Kate was woken up rather roughly by her alarm, which she had set a bit earlier as she didn't want to look like she didn't spend anytime to look at least a bit decent for school. She stopped the ringing sound of the alarm on her phone and made her way to her closet to pick a pair of jeans and a long sleeved, V-neck shirt. She didn't want to over dress either, or look too preppy. She'd want to wear a skirt, but her knee was still wrapped up in that band aid. She hoisted the pair of jeans over her hips and closed the zipper and button, shoving her head through the shirt and pulling it down to tuck it into her jeans.

She zipped up her heeled combat boots and made her way downstairs, where her mother had prepared breakfast. "Goodmorning". Mrs. Pearson chirped from the kitchen and handed her a bowl of yoghurt. "Thanks". Kate replied and sat down at the kitchen island. "Isn't dad here?". She asked with an eyebrow cocked upwards as her mother shook her head. "He wanted to be at the firm early, you know how he is. Always ahead of the cases". She smiled at Kate and she nodded as she understood. "Your first day at Riverdale High, sweet heart. How are you feeling about it?". Her mother asked and Kate shrugged.

"I have to get over being the new girl like usually". Kate answered rather monotone and her mother didn't reply anything for a moment. Kate finished her breakfast and grabbed her bag, about to grab her car keys and get to her new school. "Kate, honey". Her mother sighed and took her gently by her shoulder before she could get out of the door and leave. "I know how much you hate the moving around and getting into a new school every time, but I can promise you we'll stay here a bit longer than the usual amount of time". Her eyes softened and Kate nodded again with a gentle smile, pressing a kiss to her cheek before pulling the door in its lock behind her.

The garage doors opened for her and she took the shiny Porsche Carrera out of it. It had been a gift for her birthday and she was more than used to take the car to practically everywhere she went. It struck Kate when she drove out of the street that probably no other teen drove a car like this and she didn't want to come across as the rich, arrogant girl, however she was already on the road. She reminded herself to walk to school tomorrow if she got any trouble. She turned onto the parking lot of Riverdale High and parked her car, getting out of the low seat and locking the door when she got her bag.

"That's a sweet ride". Kate gasped as she hadn't noticed the guy standing in front of her. "Thank you". She muttered and avoided his gaze, walking past him to get into the building. "You're new here?". He didn't seem to let her go just yet and she quickly glanced his way, seeing his honey eyes being rather curious for her. "I am". Kate replied and fiddled with her keys, about to open the doors as the boy was quicker than she was. "I'm Reggie". He actually pulled her over to the side and she was even more surprised. Was she that special that he felt the need to pull her over to the side of the hallway?

"Kate, I'm Kate". She stammered as she felt like she could forget her name right on spot. Reggie grabbed onto her hand to shake it and she swallowed hard, her cheeks crimson as she looked up at him. A Riverdale High jacket was draped over his broad form and it made her guess he was on some kind of sports team or something. "Back off, Reggie. It's our job to guide her around". Kate turned her head to see a blonde and a girl with black hair nearing her. Reggie let out a low chuckle and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'll see you around, yeah? Nice to meet you, Kate". He told her with a smile that made her blush even more.

"Hi!". The blonde looked over at Kate with a wide smile, which made her look over at the black haired girl who had more of a 'leader' expression on her face. "I'm Betty and this is Veronica. We'd like to show you around on your first day, if you don't mind". Kate relaxed as the girl seemed to be really polite and friendly, making her nod. "I'm Veronica, I know what it's like to be the new girl and girl, we're going to be great friends". Kate let out a soft giggle and accepted the gesture of the girls. "I'm Kate Pearson". She introduced herself. "Pearson? I think my father knows your father then". Veronica added as they walked through the hallway.

Kate looked over at er with a questionable look on her face. "Lodge". She simply replied and caused Kate to get rid of the question mark on her face. "I get it". She smiled and Betty briefly looked between the two. The two girls led Kate through the school to let her form a first impression, ending in some sort of lounging room. "And this is were we spend some hours off to chill or have lunch or something else. Mainly the same group is here, which includes us". Veronica explained and ushered Kate more towards the others that were sitting there. "Hi". Kate shyly smiled and the others replied with a smile or a nod.

"I'm Kate". She hesitantly introduced herself. "And she has an amazing car". Reggie came in behind her and threw his arm around her shoulder, causing her to suck in a harsh breath, yet a laugh escaped her mouth. Veronica took her spot in the lap of a guy named Archie, who greeted her with a wave. The guy in the chair introduced himself as Kevin and offered her the chair next to his. Another guy got into the room as they were all seated, causing everyone to look up. He had a rather wild look on his face, however it seemed to calm when he met Kate's eyes. His sky blue ones looked over at Betty and she smiled widely at him.

He had a beanie on his head and he looked different than his friends, yet Betty sat down on his knee and he wrapped his arm around her. "Kate, this is my boyfriend Jughead". Betty told her with a smile. "Have you been chilling with that Southside scum, Jug?". Reggie sounded from behind Kate and the tension that immediately rose up made her feel a bit uncomfortable, as if her being here now caused it all. "Shut up, Reggie". Jughead groaned and looked away from the footballer. Reggie scoffed and swung his backpack over his shoulder.

"See you around, Kate". He managed to squeeze out before he left the room. She briefly looked at him from over her shoulder and looked back at Jughead and Betty. "Southside? Is that another part of this town?". Kate asked, innocent eyes as she truly didn't know what it was about, hiding the fact that she maybe knew a very, very small thing about it. "The Southside of the town yes, it's were I live". Jughead spoke up. "Some of my friends go to Southside High and they're called thugs and names like that". He let out a sigh. "Some are". Veronica mouthed and Betty shot her a look.

"It's better if you stay away from them, they accept Jughead because he's a part of the Serpents". Betty told Kate. "Serpents?". Kate's heart started to beat faster as the imagine of the logo stitched on Sweet Pea's back flashed through her mind again. "A motor-gang from the Southside". Jug sighed as he had to explain everything, making Kate blush a slight bit again. "I understand". She replied and decided to not ask any further. "I could use a break". Veronica sighed and sunk further into the embrace of her boyfriend behind her. "Why don't we go the Drive In one last time? It's shut after this weekend anyway". Kevin suggested.

"Kate can't miss such a traditional thing of Riverdale". Betty looked over at Kate with a smile. "Are you free this Friday, Kate?". Veronica asked her and she nodded. "Yeah, I think so. I'd love to come along if you don't mind". She replied and felt her face become warm again. "No, of course not". Kevin scoffed, not knowing why they wouldn't want her to come too. "If you give me your number, I'll text you the details". Veronica smiled and handed Kate her phone. Kate smiled back at her new friends, feeling a bit more at ease now. She tapped her number into Veronica's contact list before handing the device back to her.

Kate had to leave the group to get to her chemistry class she had the fifth period, finding out she was in that class with Reggie. He waved her over to sit down next to him, which she did with a gentle smile on her face as she didn't really know anyone else anyway. "Are you coming to the drive in this Friday too?". Kate asked and looked over at the football player. "If you want me to". A smooth smile decorated his handsome face and Kate nibbled on her lower lip again, not sure what to reply. "I think it would be nice". She tactfully answered, which made him smile at her.

"Then I'll be there. I'll pick you up". Reggie offered and Kate nodded. "Great". She replied and opened her book, leaning her hand on her face to hide the smile that didn't want to leave her face.

A/N: I'm throwing some scenes through each other, like the Drive In not being shut yet while the Black Hood thing is already going on, so if it causes any confusion, sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️🙈 Sweet Pea will be in the next part, I promise!

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