Girl inside my mirror

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I am a procrastinator. My whole life i have always waited until the last minute to do something like a project or even studying. It is a horrible thing really, and tonight, it is the reason why i am still awake at midnight on a school night. Every morning i woke up at promptly 5:40, made my coffee and hoped in the shower. Knowing that i would only get a little less then 6 hours of sleep killed me inside. "Stupid, stupid, stupid," i said outloud to myself hitting my head against my desk top. "Why do i even bother going to school? Why should i even bother getting up tomorrow! The most this project will get me is a B," I talked in a hush tone, because if my mom knew i was awake doing a project that i held off til last minute, she would ground me for life. Finally i threw my pencil down and walked over to my bed. "I give up... i'll finish in the morning but i am way to tired to keep this up," I said as i fell onto my bed and closed my eyes. A few minutes later i could feel myself drifting into a deep sleep. I dreamt about a huge field filled with nothing but bees. Everywhere i looked i saw dozens of wasps. So many that they covered my vision from anything else. I turned my head and a group of them swarmed aound me. "No!" I screamed struggling to run from them. Suddenly i was jolted awake by my dog barking on the edge of my bed. Knowing that i was out of the dream made me releaved, but my dogs barking would not allow me to close my eyes again. "Daisy! Daisy shut up!" I yelled putting my pillow over my head. She still continued to bark. "Daisy!" I screamed grabbing her collar and pulling her up onto the bed with me. I cuddled her and softly told her to stop. "Mommy needs to sleep baby girl," She still continued to bark. Best part is that when i looked at where she was barking, it was nothing but the wall. I covered Daisy with the blanket and finally she stopped barking. I closed my eyes for 2 seconds, just to open them again because of her barking. "I swear to god Daisy!" Daisy jumped down from my bed and onto the floor and began to growl at the spot on the wall. I reached out for her collar and startled her enough for her to jump onto my lap and dig her claws into my skin. " Ouch god damnit Daisy," I yelled. I threw her off of me and looked to where i felt the ripped skin. Blood began to slowly come out of the wound. "Shit," I said standing up and opening my bedroom door. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. When i was younger i hated to go to the bathroom at night. I used to leave the light off and the door wide open so that way if there was anything behind the shower curtain, it wouldnt be able to see me and i wouldnt be able to see it. It was pure genious my friend. The light burned my eyes as i walked over to the medican cabinet and pulled out a bandaid. I cleaned the cut up and put the bandadge over it. I looked over at the clock on the wall, 2:46 AM. In 3 hours i would have to get up and begin to get ready for school. I walked over to the sink and looked at myself in the mirrow. My blue eyes shined in the light and my bed head blonde hair was up in a messy bun. A strand of it fell infront of my eyes so i tucked it behind my ears and turned on the sink. I wet my face with warm water and looked back up. When i did, something seemed different. I wasnt staring at myself in the mirror anymore. I was staring at someone else. My blue eyed, blonde hair reflection turned into a girl with deep brown hair that was in a long braid down the side of her head. Her eyes were emerld green and she had beautiful freckles on both sides of her cheeks. The eyes looked red and swollen, as if she had just got done with a good cry. As i stared at this girl, i realized that i was looking inside of a mirror. "Holy shit!" I yelled backing up and slamming into the wall behind me. I turned towards the bathroom door and back to the mirror causitiously. There in the mirror i saw my own reflection, horror in my eyes as i crouched against the bathroom wall. I began to laugh histerically. "I am such an idiot. I'm half asleep and obviously seeing things.." i mumbled to myself. I turned towards the door and took a few steps when i heard sobs coming from behind me. I froze in the doorway. The sobs were hushed and broken and sounded like they were coming from a young girl. I've heard my mom cry and it never sounded like that, my dad never crys and the only other person it could be would be my little brother Matt who is sound asleep in his bedroom. I slowely turned around and faced the mirror. Again i saw the girl with the emrald green eyes. "Shit..." I whispered. I walked closer to the mirror and saw the girls shoulders shaking vigoresly. "I come in peace?" I said outloud not knowing what to expect. The girl looked up from her hands that she had been crying in and stared at me straight in the eyes. My mouth dropped open and i once again began to back up. "Its not like i am an alien..." She mumbled putting her head back down. Her voice was sweet and had a hint of an accent. British maybe? "Do you believe in aliens?" I asked. Another thing i learned when i was younger... If someone was attacking you ask a random question, so maybe they would forget all about it and learn to love your amazing personalitly. It was a stupid defense really but i didnt know what else to say. What would you say to a girl talking to you through your mirror? The girl laughed, first a little giggle then in full throttle histeria. I began to laugh too. I was talking to a girl in my mirror at almost 3 in the morning. It had to be a dream. "I'm Alexandra," She said in between giggles. I noticed her eyes were not swollen anymore. "I'm Liz..." i said awkwardly. "if you dont mind me asking, why are you in my uh, mirror? And who are you?" I  laughed after i said this realizing how idiotic this whole thing was. "I told you my name is Alexandra. Elizabeth is a beautiful name really. But shouldnt you be going to sleep?" She smiled sweetly. "Okay my name is Liz, only my grandmother calls me Elizabeth. And yes i should be sleeping but my dog woke me up at..." Alexandra cut me off "Sorry about that... Daisy seems to be really afraid of me at night. In the morning we are perfect frirends." She said looking guitly. "I dont understand...are you like, dead?" i asked beginning to back away again. "I guess you could put it like that," she mumbled putting her head down. "Your a ghost, in my mirror talking to me about aliens. You talk to my dog, and you are the reason i am awake." My hands trembled. I was terrified. A real ghost? This was impossible... "I am sorry Elizabeth. I just couldnt stay in the mirror very long. I had to get away." She began to get tears in her eyes. "Yeah i know what you mean. I could use a vacation myself." I laughed after saying this. Alexandra shook her head. "Goodnight Elizabeth," She mutter. Then she was gone.
Whenever i dreamed, it was always in black and white. They say that most people dream in black and white and that it is rare if you were one of those people who dream in color. My dreams always reminded me of those black and white silent movies because i can only remember the pictures, never the dialoge. I was awaken at exactly 5 40 by my alarm blarring in my ear. "Holy shit" i yelled jumping up from my bed. The alarm startled me and i could still hear the ringing in my ears. I rubbed my eyes and switched on the light. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the brightness of my overhead lamp. I yawned and looked over at my bed. How i craved to just crawl right back into it. I looked over at my desk and saw the project that i was working on last night. I groaned. I sat down at my desk and began to work on it and hopefully finish it. As i was working my eyes began to get heavy again. Eventually my mind drifted away from the project and into my own thoughts. I began to think about my grandfather who died when i was only 5 years old. "Where do you go when you die?" I thought to myself. "What if he's watching me right now?" That question always freaked me out. All of a sudden my eyes shot opened as i remember last night. "It was a dream...right?" i questioned myself. "it had to be a dream! was in color and," I looked down at  where my dog had dug her nails into my leg. The bandaid was right where i put it last night. I got up from my seat by my desk and ran out of my room and into he bathroom. I looked into the mirror and saw my own reflection looking ten times worse then it did last night. "God what was her name?" I thought to myself. "Alex?" I said aloud. After i said this i felt like an idiot. Maybe it was just a dream. "Good morning Elizabeth!" Her voice startled me making me knock over a shampoo bottle that had been sitting on the counter. "Jesus, you scared me." I said looking into the mirrow and seeing the same face that i saw last night. I bent down and picked up the bottle and looked back into the mirror. "Sorry that i startled you but you did say my name," She replied. "Yeah yeah your right," i replied back. I still couldnt come to the fact that i was not dreaming. That i was talking to a girl in my mirror. All i knew was that this girl was very friendly... oddly friendly which ment it was pointless to be afraid of her so i decided to start asking questions. "We need to get some things straight Alex. I have a bunch of questions for you because i dont understand any of this!" I began to ramble to her. "Elizabeth calm down and please talk slower. I understand that you may have a lot of questions but lets make this into a sort of deal so that way i do not become overwhelmed by your thousands of questions and you dont become overwhelmed by my answers okay?" She looked sincer so i agreed. "But how would you like to do that?" I asked. "Each day you get to ask me one question and i shall answer. Then i get to ask you one question and you have to answer. Is that alright?" "I guess but i have so many questions!" I spat out. "I know but trust me Elizabeth, it is much better this way. Would you like me to answer one now and ill allow you to ask me two today?" Alex asks me. I stared into her eyes. She really was beautiful. She looked so unreal, so perfect. "Okay. First question. Are you, dead?" I put my head down after i asked her the question and she just laughed. "Yes Elizabeth, i am dead. I died a very long time ago at the age of 16. How old are you?" She asked. It was a simple question which surprised me because she was a girl with many wise words as it seemed. "I'm aso 16. Well 16 and a half to be exact. I have my permit but i cant get my license for another month. My turn again?" I asked awaiting the answer. "Go to school and then you can ask me one when you get home okay?" "But..." "Goodbye Elizabeth,"
    The day seemed never ending, and it was only 2nd period. I turned to my friend Danielle as she talked about school work that had to be done. "And i need 50 service hours for my application to even be looked at. I only have one month! How am i suppose to balence school work, service hours and lacrosse" That was the thing about Danielle. She was amazingly smart but if she would like someone to give her sympathy about a busy schedule, i was not the right friend. My schedule involved work everyday after school, just to come home to do school work, and then go to soccer practice. Even my weekends i still have to get up at 8 latest. I continued to listen to Danielle rant about her hectic life. "Maybe you could volunteer at the carshow on Friday. I wanted to go down and hang out with some friends anyways," I suggested. She rolled her eyes. "I am not really a car person Liz," "Alright miss attitude i was only trying to help. It is 10 hours you know," Danielle's eyes brightened. "Alright i guess i should do that, your right." "Girl, im always right!" I replied smiling. "Very true" She smiled pushing me. I loved Dani, really. I met her back in the 9th grade because we had almost every class together. It was the first year that i wasnt with my two other best friends, and it was the first year Dani wasnt with hers. We both nervously talked and tried to be atleast aquentances so that way we wouldnt have to be alone if the teacher wanted us to do a group project. As we talked in those classes, we began to realize how much we really had in common. We hung out a few times at first and she was realy quiet. I was never quiet, it wasnt my personaltily. Finally she came out of her shell and we spent every waking moment together. Everytime we hung out i was left with a hurt stomach from laughing to much. She ment my other two best friends and we all became a squad of 4. I smiled back and looked over at the door that just opened. MY school crush Jason walked in. He was the most beautiful creature in all of Pottsburg High and i have had a crush on him since the 7th grade when we shared the same Algebra class. "Hi Jason!" I heard a girl near the front of the room say. MY eyes shot to her and i killed her repeativly in my mind. "Lizzyyyy look its Jasonnnn." I heard Dani say laughing. 'Shut up," I said laughing along with her. Jason looked over to us laughing and smiled my way. I blushed and gave him a little wave and watched as he took his seat. "God he looks to amazing in that plaid shirt!" I whispered to Dani trying to contain my sqwel. I looked back over to his seat. Jason has bright blonde hair that covered his forhead. His eyes were deep ocean blue and he was a good 5'9, which is perfect because he isnt too tall and isnt too short. He had an amazing body which i know of because he went to my community pool over the summer. Pretty much hes the perfect boy. Oh and did i mention he has a southern accent? He came straight from Alabama to our small town in Pennsylvania in 7th grade and ever since then i couldnt get enough of him.
    The class was boring and finally the bell rang dismissing us to 3rd period. I said bye to Dani and walked to my math class that was only down the hall. I thought about my morning, and about Alex. Why hadnt i told Dani? I told Dani everything, from boy trouble to family fights to what i ate for breakfast. We were always just that close. But there was something about Alex that seemed to tel me that i shouldnt tell anyone, especially since i still had no idea what was going on myself. 3rd period and 4th werent as long as i expected them to be. I think maybe because i fell asleep in math while learning about perfect trinomals and my teacher took off all of my points for the day because of it. Now i wasnt a bad kid. I cared about my school work and i never did drugs andd i dont spend my friday nights at parties getting drunk and having sex. I was a good kid who surrounded herself with good people. Sometimes i felt boring but what was i to do about it? Its not like i would ever fit into that catagory anyways. Once i arrived to my 5th period class which was German, i took a seat in between my two friends Julie and Tessa. Julie had been my best friend since 7th grade when we had German together. Since then me, Tessa and Julie all looked forward to German every year. Julie and I just clicked and since then we did everything together. Growing up with her has been rough because she is so friendly and amazing that everyone loves her and she loves everyone. Sometimes its like im holding on for dear life and she just drifts away. Sometimes it hurts because i never want to lose my best friend but then something comes up like my birthday and then i find the girl that i met in 7th grade. Now Tessa, she was a different story. I also met her in 7th grade German but i used to hate her. She was the annoying girl in the back of the class who used to scream out and try to talk to me. I was a bitch when i was younger so i wasnt very fond of her. But then that summer, Julie could never hang out so i called up Tessa and we went to the pool almost every day together. That summer i realized we had a lot in common. We used to get all the boys together. she was the pretty brunette, i was the pretty blonde. We were always the perfect pair. Tessa was not a people person unlike Julie, so i was never worried about losing her because not many people saw the amazing person in her.  Julie, Tessa and Dani all know each other because of me. I brought them together and with them i could conquar anything. German went by quick of course because it was one of the only classes i spent with atleast two of my closest friends. I headed to lunch after and from there, the day flew by. After school i walked to my locker, grabbed my math book and headed onto my bus. On my bus i talked to a boy that i had dated back in the 5th grade. His name was Jerry. "Whats up girl!" He said trying to hug me. Jerry was strange but he wasnt ugly. He had buzzed blonge hair and brown eyes with a tint of green. He was tall but not the most athletic.He was always a sweetheart which is strange because he hung out with the "bad crew". Everyone said he still had a thing for me which i believed because of the fact that he was always all over me. It disgusted  me but hey, he is really cute and I so would have dated him again if it wasnt for two reason. One, he had a crazy girlfriend who did things like take apart his bike when she was mad at him. He isnt even aloud to look at me when they are together. He says its because shes jealous of me which i just laughed at. I loved insecure girls. Reason two is because Jerry smokes like a chimney during christmas time. Everytime we talk he has a cigerate in his mouth. Over the summer we hung out a little bit and every other minute he needed to go outside to smoke. If he didnt smoke then i could totally get rid of that girlfriend of his but, smoking has to be one of the most unattractive things in the world. Jerry and i talked and he walked me home after the bus dropped me off. "Alright Lizzy, ill see you tomorrow. Text me okay?" He said smiing and reaching in for a hug. He grabbed me and spun me around which would have been so cute if it wasnt him. "Bye Jerry," I said rolling my eyes and walking into my house. I threw my stuff onto my couch in my room and ran right into the bathroom. "Question two time!" I yelled. I looked in the mirror but Alex was no where. "Alex? Where are you?" I asked. Finally her image appeared blurry at first but then picture perfect. Her eyes were red like the they were last night. "Alex, whats wrong?" I asked worried. "I'm fine, its nothing. Can i come out please?" She asked politely. Her collar bone which was about one of the only parts visible from my view at the mirror, had a deep black and blue bruise on it. I shuttered. "Yeah, i mean i guess." I said backing up. Suddenly she was gone from the mirror. "Thank you Elizabeth." I jumped turning my head and seeing her standing just 3 feet away fro me. She wasnt very tall, just about an inch taller then me and i was only 5'2. She had an olive conplexion and her hair was amazinly long. She was barefoot and wore a long dress that went down to her shins. She had to be from the 1600's, she just had to be. "Alex, seriously are you okay? What is that bruise on..." She cut me off. "I'm fine please do not worry about me. What is your question" She asked looking down. I looked at her and then at the bruise. It looked painful and i just wanted to hug her. "My question. Why do you have to ask permisson to come out of the mirror? Don't ghosts just like do what they want?" I decided to drop the bruise thing becasue i still barely knew her and i didnt know if she would get angry. "When you die, it is a complicated thing. Back when i was still alive, i grew up believing in a god. I still havent found that man but i still believe that he is out there. I was told when i first came here that in order to come back to earth, i had to meet someone that cares about you and i have!Atleast i thought so. I met many ghosts like me! What you have to do is find someone that will puts you first. That if you were hanging off of a bride with three other people they loved, they would choose you first. You can find it in any human or any ghost. I thought i found it in a boy that i met here. His name was Thomas and he died 200 years after me. He was young like me and we spent much of our time talking about past life. He knew that i cared for him and i thought that he cared for me. Finally the day care around where i realized that i loved him. When you die, a council is in control of you. They came up to us one day and all of a sudden we were on a plane that was going down. It was ironic because we are already dead but apparently it was a test. There was only one parachute and if you jumped off with it on, you would go back to earth and restart a different life. If you went down with the plane you would go back to being a ghost. I figured that i would have to fight him on who would take it. He didnt even give it one thought. He grabbed the parachute and jumped out before i could even tell him that i loved him. The plane went down with me on it. what he didnt know was that we both could have used that parachute together like i always dreamed. I was stupid for evening trusting him when all he wanted was to leave me. So now, until i can find someone who cares about me, i cannot leave the ghost world without permisson. I even have to ask Daisy someties. She never answers so i just pretend she said yes so that way i can come out." She looked around the room not making eye contact. I could tell that the story hurt her deeply and i felt bad for her. "I'm sorry that that had to happen to you." I said trying to get eye contact with her. She looked up and locked eyes with me. "come on, lets go into my room. You can help me with homework." i said trying to smile. She gave me a small one and followed me into my room. She stopped to pet Daisy and then sat on my couch. She didnt look like a ghost when she was out in the real word. She looked normal, like just another teenage girl. I worked on homework for a while and she sat there and played with Daisy. Now you might think that it would be an awkward situation, her just sitting there while i work but it really wasnt. The company was nice and she wasnt too loud. It was the perfect background noise to have. Finally i got done and i stood up. "I'm starving. How about you Alex?" I looked over to where she was sitting. She looked so relaxed and content. Her eyes were no longer red and she had a small smile on her face. "I should go back, before anyone notices im gone." Sh said standing up. "Okay, i guess ill walk you to the mirror?" It surprised me that i was so disappointed in her leaving. "Lizzy! i'm home!" I heard my brother Matt yell. "Hold on one second!" I said to Alex running down the steps to greet my brother. My brother was 10 years old. He was a spitting image of me as most said except he had a shaved head and he was obviously a boy. His eyes matched mine with the blue color but he had cute little freckles everywhere on his face. One day he was going to be a heart breaker. "Matty!" I said hugging him. Unlike most people, i loved my brother. He was always really sweet and would do anything for me. When i was younger i used to take that for granted. He would be my servent and get me drinks and such. But then i realized he was an amazing kid. "How was your day little brother?" I said walking into the kitchen to pour myself a drink. "It wasnt that bed. Some kid pushed me off of the swing during recess so i told him to leave me alone and then he started calling me names. He wasnt nice and it hurt my feelings." I felt bad for Matt, he was such a good kid that others mad fun of him because he was part genous. It wasnt fair really. They tell you to be nice and to be yourself but then people judge you for it. How wrong is that? "Aw Matty i am so sorry! Tell the teacher next time and maybe he will leave you alone. You hungry?" I asked. I usuallu had to make his dinner because our parents didnt get home until the evening. I was the permanet babysitter. "I'm okay, i'm going to go start my homework okay?" "Alright kid." I said smiling as he walked up the steps. I follwed behind him and walked into my room. Alex was gone. "Alright Alex, you couldnt have waited?" I mumbled to myself. I spent the night doing homework and istening to music alone in my room.
    I woke up the next morning completely exhausted. The night before finally caught up with me. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed a fast shower letting the warm water rinse over my body felt amazing. After i got ready for school i decided to spent my last 10 minutes talking to Alex. "Good morning Alex!" I said walking into the bathroom. Alex's face appeared almost immediatly."Good morning Elizabeth." She looked content this morning, almost happy. It was much better to see her smilng face rather then those red eyes. "Can i ask my question now?" I asked. "Only if i get to ask you one first!" She said laughing. She then disappeared fro the mirror and appeared on my right side. "Hey you didnt ask!" I said joyfully. "Yeah well i figured you would not say no. So my question. Who is the most important person in your life?" She asked looking sweet. Now these were the questions i loved because it gave me time to try to think about it myself. "Well, theres my brother Matt. He is an amazing kid really. But then there is also my best friend Danielle. God i would do anything for that girl. So i think it would be a tie between both of them." I said proudly. "Interesting." She said back with a sly smile. "Why..." I started to ask but just like every other time she cut me off. "Now what amazing question do you have for me today?" She asked. "Oh yeah its my turn! What do you do everyday in that mirror?" I asked waiting patiently for the answer. "Well, it is known more commonly as the ghost world. It isnt the friendlyiest place after you have been here after a while. Its like they get tired of having you around so the place gets worse and worse. When you first get into the world, everythingis really cool! You see all of your realitives that had died before you. You see the world that involves creations from long gone artists and you can even see human movies! But eventually all of my realitives left me. When Thomas left me, i moved to a home by myself. I was very depressed. The days got longer and longer and i talked to no one. No one came to see me. Eventually the council got involved and threatened me to move out and get involved with people. They didnt want to keep me in the world forever. They are tired of me. I told them that i wouldnt and they told me that if i didnt i would have to relive my death each and everyday. That is why i looked so shaken and disturbed. But when i left you yesterday, my memory of my death did  not occur. It did not occur this morning either. Instead i felt the sun shinning. Almost like a reward for meeting someone new." She smiled and i could see her emrald eyes glisening. "Wow, thats crazy. Was your death really that bad?" I asked. "One question per day ms. Elizabeth." She smiled again and walked away disappearing into the mirror. I shrugged and then wandered out of the hall way. I knocked on Matts door to make sure he was ready for school. "Matt you up?" I asked. "No," I heard him say. "No? you sure do sound up. Can i come in?" I asked turning the knob. It wouldnt turn. "Matt unlock your door please," I asked sweetly at first then realizing he wasnt going to open it i started to get a little angry, then worried. "Matt come on open the door! You cant lock it like this! I swear to god when i get in there im taking off the lock! Sweets whats wrong!?" I asked starting to yell. Finally i heard the click of the door being unlocked and i quickly opened it.  Matt was sitting curled up in a ball on his bed. His room was layed out very differently then mine. He had yellow and green walls because when he was 6 they were his two favorite colors. I really never understood why you would let a 6 year old decorate there own room but hey he wasnt my kid. He had a hammick that held all of his books and stuffed animals. His bed was very low to the ground that you really had to bend just to sit down on it. His desk was a small thing in the opposite corner of his room. If you continue to look around his room you would find dinosaurs...everywhere. Matt used to love dinosaurs. He had dinosaur curtains and dinosaur wallpaper. He even had a dinosaur picture frame! Last year my dad tried to convince him to get rid of all the stuff and change it to something like a sport. Matt hates sports, which i found out when i tried to make him play a game of soccer and he tried, ending up bruising every part of his body. He politely told my dad that he shouldnt waste his time redoing his room and that he was compeltely content with it. Deep down i think Matt doesnt want to get rid of the dinosaurs but he would never tell. I walked over to Matts bed and slowely bent down, and ended up falling on my butt. "Ouch," I yelped getting up and sitting down next to him. Matt didnt move. "Hey, matty are you alright?" I asked putting my hand on his back. He moved forward making my hand fall off. That kind of hurt. "Matt, come on its me, your big sister?" I said trying to get his head up. "Do you remember when you were little, maybe about 3 years old and i had that giant bookbag mom and dad got me for school. It was perfect for running away and one day mom and dad told me that i couldnt have a barbie car so i packed up my things. When i went to tell you that i was leaving, you begged me to come. So do you remember what i did?" I asked smiling. This had to be my absolute favorite story. "No," I heard Matt mumble. "You dont? Okay well since i was such a brilliant child and did not want to be lonely on my trails, i picked your heavy butt up, threw some of the stuff i packed to the ground, and put you in the bag in there place," This made matt's head come up. He smiled. "No you didnt!" He said laughing. His eyes were red and his cheeks were wet. I reached over and dried them with my sleeve. "I did, we made it around the block before mom and dad caught us. Actually just caught me because they didnt notice that you were in the bag until after we got home. You fell asleep actually." I grabbed Matt's hand. "I wish we would have made it further than that. I hate this place." He said putting his head back down. I wrapped my arms around him. "Matt, i promise you that one day, we will leave this crummy place. We will go somewhere far far away and start new lives. You just have to make it threw elementary school and then we will talk." I said rocking us back and forth. "Can we go to Hawaii?" He said looking up at me. "Anywhere you want little one, as long as your happy. You have to promise to be happy, okay?" I said kissing his forehead. "I promise," he said smiling. "Okay now tell me what happened." I said letting go. "But you'll miss your bus." "I already missed it," I said smiling.
    "Hey there," I looked up from my day dream to see Jason's face. "Hi!" I said smiling and standing up. Jason's blue eyes were locked onto the desk that iw as just sitting at. "Uh whats up?" I asked curious of why he came over. "You're friends with Dani right?" He asked keeping his head down, in the direction of my feet. "Of course i'm friends with her, we aer best friends actually" I said starting to get suspisious. "Yeah cool. I forgot that," He said shaking his head. "What about Dani?" I asked. "Well i feel like im such a little kid for doing this but, Libby," "Its lizzy!" I said starting to get aggitated. "Yeah Lizzy, sorry. Anyways, do you think she likes me? We are in the same math class and well shes really pretty. Does she?" He finally looked up from my feet and our eyes locked. I felt like i could get lost in those eyes. That if i stared deep enough, i would never be able to pull myself out. "Lizzy?" He said waving his hand in front of my face. "What? Oh yeah sorry. Well i dont know actually," Great, the boy i was in love with had a thing for my best friend. "Could you ask her?" He asked politely. Thats what killed me. He was so damn sweet. His southern charm made me love him. "No, im sorry i have to much on my plate," I said. "What? its just asking her a question. Its okay thanks anyways. Hey by the way," He started to say. I felt tears stinging my eyes. i stepped behind me and turned around running out of the classroom.  I didnt look back either. I ran straight into the bathroom, through 3 girls and into a stail where i stayed until Julie came in to rescue me. "Lizzy? Are you in here?" I heard her outside of the one i was in. "No," i said mimicking my brother from this morning. To be honest, i wasnt even that upset over Jason, i just wanted to cry. Julie opened the stail i was in and hugged me. We sat there or the whole period and she talked to me in her sweet soprono voice. First encouraging words, then she made me laugh, then full conversations that we always got into. My favorite thing about Julie was her way to heal any broken heart. I could call her at 5 in the morning and she would answer half asleep, talk me down, and help me go back to sleep. It was amazing, how she healed me everytime. We went to class afterwards. My 3rd period teacher excused me from the class and didnt write me a cut slip. It always made me laugh when teachers saw a kid crying because they dont know what to do so they just let you go and do whatever you want.
    Lunch finally came around but i wasnt that hungry. I used my fork to play with my food. Ou mindless conversations did not interest me. I could barely even look at Dani. "Hey look Lizzy, Jason's staring over here. I bet he's looking at you." Tessa said nudging me. I gave her one of my worst evil eyes and got up to throw away my food. "not hungry today?" Dani said taking a bit of her sandwich. "I'm just not hungry okay?" I said much louder then i expected to. "okay? im sorry?" She said puzzled. I sat back down and looked over to where Jason was. He was looking over here and when he saw me look over he waved and started to walk in my direction. Within seconds he was at the end of my table. "Hey Lizzy. Julie, Tessa...Dani." He said smiling at her deeply. God his teeth were beautiful. Julie got up and smashed into him as she threw away her trash. "Ouch," He said stumbling over. "Oh my bad. Didnt mean to hurt you." She said with a smile as she sat back down. "Hey uh Dani? Can you help me with this English homework? I have no idea how to do it. Maybe we could go over to that table?" He said pointing in the direction of an empty table. "Well i think Lizzy is better at english" She said smiling at me thinking she was so slick. she had not idea. "No lizzy said you would be a much better person to help me with it." He said smiling over at me. Dani gave me a weird smile but i didnt look up. I kept my head down, frowning. The boy i liked since 7th grade liked my best friend. I should have my own drama show. "Okay? Lizzy im going to go help him. that cool?" She said trying to not make it obvious that i liked him. "Yeah sure, he needs your help." I said faking a smile. Jason smiled brightly at me. It killed me inside. As they walked away i refused to look up at Tessa and Julie. Finally Julie broke the silence. "You okay?" She asked. I nodded and smiled over at her. Tessa shrugged and began to eat her chocolate bar. I looked over at the two at the table and couldnt help but feel envy. For once i had wished that i was Dani. I was in her shoes, flirting with that amazing boy. But i was Lizzy. A girl that isnt pretty enough, is never good enough and who talks to ghosts in her mirror. Dani began to laugh at something that Jason said, and Jason reached up and put a strand of hair behind her ear. She froze when he did this and got up, grabbing her bag and walking away. He looked puzzled and hurt when she did this. I couldnt help but smile.
    "You took the lock off of his door!" My mom screamed. I hated when she yelled at me, actually i just hated when she was off of work because she always found reasons to yell at me. "Mom you dont understand! Matt wouldnt..." I began until she cut me off. "Matt wouldnt what? Open the door? I wouldnt open the door for you either! You probably annoyed him." My heart dropped. She always brought me down. It was like our own inside joke except it wasnt funny. "Yeah, im annoying? Anything else?" I said edging her on. She walked to the kitchen and opened the mail. One was a letter about me making it into the Naional Honors society. I snatched it from her hands and she didnt flinch. She shrugged and opened another one. "Look at this." She said showing me the letter she just opened. "Matt got invited to a science camp! Its a lot of money but he will love it!" She said cheerfully. "I got accepted into the honors society." I said showing her the paper. "MAtt will be so happy!" She said ignoring me. "Good for matt. Im glad that he gets to go to some expensive camp yet you wouldnt even give me 20 dollars for the service retreat that i was suppose to go on last week. If i did that i would have gotten this huge award!" I said getting upset. "Honey this is science camp! There will be more retreats." She said rereading the paper. "it was the last one," I said sadly. She always loved Matt more. Actually, they loved any boy more then me. My parents never wanted a daughter. They told me that both agreed that they would be better raising a little boy. They wanted me to be a surprise so they told the doctors not to tell. My mom said that they had this gut feeling that i was a boy. When i came out a girl, my dad told me that my mom had cried. I was the family mistake.Sometimes i even wished that i was a boy. "Okay well ill make dinner. Just go fix your brothers door." She said walking away with the paper. She was probably going to hang it up. I grabbed my Honors paper and took it upstairs to hang it up on my wall like i did with all my papers.    
    "Alex?" I said wandering around the bathroom. "You there? Can we talk?" I asked sitting down on the side of the bathtub. Alex appeared in front of me and walked over to sit on the toilet seat. She always looked the same. She was smiling, which made me sort of smile. "What is wrong Elizabeth?" She asked turning her smile into a face of worry. I told her about my day and about Jason liking Dani. "Im not mad at Dani, really. Its just, i like him so much!" "I understand completely Elizabeth but think about it deeply. Why does he like her? She must have said something to him so make him fall for her." She said standing up in front of me. I thought about that for a little while. "Your right Alex. Maybe she always liked him and always wanted him for herself! She was my best friend! How could she!?" I started to get really upset. I wanted to call Julie but having Alex here made things a little better. Alex sat down next to me and put her arm around me. "Its okay Elizabeth, you still have me." I smiled at he and nodded. "Can i ask you a question now?" I said trying to change the conversation. "Sure!" She said nudging me. "How did you uh, die?" I asked, not sure what would come out. "Oh no i forgot that i have something urgent to do. Goodbye Elizabeth!" Alex said standing up and disappearing. Why she did that, i had no idea. I was startled by it at first and then i just didnt care. "Okay...bye" I said quietly walking to my brothers room to fix his lock.
I was in the middle of doing my Geometry homework when my cell phone began to ring. It was Dani. I quickly pressed the ignore button and threw it on my bed. I hated pressing ignore because it made me feel like such a horrible person. Did Dani really do anything? Does she even like Jason? I shook my head and looked bad down at my homework. "Lizzy?" I heard a small voice from behind me. It was Matt's. "Hey there little one whats..." I stopped in mid sentence after looking at Matts face. His eye was black and blue and his nose had dried blood on it. "Matt? What happened!" i said shocked, getting up to go to him. I wrapped my arms around him and held him by the shoulders to get a better look. Matt began to cry. "I was walking home and some boy tackled me to the ground and i didnt know how to fight him off so he punched me twice. Then he kicked me in the stomach and left me there." He began to sob. I held his hand and walked him to the bathroom, sitting him down on top of the counter so clean his face. "Why would anyone do that to you?" I asked feeling bad for him. "They say that im too smart. That i get the best grades in the class and make everyone else look bad. Is getting good greats really bad lizzy?" He asked. I thought he was kidding, trying to make a joke but as i looked in his eyes, he was completely serious. "No no no Matt! Never think that! You are so smart and those kids and just bullies. Can i walk you home from school tomorrow? Please?" I asked. I needed to do something. "No thats embarrassing!" He whinned. "I'll walk behind you. How about that?" I said making a compromise. "Okay i guess. Hey lizzy?" "Yeah?" "Where do you go when you die?" He asked. The question scared me. "I dont know Matty. I really dont. I wish i did. All i know is that its somewhere much better then here." Matt nodded his head. "Hey, im still keeping that promise. One day we will get out of here okay? So for now do good in school so you can get an amazing job and so that way i can live in your huge house." I laughed after saying this. This was always our inside joke. "Okay. Thanks." He said climbing down from the sink. I grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug. He walked out and into his room saying that he was going to start homework. I turned around to face the mirror and saw Alex's face. "Poor boy!" She said with a sad expression on her face. "I know...i wish he didnt have to go through any of that." I sat down on the edge of the baathrub and Aex came out to join me. "Still upset about Dani?" She asked. So we continued to talk about everything that was happening. I hugged her for the first time. "thanks Alex. Really. I dont know what i would do without you." She looked at me in the eyes. "I care about you Liz. I mean it." She sounded so sincer. "I care about you too. Its ike your my guardian angel. Its kinda nice. And i am lucky because i am the only one who gets one!" We giggled and i stood up. "Want to help me with homework?" I asked. "Surely." She said following me into my room. We spent the night doing homework and talking just like regular teen age girls. That night i learned what a best friend was. Atleast, thats what i thought.
"Lizzy! I need to talk to you! Why havent you answered my calls?" Dani came running up to me. I looked at her and made a blank expression. "Phone died." I replied. "Okay... Anyways i gotta talk to you." She said looking eager. "What is it?" I asked looking bored. "So Jason called me last night and he told me that he liked me and asked if i liked him. I know you like him but..." I stopped her right there. "I dont care Dani! You know i liked him since the 7th grade! How could you even do this to me!? I thought we were best friends but aparently you dont care! Alex was so right about you! I cared about you but i just cant anymore! You turned your back on me and now i cant even look at you! Have fun with Jason you backstabber!" I said storming off. Dani stood there stunned. "Lizzy! Wait!" She yelled. I began to run. Sprinting past seniors and juniors who scowlded when i slammed into them. I ran to the neares bathroom and locked myself in the stall. I  began to sob.  Suddenly Alex appeared next to me. "Hello Elizabeth. You okay?" She asked. I whimpered and started to cry in her arms. "You still have me. I still have you. We have each other right?" She said petting my head. "Mhhmm.." I mumbled in between sobs. Finally the 8th period bell rang and i ran to my bus. "Yo Lizzy!" I heard Jerry behind me.  I gave him a weak smile and continued to walk. "Wait up!" He said catching up to me. I stopped and waited until he was by myside and then continued to walk. "So you look like really different today." He said. I made a hushed growl under my breath. "In a good way!" He said still trying to keep up with me. I didnt want to talk to him, which is obviously why i was walking so fast. "You look different in a really really good way!" he tried again. What was it with boys? they could never use the words, pretty or beautiful. Always dumb words like different or even unique sometimes. "Jerry!" I heard a girl voice yell. I turned around and saw his bitch of a girlfriend. "And now you leave." I mumbled. "What?" He asked turning around to greet his girl. Suddenly i got an urge to kiss Jerry. Something about the daggers in my back from his girlfriend made me want to rebel. so as Jerry began to turn around to his girl i grabbed his hand and pulled him in. "Wha..." He began to say and i kissed him, hard and angry on the lips right in front of her. Suddenly i felt someone grab my hair and was yanked onto the ground. "ouch." I screeched. "You bitch! Hes my boyfriend! I knew you liked him!" I stood up and put my hand on my hair. "You have a hell of a way to get a girl on the ground. Damn." I said rubbing my head. I looked over at jerry who was confused, but he had a smerk on his face. I knew he liked the kiss, he used to tell me what a great kisser i was. I began to smerk too. "What are you smiling at!" His girlfriend said shoving me. "Girl touch me one more time. I dont even like him so chill." I said grabbing my bag that fell to the floor in all that rumble. I began to walk away when she came running at me. See the thing was, i did Tae Kwon Do. I was a black belt for 3 years and i knew what to do in this process. It was great  because well, i looked so defenseless compaired to her but when i heard her run at me i took her down without even blinking. Jerry shot me a funny look. "Shit you okay?" I asked leaning down. "AGH!" She screamed throughing a punch. I ducked and stood up. "I'm gonna catch my bus. Coming Jerry?" I said flirtatiously. "No, i dont think i should. By Liz." He said scratching his head. I walked away feeling even worse then i did before. I climbed on to the bus, numb. They are going to have a huge fight tonight, and i cant promise that i wont be jumped tomorrow. What was wrong with me?
I got home and ran straight to MAtt's school. I waited with all the other older siblings and parents and made small talk with an old teacher of mine. Finally the bell rang for them and i saw Matt come out of his classroom. He was carrying 3 heavy books. "Give me one," I said walking over to him. He gladly handed me a book and we silently began to walk. "Yo moron!" I heard someone yell. "Nerd!" They yelled to the back of matts head. Finally one of the boys through a rock and it hit Matt in the head making him fall. That was enough. He began to cry. I knelt down beside him and put his book down and walked towards the kids. "Listen boys, mess with my brother you mess with me!" I yelled. "I'm so scared! Your a girl!" They laughed bringing back their legs to kick MAtt. Without even meaning to i grabbed there legs and threw them to the ground. I picked them both up by the shirts and held them near my face. "You ever mess with my brother again you are dead!" I said calming. One whimpered and the other had pure fear on his face. I put them down realizeing they were just kids and that was almost illegal. They both ran off the opposite drection. I looked back and Matt was walking really fast away. I ran to catch up. "Matt wait up! LEt me see your head!" I yelled. He didnt stop. Luckily i was very fast. II grabbed his shirt and he turned around quickly. "LEave me alone Lizzy1" He yelled. "MAtt, whats..." He stopped me. "I dont want you to protect me! I dont need you to protect me!" He said turning away. "Actually, now i will be the laughing stock instead of just the nerd! I hate you!" He said running away. I froze, watcing him run.
    I didnt want to go home at all that night. So after Matt ran home, i walked the opposite direction and wandered into the woods. When i was deep enough into the woods where no one could hear me, i began to cry. "Fuck," i whispered through sobs. I wanted so badly to call Dani and cry to her. She'd understand, she always understood, but i knew at that moment i couldnt, we were no longer frinds. "you just are not having a good day now are you my dear Elizabeth?" Alex said suddenly sitting next to me. I didnt feel like talking to her. Didnt want her to be my back up. "Horrible thanks," i said sacatically getting up and starting to walk out of the woods. She popped up in front of me. "So i guess i am all you have?" She asked stopping making me stop. "All i have?" I asked confused. She looked at me and staightened her face. "Yes, i am all you have and you are all i have. I care for you and now i am the only one you truly care for!" she smiled and hugged me. "What?" I asked once again. Suddenly the sky began to grow a deep shade of gray. Like a huge space ship was covering the sky. Fog started to creep out from all of the corners of the woods. "Alex whats going on!" I asked backing away. "They heard me! Now is time for the test!" Suddenly i remembered what she told me. How you take a test to see if you truly care. But in it, you have to sarifice your love for everyone else. "Wait what do i have to do!" i screamed in her face. "They are taking Matt and Dani of course! Those are my challengers! I dont know the course but..." I stopped her. "Taking them!"I screamed and burst out into a sprint. I srpinted out onto the street which was now dead. I ran and ran until i was weezing and couldnt catch my breath. I paused for a minute and continued to run. "Why are you running? What are you running from?" She was next to me. I had to get home. I was finally on my street and i saw cop cars in front of my home. I burst through the front door and everyone turned to look at me. My mom had tears in her eyes and my dad was busy talking to a cop with a deep black mustache. "Wha..." I asked. My mom wrapped her arms around me. "Mom..." I asked pulling her away to see her face. "Honey. Your brother is missing. They found his bookbag down the street and are all out looking for him. I'm so scared," Once again she wrapped her arms around me. I looked up at my dad who gave me a weak smile and then turned away. Matt... Gone? No thats impossible he was with me when i picked him up from school. He ran home and i went into the woods and then Alex came and the sky... The sky turned black! Alex! I jumped away from my mom and ran outside, pulling out my room. I tried to remember everything Alex ever sad to me about that test. I could here her voice in my head. "Who do you care about most?" "Matt and Dani!  I cant chose between them." Matt was gone. Next was Dani. I turned around to my house and saw my mom walk out looking at me with fear in her eyes. I looked up at the sky and saw the dark clouds slowly take over the sky. "Dani..." I whispered. " sorry," I said, turning around and running. "Honey no please where are you going!" I could here her yell. I heard my door open and turnned around just in time to see everyone else watching me run down the street. I sprinted past the church and across a busy road. I sprinted through a nursing home and around another corner to Dani's house. "Elizabeth why are you hurting yourself!?" I heard her be side me. "Leave me alone!" I screamed running up Dani's street. "Dont touch them!" Elizabeth laughed. "Its too late Liz. Too late." Right when Dani's house came into view, everything turned black. I froze and could only here the sound of my breath, heavily trying to catch it. "No, please," I said weakly. I fell to the ground and closed my eyes afraid to open them. Afraid to find out what was next. Suddenly a bright light shined throuhg my eye lieds. I slowely opened them and was met by the bright sun. It looked huge, and i squinted putting my hands on the ground to stand up. My hands hit dirt and i relized that this wasnt Dani's street. I shieled the sun with my hand and stood al the way up turning around to see a huge valley....below me. "Oh my..." My breath caught me from saying the last word. I circuled around and all i saw was dirt. I was on a huge cliff, that if i were to fall, would lead me immediatly into a fist full of sharp spikes. Yes, just like the movies. "Where am i?" I asked outloud hoping someone would explain something. "Help!" I heard a yell. I turned around to the edge immediatly. It was Dani's voice. "Dani!" I screamed running over to the lead. I  fearfully looked down and saw her there, hanging for dear life. "Oh my god Dani hold on!" I got up and looked around for something. "Help!" Another scream the other direction. This time, it was Matt. "This isnt happening!" I ran over to see my heart and soul hanging just like Dani was. "Hold on please!" I yelled looking around again. Finally, after realizing what was happening i heard the last call. "Help!" This time it was more gentle and calm. It was Alex. I ran to her voice not wanting to waste a minute of time to save Dani and Matt. "please!" Shesaid looking up at me. From this angle she looked much smaller. More human like then she ever looked. "Why would i help you!?" I yelled down to her, while looking for a way to save Dani and Matt. "you told me i was first Elizabeth! First! Dont put me through this again!" I finally saw my way to save them behind a small rock was a rope.  Exactly what i needed. "No, Alex you dont understand!" I yelled back running to the rope. "You dont care about me! No one does! No one ever loved me!" She screamed. It was ear piercing and i heard Matt yell. "My hand!" He screamed. I ran over with the rope and saw his hand gushing blood everywhere. He began to sob. "Lizzy i cant hold on any longer. I need to let go!" "No!" I screamed letting down the rope. Once it appeared infront of his face he gave me a weak smile. "Lizzy, i cant feel my hand. I cant grab it." He put his head down. I had to get Dani up first. "Hold on love please!" I ran over to Dani and let down the rope tying the other half around my waist for the security. Then i planted myself to the ground and made myself as heavy as possible. "Climb!" i screamed. I could feel her, my clumsy, intelligent, no upper arm strength best friend climbing that rope. I saw her face and was more relived then you could ever imagine. "Oh my god!" I yelled throwing my arms around her. She looked exhausted. I wiped her off and grabbed her hand and we ran over to Matt who was barely holding on. "Im sorry Lizzy. Im sorry but i wasnt going after Jason! I told him i didnt like him! I swear!" I hugged her again and nodded. "Dani i need you to lower me down to him." I said tying the rope around my waist even tighter and handing her the other end. "No Liz thats stupid! I have no strength and you could get killed!" She looked worried and much older. We together looked much older. Not 9th grade best friends who just liked to flirt with boys anymore. "Dani please. This is all my fault. He's my little brother. I cant..." She stopped me by grabbing the rope. I thanked her with a smile and watched as she planted herself the same way i did. Her eyes were serious. "Matt im coming down for you!" I said lowering myself down. I didnt want to have to depend on Dani. If i were to die, i didnt want her to feel as if it was her fault. I wanted her to know i would be okay so i looked for al of the rocks that came out of the side of the cliff. I took my first step down and made the mistake of looking below me. "Shit!" It was real... all of it. I continued to lower myself slowely and could feel Dani ease a little bit. Finally i was a foot away from Matt when it happened. It started with one rock, hitting my hand as i continued to go down. Then it continued with many other larger rocks hitting me in the head, and then... hitting Matt. "Lizzy!" He screamed letting go of the cliff completely. I reached out and grabbed his hand , but let go of the cliff myself. "Lizzy!" Screamed dani from up. She was now holding both me and my brother up. The rocks continued to fall and Dani screamed as she was slowely pulled towards the edge. Matt's hand began to slip from my grasp and i finally, almost forgetting about her, heard Alex. "This is why you put me first Elizabeth. I would have kept you safe. I would have never hurt you! I would have never stolen your boy toy! I would have never left you at that school! I would have never had you dangling from the edge of a cliff!" I looked up to where her voice was and saw her next to Dani. "Get away from her!" I screamed trying to find a spot of the edge to start climbing. "Why? because your life depends on her?" She smiled and then disappeared. Suddenly she was next to me. "I could help you ya know. If you let go of the boy..." I screamed as loud as my voice would let me and lunged at her. Dani screamed and i watched and she suddenly dangled from the edge, still holding me and Matt up. "You dont understand love!" I screamed. Alex laughed. "I understand it Elizabeth! And it is cruel and hurts!" She laughed disappearing. "I understand that it leaves you lonely and depressed. I understand that it makes you do crazy things. I understand!" Finally i saw my slot in the cliff and planted my foot into it. I could feel Dani ease again. Matt stayed dangling but barely consious. "You dont understand!" I yelled finding another slot, pulling myself up. "You never will!" I climed three feet and stopped, looking around for slots. Matt's eyes were barely opened and i readusted him, wrapping him in my arm instead of jjust my hand. This made me lose balance but i saved myself from falling. "Love is when you do whatever you can for a person just to make them happy!" I yelled to her. She laughed. I climbed. "Love is when spend Friday nights watching sad movies together and eating pizza!" Once again she laughed but this time softer, almost like it reminded her of something. "Love is when you think about your life without them, and realize that it is unbearable!" I yelled climbing some more. Closer to Dani. Closer to Aex. She was silent. "Love is that feeling you get when you are happy for no reason but them!" I was a foot away from Dani now, i could almost touch her. Alex was still silent. "Love is when you do whatever you can to help them! Including climbing a fucking cliff!" I yelled throwing Matt up onto the ledge and pushing Dani up, leaving myself to dangle as i caught my breath. "You dont have places in love. There is no coming first or coming second. You just love. If you really cared about someone, you wouldnt care if you were the damn cabuoose at the end of the train! All that matters is them!" I yelled feeling weak. I was done. I saved them and didint want it anymore. So i let go. I felt myself falling. And i heard them sceaming. But i shut them out.
Heaven looked exactly like my bedroom. Except i thought heaven would be brighter. And smell nicer. I rubbed my eyes and felt pain throughout my arms. Yeah, im not i heaven. I laughed then felt pain in my chest. "Shit," I gasped slowly getting up. I uncovered myself and saw bruises and cuts everywhere. I took one step and a sharp pain went through my arms. My hands looked like a war scene, but i was alive. I walked slowely out of my room and straight into Matt's where i saw him sleeping peacefully on his bed, his arm was wrapped up. I stood there gazing and didnt even here my mom come up from behind him. "I didnt know you were awake honey. The police found him, just a block away from where they found you." I turned around confused. "You really dont remember Liz?" I shook my head. "You were found about 5 blocks down of Cliff Ave. They said they found you unconsious next to the bushes at the corner. They found Matt at the opposite end of the street. His hand was badly cut up. They think he hurt it on a fence or something." She nodded over to Matt. "Or a cliff," I mumbled. She looked at me and laughed. "Mom, wheres Dani?" I asked suddenly remembering she was there too, so terrifed. "Dani was found next to Matt, see its a mystery how you were all unconsious and how they were together and you, werent. Like you saved them from something becaues you looked a thousand times worse... Shes home honey." She said softly. "mom i need to go..." She stopped me. "No last time you left you came home looking like, well, this," She motioned to my clothes and cuts. "Go to bed. I promise in the morning you can go right there okay?" I nodded and she kissed my forehead. It was nice to see her being motherly again. It made me want to be a little kid again. I walked back in my room and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a war scene. My hair had pieces of rock and dirt in it, my whole face was covered in dried blood and more dirt. I laughed, and crawled back into bed. I closed my eyes and tried to drift back to sleep but something felt wrong, i wasnt alone. My eyes shot opened and i threwoff the covers and walked slowely into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I sat on the edge of the bathtub. "You can come out Alex," I said sighing. She came into view directly infront of me. She still had her long dress on and her eyes were red. I hadnt seen them red in a long time. "You've been crying," I said looking down. I looked up and could see her trying to avoid my gaze. "I have been." She said nodding. "Alex, what was the whole point of that cliff thing is nobody died?" I asked, standing up and making her look into my eyes. She looked up and our eyes locked. I felt a strong connection and suddenly i realized it. "You saved me..." I said backing away. "I let go, and you saved me," I shook my head and slid down the door of the bathroom. Alex walked to me and sat down hugging her knees to her chest. "You were right Elizabeth. I hadnt known what love was and what caring for someone meant." I nodded after she said this. "Elizabeth?" She said looking up at me. I looked up and met her gaze. "You asked me a while back about how i died... and i never answered you." She said to me. i nodded, realizing that this was true. "Okay, how did you die?" She sighed and fiddled with her dress. Finally she stopped and looked up at me. " I lived back during the time when girls were taken for granted and disobeying your parents got you hurt. I had a best friend, a lot like your Dani, and we did everything together. I never had a friend like her before. I trusted her with all my life and i loved her to pieces. One day i was walking to her house when i heard screams coming from her room. I ran inside without knocking and up to the screams. I walked in on..." She paused like she could see the event happening again. "on her tied up to a bed, her father kneeling beside her, buring her skin with a candle." I shuttered. "What did you do?" I asked, imaging that happening to Dani. "I froze and her father looked at me with anger in his eyes. He took two steps towards me and i ran.  I ran all the way home and into my house, leaving her there to hurt." I could see a tear come out of Alex's eye. She shook her head. "I walked in and ran to my room. I was so scared and angry that i left! I stayed in my room till dark. I heard a knock on the door and a mans voice talking to my father. After the voice stopped, i could hear my father walk up the stairs and towards my room. He opened my door and he, he looked very angry. He told me that i was a disappointment and that i ruined their families reputation. He reached angrirly for me but i, i ran. I ran to the edge of our town and to, to a cliff." She stopped and looked up at me. The cliff.... "Little did i know that he followed me. I ran to the edge and turned around and saw him walk towards me with the devil in his eyes. I turned around and... I jumped." I gasped and felt the scene of me letting go of that cliff happen all over again. " Alex, but why are you always crying?" I asked hoping not to make her angry with all of the questions even after she opened up to me. "Elizabeth, you almost died saving the ones you loved. Me? I died without saving her, leaving her to die in pain..." She began to cry. I reached out and hugged her, holding her close, feeling her pain. We sat on that floor until morning came. When i saw the sun come up, i got up from the floor and opened the door. "I need to see Dani, come with me." I said holding out my hand. She hesitated and then grabbed it. We ran to Dani's block and up her front steps. She must have been waiting to see me because when my hand hit that handle, the door opened and i saw my beautiful best friend. We embraced in and hug and we both cried. "It wasnt a dream was it lizzy?" She asked crying into my sweatshirt. "No, it wasnt." I said hugging her tight. Suddenly she stopped crying and looked up from my shoulder. She let go and walked past me, right towards Alex. She froze for a minute infront of her, almost confused. Then, like the girl i have always known, she hugged her too. "thank you for saving my best friend." She said holding her close. Alex hugged her back and i could see tears weld up into her eyes. "Thank you for being her best friend" She said letting go and turning around. "Alex?" I asked curiously. "Elizabeth, thank you for all of your help. You have taught me so much and i could never thank you enough. Because of you, i get to leave that damned mirror and all of those damned memories. Because of you, i get to see Alice," She turned around and just like that a young girl about a year younger then me, walked up to Alex. She had bleach blonde hair and big blue eyes. She had a red head band in her hair and was wearing a white dress. She looked directly at me and smiled. I smiled back and walked over to Dani who was standing alone, confused. "Goodbye Elizabeth," She said waving behind her. I waved back and threw my arms around Dani once more. We both sighed and then walked into her house.
    "Lizzy! We have new neighbors!" I heard Matt yell to me from downstairs. I sighed, threw my bookbag on my couch and walked downstairs. "Matt really? I was just finishing cleaning out my bookbag from all the stuff from my locker. Finally summer..." I said sighing. "New neighbors?" I asked. "who are..." I stopped, when i looked out the window to where Matt was looking. He looked up at me with the same sense of familiarity and curiousty.  I got up and ran out the door to where the new neighbors were unpacking their car. I froze and looked hard. Suddenly she turned around and faced me with a smile. Long brown silky hair, freckles on both cheeks and beautiful emerald green eyes. I gasphed and she smiled at me and waved and then continued to unpack the car. I looked over at Matt who was just coming out of the door. "Its her isnt it?" He asked me. I nodded. "Its her alright, but a different girl, a happier girl." I smiled looking over to the house. "How about we make them some jello and bring it over later?" I asked looking over at Matt. He smiled big, "Red jello is my favorite!" He said laughing, running inside. I shook my head and smiled again towards the house then followed Matt inside knowing that this was just the beginning, to another amazing friendship.

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