Chiley Beginnings

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Riley sat on the track bench, thinking over the events of yesterday, cursing himself in his mind for being so dumb and judgemental.

He finished tying his shoes and sat back up, then he heard a familiar sound of wheels coming his way, he was surprised to see a certain black ranger rolling towards him on his board.

"Hey." He said in a small, shy voice.

The Kiwi plopped down besides him and gave a charming smile.

"Thought I might join you for a run." Chase turned to change his shoes.

"Really?" Riley was aware of his voice being a little higher then normal. "O-Okay." There was a moment of silence before he built up the courage to say what he had been thinking all night. "Chase I own you an apology."

That got him another smile so he decided to continue.

"When I was growing up on my families ranch everyone use to make assumptions about me, and they were mostly wrong ones. I was totally wrong about you Chase, and I'm sorry." Riley finished with a sure sign of guilt. He got even nerves than before when the black ranger turned to him.

"Mate." Chase paused and looked to the ground. "You weren't the only one." And unlike the American, the Kiwi had the confidence to make eye contact, absently watching the adorable farm boy blushed. "I did the same to you as well, thinking you were all brains and no heart and then you saved my life."

And the green ranger realised that the look to the ground earlier was shame at himself, Chase thought he was in the wrong.

"Yeah, well, I need to loosen up a little." The blond shrugged and watched with a smile of happiness as the brunette laughed

"I can help with that, and maybe you can help me stay on track a little more?" The Kiwi commented with a little smile. "That works for me." Riley chuckled softly, blushing deeply. Then Chase did what he was sure was the dumbest thing possible, moving forward and placing his lips firmly against the other's.

He was positive that he would get slapped or yelled at, but instead a gentle and firm hand
settled on the back of his neck, holding him there as Riley returned the pressure and Chase cupped his cheeks, deepening the sweet kiss.

The two rangers were heating it off, Riley had his arms wrapped around Chase's neck and Chase had his hands tightly on Riley hips. The two were about to start stripping the other when they heard a squeak sounded behind them, they jerked apart to see the rest of the team stood there. Koda looked confused, Tyler was as embarrassed and Shelby was flushed.

"Hey guys." The Kiwi grinned brightly making the green ranger laugh, both of them standing up and properly turning to face their teamates. "What's up?"

"Well Riley did so well against Cavity" Tyler exclaimed. "So we thought, maybe we should train with him as well." Shelby added, tugging on her bag straps.

"Great. Well the first rule." Riley looked over at Chase with a smile. "Is no rules." Poor Koda looked more confused then he already was while Chase tuned to him in shock.

"Seriously." And the look Chase gave him made him feels all kinds of things inside. "Well in that case, alright."

Tyler started grinning, finally getting over the awkwardness.

"So no rules." Poor Koda was having trouble understanding what Riley meant. "How can that be rule?"

Riley didn't let him think it over to much as he started talking again. "Just use your instincts, and adapt to what ever happens." He walked around Chase, unzipping his hoodie as he went.

The black ranger stopped him, hand placing on the green ranger's shoulder. "Adapt? This could be dangerous."

Riley let one hand mimic Chase's while the other rested on the elder's chest, feeling the firm muscle there.

"Just see if you can keep up Hotshot." Both looked into each other eyes for what seemed like forever. He then darted forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the Kiwi's lips before taking off and shedding the jacket before vaulting over the bench, spinning through the air, hearing the cheers behind him, turning back to them for a moment to watch as they all got with the program.

It was long happy hour, Riley was certain that his normal routines he would be switching up more.

After training they all went to work and at the end of the day the last two there were the black and green rangers.

"Hey Ri." Riley turned his attention away from cleaning the stove and see a surprisingly nervous Chase before him. "What is it, hot shot?" He asked with a warm smile on his face. "I was wondering, you want to go catch a movie once you've finished up?" Chase closed his eyes in hope of getting a yes.

The younger male smile widened to a grin.
"Yeah Chase, I would like that."

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