up too late boys."

"We won't!" they chimed in unison.

After closing the door, Miguel rested his back against the painted wood, letting out a sigh. They caught one another's gaze and broke out in anxious giggles.

"Oookay, so... I definitely need to install that security camera sooner rather than later," Hiro said, palming his face as Miguel brought the tray over.

"Yes you do."

Setting the tray down between them on the bed, Miguel collapsed back onto the crumpled sheets. Hiro soon joined him, and the two contented themselves with staring up at the ceiling, delirious grins plastered across their faces.

"Y'know..." Miguel began after their adrenaline highs had subsided. "...bony butt or no, I'm completely obsessed with you. You drive me crazy. And I love it."

Tilting his head, Hiro brought a hand up, gently brushing the backs of his fingers over Miguel's lips. Gathering up Hiro's hand in his own, Miguel pressed an affectionate kiss to the boy's knuckles, lacing their fingers together.

"So, uuh... when you said that thing about not wanting me to stop, did you mean--"

"Oh that moment has most definitely passed," Hiro said with a blush and a smirk. "Now c'mon pendejo. Let's eat."

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