But my aging and sudden maturity can be blamed on one man. Hook. He started attacking us more and more. He kept kidnapping the boys, using them as bait for me. I've got a few new battle scars from saving them over and over again. He also bombed our old hideout, so we had to make a new one in a different, younger, and bigger tree. It's actually really nice. But still, it's all because of that damned pirate! He's the reason the entire island believes I'm dead!

     The boys had disappeared so I flew over to the Jolly Roger by myself. Tink usually comes with me, as my second pair of eyes, but she had to go on some sort of mission to the human world. She still hasn't come back though and I'm starting to get worried. But because she wasn't there, I got knocked out from behind. When I woke up, I was at the feet of Hook. Not even two seconds after I woke up he drew his sword and began fighting me. I reached for my dagger and sword, but they were gone. So I turned to the closest pirate, punched him, and took his weapon. I'll admit, I was way off my game. Thanks to my new age I was worried about the boys because they clearly were not on the ship. Plus I was still a bit dizzy from being knocked out. Hook advanced on me, I tried to block, but failed. He cut my face, my arm, and my stomach a little. Then he used the handle of his sword and hit me over the head. I'll never forget what he did after that. He bent down to my level, looked into my eyes, and said "You have finally lost, boy. Now all of your friends will die."

     Then I was tied up, and thrown overboard. I sank to the bottom, but luckly, I landed right next to the anchor of the ship. I easily cut my binds and pushed off the anchor with all my strength. My ears were pounding, my vision was blurring, and my lungs were on fire, but I finally broke through the surface. The pirates were too busy celebrating to notice they hadn't killed me. Trying to be as quiet as possible and clenching my stomach with my left hand, I slowly swam to shore. I crawled onto the beach and immediately collapsed.  I was bleeding, exhausted, and defeated. The boys ended up finding me a few hours later, barely alive. But they brought me back to the hideout. They were going to get a fairy healer but I stopped them. Hook needed to believe I was dead, so I could kill him without him seeing me coming. Only the boys and Tink know I'm alive. 

     That was over four months ago. I needed it to be believable that I, the Great Peter Pan, was actually dead. I've been watching Hook, and he fully believes it, Perfect. I'm planning on attacking him in a few days, to end him once and for all. I also wanted to take some time to get used to being a teenager. It's hard! I don't know how humans go through this! I know I was human once, but not since I was a baby. The fairies used their magic to stop my aging, so I could stay here. I was supposed to stop aging at 10, but that's when I found Wendy. The love I felt for her allowed me to age more. Because apparently love is almost greater than any magic. But to make sure I don't age anymore, every single fairy put their magic together for me. No matter how much I love someone, I won't pass 16.

     "PETER!" Stubby is running towards me now. He looks like he saw a ghost.

     I draw my dagger. "Stubs, what is it? Where are the others?"

     "Back. At. The Pond." He's out of breath from running. "There's.... there's someone.. in. i-in.. the Pond."

     I throw him onto my back and fly over to the pond. The rest of the boys are surrounding the Pond. I set Stubs down on a rock and walk over there.

     "Boys. Back up." I say in my serious voice. They know not to mess with me or question me when I talk like that. They all back up and run over to Stubs. I'm stunned at what I see. Floating in the Pond was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her long brown hair was floating around her head, her face was flawless, and her lips.... she looked like a sleeping angel. But I push those thoughts aside. The water in the pond is dark red. She's bleeding... bad. And why is she sleeping?! Oh my god, she's dead! I see her hand is holding on to the edge of the pond and her eyes flutter a bit. She's alive! 

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