"She just has to get us in," 01 said, wary of the creature, "After that, we work together."

Todd snapped his teeth, clearly not happy with the arrangement, but didn't click anything else. Aradia sighed in relief. She was made to assassinate, stealth and speed her weapons, while Todd was made to massacre. His size hid a strength that could take down a whole army if he wanted to and they didn't need him to use it... yet.

"Quickly, we can't keep Izac waiting for too long," Aradia said, her patience wearing thin.

Ruby could have sworn she had heard something outside, but Sheela dismissed it as the rain. Drako was not so easily fooled and he was on high alert, his ears quivering with the strain of listening. His heat rolled over her in waves, a comfort and a nuisance.

"You're going to overheat the room," Sheela said, her tail twitching in annoyance, "Even if there's something out there, it won't be able to get through the security bots." She returned to her work with a huff, trying to work through the equations Artemis had created for them.

"Are you sure?" Ruby asked, looking out of the window in an attempt to find the mysterious intruder, "There are some pretty stealthy creatures in the forest."

"Things rarely leave the forest," Sheela said roughly, not taking her eyes off her equations, "and if they do, we have security measures against dangerous creatures." She waved her hand impatiently, "Now get to work or I'll make you brush my tail." Drako chuckled softly at her threat but began his own work, the heat dying down a bit. Ruby tried to do the same, but her mind couldn't quite focus on the work before her. She stood with a sigh and headed for the kitchen upstairs. Maybe some water will clear her head... As she entered the place, giving RC-19 a wave, a chill ran up and down her body. She wrapped her arms around her and glanced at a screen displaying the temperature.

"Jeez...46 degrees in here," she muttered and turned up the heat on the screen. She pulled out a glass, frowning when she failed to feel the warmth of the heater as she stood under the vent, and stopped. She felt something, but it was on her neck. Steady bursts of air, cold as it brushed against her skin. She swallowed as fear crawled up her throat. The faint sound of something dripping on the floor behind her reached her cold ears.

"Subject 42...time to come home..." a voice breathed into her ear, one that made her give a strangled cry. She whirled around and threw the glass. It shattered on the wall, spraying glass everywhere. Danny smiled at her, her eyes looked at her in delight at her fear. A laugh came bubbling out of her throat, the bruise looking more purple than ever, "That's no way to greet an old friend." Ruby couldn't speak as she stared at the girl floating before her. Not her, not here...they couldn't have found them. If she was here...then the other one wasn't far behind. Her magic surged with her fear and she didn't have the time to scream before everything went dark.

Something was wrong. Drako had heard the glass shatter and could sense Ruby's magic fizzing. She was scared and he was beginning to worry. "Ruby, are you okay?!" he called out and the empty silence made his concern double. That's when he sensed her magic settled in an instance and his senses narrowed, centering in on that one moment. Magic doesn't settled that quickly...unless forced to. He was on his feet in the next few seconds and rushing to the stairs.

"What's wrong?!" Sheela called after him, but he wasn't listening. He hoped that she had just passed out or something. He hoped nothing was wrong. That hope was short lived when he entered the kitchen and saw Danny looming over the unconscious Ruby, a familiar device in her hand.

"Silencer..." Drako breathed, the device making his skin crawl. That thing could shut off someones magic instantly, blocking it off and rendering it useless. Enough push and it could knock out a magical being. The sight of it made his magic spike and the heat rolling off him made the temperature to sky rocket. However, before Drako could even attempt to do anything, the silencer was pointed at him and his magic withered. The dramatic change made him dizzy and he fell to his knees as he fought off the black that bled into his vision.

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