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I woke up to a great emptiness, a tense calm out of the ordinary. A strange emptiness that I had been feeling for a while now and that I did not know how to remedy. I would call it a tasty poison and I would describe myself as the brave coward that had to try. As I have been saying for a while now, that emptiness cannot be filled with alcohol drinks until you get drunk or deafening silences that little by little consume you.
Don't cry anymore for not knowing how to get out, don't cry anymore for not knowing how to find you, don't cry anymore for not knowing how to scream. This is a war, not just any war, this is your war.
When you go to war with only yourself, you need to be brave, win and beat what you face. You feel under magnifying glass, you have a desert heart where time is money which goes with you or against you. Gray days, complete disaster. Some strive to give, others give effortlessly. You are the king of the board, do not let anyone control what you have to direct. Never forget who you are or who is stepping on you only because you think you are an easy target to shoot.
I am a simple writer who in difficult times writes to feel complete and now I tell you that my war does not define my pain and much less tells you where my name comes from. It just shows how on rainy days a simple umbrella helps you not to get your essence wet, which makes you be you, with undesirable memories that little by little fall into oblivion when you overcome what one day you see as a dead end and knew that in that same alley all your falls would remain because your wounds make you human and nobody can judge you by your scars.

Beautiful minds are hard to find.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin