The Princess and the Meeting

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Link coughed once again and Sidon's eyes trailed down the tiny hylian's body, his eyes locked on Link's twisted ankle. Sidon gasped a bit at that. "Princess, his ankle is twisted. I'm afraid in this state he cannot escort you back to the castle."

Zelda frowned, still feeling very concerned. "That is very understandable... I do not want him to get further hurt." She said softly as she tenderly rubbed Link's back.

Sidon walked a bit closer and softly picked up Link in his arms. "I'll take him back to the Domain castle, I can tend to his wounds and wash him up there. Don't worry, I'll take care of your knight." Sidon said with a smile to Zelda.

Zelda nodded. "Thank you, Sidon. You seem to be a bit intimate with him, are you comfortable with that?" She asked as she noticed how Sidon held Link close to his chest.

"Well," Sidon said with a small, nervous smile. He felt his cheeks burn.

"What?" Zelda asked in curiosity, looking up at the prince with a raised eyebrow.

"I suppose we should have informed you on this earlier, but Link and I are dating." Sidon explained, he felt a bit nervous to what Zelda's reaction would be.

She simply nodded and reached up and went on her tip toes to stroke Link's hair. "Alright, well if Link's happy, I'm happy." She said with a smile, returning back down on her heels. "He does seem to spend a lot of time here, oh I'm so happy for you two!" She added with a smile that showed her white, perfect teeth.

"Thank you very much, princess. I feel honored to know that you are content with your knight's and my relationship." He said with a kind smile.

"Of course, you two seem to be happy together." Zelda replied joyfully. "I know you'll take good care of my Link. Write a letter to me to keep me informed on how he's healing up."

Sidon nodded. "Understood, princess."

"-Oh, and to you, Sidon, I'm just Zelda." She said with a smile.

About thirty minutes later, Sidon and Zelda negotiated with the king to have their best Zora guard, Bazz, escort Zelda back to her castle The arrangement had been made and the two were off on their way back to Hyrule.

Sidon was walking up the stairs to his prince quarters with Link in his arms. Link had dozed off now from feeling exhausted, his tiny body felt limp in Sidon's large arms.

Sidon soon entered the room, he softly placed Link down in the chair in the center of his room. The prince gently stripped off Link's clothes down to his undergarments, it did feel quite intimate but Sidon knew he had to tend to Link's wounds. Sidon sighed. "Oh my goodness you are filthy..." he muttered, half to himself since Link was asleep. He would have to wake up the knight in order to help get him into the bath.

Sidon softly put his hand on Link's thigh, rubbing it a bit. "Link... Link..." he said softly in order to wake him up. "Wake up love..." he added kindly.

Link's eyes slowly fluttered open, he looked a bit confused at first but he was soon reassured by Sidon's smiling face. "I'm glad you're awake now. We need to get you in the bath before I can clean your wounds, you have grime all over you." Sidon added, Link just responded with a nod.

Sidon stood back up, he leaned over a bit and picked Link up as easily as he would pick up a feather. Sidon held Link in the crook of one of his arms and against his chest, he then walked to the bathroom and got the bath water running.

It took about fifteen minutes to fill up to a comfortable level, Sidon then helped Link lower down into the warm water. "Alright, Link. Call out my name if you need anything. Please keep your ankle elevated." Sidon added. He softly picked up Link's sprained ankle, he was being as tender and as gentle as possible as he softly put it up on the rim of the bathtub. Sidon then walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.

It was about an hour later. Link was just staring blankly up at the ceiling, he had finished washing his body with the lavender scented soap on the bath rim, he had finished washing his hair out with the shampoo and conditioner beside it. His ankle was throbbing with excruciating pain, but he soon heard a soft knock on the door.

"Link, may I come in?" He heard Sidon politely ask on the other side of the door.

"Yes." Link replied, a bit quietly but loud enough for Sidon to hear. Sidon then came into the humid bathroom. He kneeled down beside the bath and pulled the drain block, this let all the dirty water just kept swept away down the small drain.

"Alright, Link. Let's get you dried off." Sidon said with a kind smile. He reached over and picked up Link in his arms, Link was sopping wet and it dripped a bit on the floor but Sidon didn't mind. He gave Link a towel to wrap around himself.

Link sat on the closed toilet with his towel around him as Sidon cleaned up some of the drilled water from the floor. Sidon then turned to Link and started to dry him off. Sidon had also brought some of Link's pajamas from his bag for him to change into.

After Sidon helped Link dry off and get dressed into his sleep attire, he picked him up once more and took him to his own room. With Link's injured ankle he couldn't walk by himself or do basic actions like dressing and cleaning himself. Sidon set him down in the chair with a large sort of medical supplies beside him, he started tending to Link's cuts and scratches first. He soon finished and now Link was all bandaged up. Link kept rubbing his nose and coughing in the process, the tiny hylian had caught a cold.

"I can't do much for your ankle now, only rest will fix it." Sidon said as he studied Link's twisted ankle. Thankfully Sidon had brought some ice with him and he strapped it onto Link's injury.

"You really need to stop being so reckless, okay?" Sidon said to Link with a small frown. "I don't like seeing you in pain like this, can you've caught a cold as well. My goodness, you're falling apart." Sidon said with a sigh.

Link seemed irritated at Sidon's remark, he sniffed snot back into his nose and wiped it with his sleeve a bit. "I was being careful, Sidon. It was just an accident." He argued bluntly.

Sidon sighed a bit. "I'm not trying to argue with you, Link. You cannot deny that you are reckless and that is something that needs to change, you are the princess of Hyrule's knight after all." The prince added firmly.

Link folded his arms and looked away, he was being extremely childish about this. "Link..." Sidon said, gently placing his hand on his knee. Link moved his knee away quickly, he was upset with Sidon now. "Fine. Be that way after I tended to your wounds and washed you." Sidon replied with no remorse or kindness left in his voice. He stood up quickly, now Sidon was upset as well.

Sidon gently picked Link up once more to put him in bed, and for once Link hated being lifted up like that by his lover. "I will go get you some soup and water to help your cold, since you are sick." Sidon replied, his voice cold once again. Sidon never got upset like this, especially towards Link. He just couldn't believe how childish the knight was acting.

Ten minutes later, Sidon came back to his room with a bowl of soup and a large glass of water. He placed it on the nightstand that was by Link's side of the bed. Link immediately picked the soup up and started eating it hungrily. Sidon got changed out of his armor as Link did this.

Sidon walked back to the bed and lay down under the covers, Link was beside him sitting up and wolfing down the hot bowl of soup. Sidon closed his eyes and pulled the soft blankets up more, after Link was finished with his meal he didn't cuddle with Sidon, which was very unusual. Neither of them were in the mood for it after their tiny argument. Sidon just hoped everything would be better in the morning.

Anything for you, LinkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora