I made my way downstairs and went to the kitchen. As usual my mom was waiting for me. I sat down beside her then kissed her cheeks.

“Good morning mom” I greeted her then picked up my spoon and fork.

“Good morning too sweetie. I’ll be late for home later Luke. There’s a 15 bucks on the top of refrigerator, just buy or order your dinner.” My mom told me. She’s a nurse in the Hospital nearby and she has night ship today.

“Kay mom. Just be careful” I said back.

We finished our breakfast just about a honk of horn blasted outside. I almost jumped up from my seat to that sudden noise

 “Bye mom” I kissed her cheek.

I heard another honk of horn outside. . God! They’re so impatient. I hurriedly made my way outside. Jacob’s car was waiting for me. They both grinned when they saw me.

“Jeez! You don’t need to hurry. There’s nothing zombies chasing us” I whinnied to them. I hopped inside on the backseat then we immediately drove off.

“Good morning to you too!” Jane said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes on me. That bitch! How dare she roll her eyes on me? What kind of bestfriend is she?

“Yeah,yeah. We don’t need to rush. The school is not gonna take off for flight” I frowned at them. I looked outside as the world sped by. I saw a couple holding each other hand while they’re walking. The girl was pushing a baby’s cart. I remembered my thoughts a while ago when I think I’m gonna die. I’m so jealous of them. A straight couple, they can do whatever they want without eyes watching them. Someday, I want to have future children with my loving husband.  I sighed loudly.

“What’s with the mood today?” Jacob asked turning his head to me then quickly went back to driving.

“Nothing, just that stupid alarm clock” I answered him. I frowned deeply just thinking about that alarm clock. Who the hell invented that thing in first place? I bet if he’s still alive, all people especially teenager would search then kill him.

“So, what did the ‘alarm clock’ done to you Luke?” he spoke amusedly emphasizing the word alarm clock.

“Seriously, why does the alarm clock was invented? People should work any time they want as they please. Students should study and go to school anytime as long as they were studying. If I have chance to choose what time the school hours should be, I would like it to be 10am-5pm” I pouted then waited for their response.

They slowly looked at each other then they both erupted into laughter. Oh God! What the hell was happening to these people? I ignored them to the rest of the ride.

“You are going to sit there all day?” Jane asked me. I hadn’t noticed that we’re already at school’s parking lot. I climbed out of the car then followed them.

We made to the hallway and everyone was staring at us. No! Not us, they particularly staring at me. Yeah bring it on baby. I walked with Jacob and Jane between them with my chin up. I’m loving this.  We finally made it to our lockers without any trouble. We quickly grabbed our books that we needed for classes. I leaned on my locker and waited for them.

“So, you liking the attention you get?” Jane questioned me. Jacob finished to grab his thing then joined us.

“Not bad eh?” I said grinning. I’m not attention seeker but I like it.

“Maybe you can attract more guys from now on even without your sense of fashion” Jane said half teasingly. I rolled my eyes to her. What’s wrong with this girl? I already told them that I only want Ethan.

The Chemistry of Loving You (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now