Start from the beginning

"Hello my dear? Are you daydreaming in your own world again? Why do you keep staring at me huh? Finally realised that I was actually quite good-looking and matched up to your standards, even with this get-up you created?" Elvin spoke, staring at me in the eyes and knocking me on the forehead, causing me to feel slightly out of place with his sudden actions. He called me dear..which honestly was slightly embarrassing to hear from him offscreen. Though I'd hate to admit it, it was a nice feeling, hearing someone you loved call you dear, even though I would never have known if he meant it or not.

"Wow, you must think too highly do yourself. Not every girl likes your muscular and '8 pac abs' type. Who knows, I might be attracted to flower boys more than I'm attracted to you." I realized the terrible mistake I made, right after I said it. " Oh, so you admit that you're me? And how did you know I had 8 pacs? I see, you must have been paying attention to me, isn't that right? " Smirking, he bit his lips, trying to control his laughter. "For goodness sake, stop it! Nobody pays attention to you okay. I was just making a general statement Mister, so get your facts right. I though you were a Language Arts and literature student? Could you read into the statement I made a little better maybe?" I smacked his left shoulder hard, causing him to wince in pain as well as playfully put his hands on his head. "I surrender, I surrender! Seriously, can you learn to be more gentle? It's gonna be hard for you to marry next time you know, I swear you will get left on the shelf. And what will happen afterwards? I probably will have to call you my bride and walk down the aisle with you since I'll feel sorry for you. Truthfully though, if you don't mind me marrying you, I wouldn't mind either." He smiled, looking down on his food.

There was a moment of jarring silence.

I thought he was joking at first, but he said it so seriously, with no sign of bursting out into laughter or any teasing about how lonely I would be, if not for him. I smiled stiffly, and continued to eat my breakfast, trying to ignore what he just said and not let the silence unsettle me. "I'll go wash up and change, will be back in five minutes. Don't miss me too much till then. " He stood up, teasing again, and ran off towards the lift lobby. Shaking my head, I took one last sip from the milo he made for me which somehow soothed my mind. He always managed to turn awkard situations into a laughing matter with his foolish or " thick skinned " antics. However, that sentence was still lingering in my head no matter how much I didn't want to think about it. "I will have to call you my bride and walk down the aisle with you. Truthfully if you don't mind it, I wouldn't mind either." That sentence was like a broken recorder that was on replay in my head over and over again. I tried to brush it off, as if he was just trying to lighten up the mood after a rather straight forward joke. However, deep in my heart, I know I would still think about this sentence for a long time.

We finished up our breakfast and Elvin casually suggested to take a walk in the garden. I agreed to it as I had booked an online ticket for the movie at 12 noon when he was upstairs changing and had plenty of free time till then. He picked up my bag and went off, with me following behind. "Are you sure we are going the right way?" I asked, catching up with his pace. "Quite..I was running in the garden on the first day we arrived here. It's just up ahead." He said, pointing towards the direction we were walking in. "I see..someone must be working out. Never expected a little 4-year old like you would be so hardcore," I turned to him, laughing, after seeing his speechless reaction. After all, his reputation in the gym was something not to be trifled with, or so he says. " You had better pick up your pace! You're so slow, nobody would believe that you are a person who likes to work out frequently at the gym if you can't even catch up with me!" I ran forward, not before sticking out my tongue childishly at him. I just couldn't resist doing that somehow before leaving him to trail behind me. Perhaps Ou Kelu's cute and childish mannerisms were really rubbing off me. I heard no footsteps whatsoever behind me, and found it a bit worrying. Even though I loved to be alone, there were times I was afraid of being alone, especially at a foreign place with no one at all. I hated the feeling of being lost and at certain rare times, felt more comfortable to be alone in a big crowd than to be alone with no one else around. This was one of those times. I turned around to check if he had caught up, only to find that he had somehow 'disappeared'. All of a sudden, an arm wrapped around my shoulders. I was absolutely taken aback and started to punch the perpetrator's chest for invading my personal space. I shut my eyes tightly and all I should think of at that time was to hit the perprator and to try to escape from him. Just as I was about to shout for Elvin's help, a loud yelp escaped from the perpetrator's mouth. "Hey hey hey, it's just me." Elvin tried to dodge my attacks, but was failing miserably. Unwrapping his sturdy arms from me, he started to put up his arms in a protective stance, trying to prevent himself from getting hurt from my unfailing continuous attacks on his chest. "Urgh, why didn't you say so earlier? And what gave you the idea to play such a childish prank on me? Don't think that just because you know me quite well, you can play these kind of tricks okay?" I said, giving him one last smack on his chest. "I have to say though, you are quite ruthless with your hands. Don't mistake the fact that just because I have a bigger build, I won't feel hurt at all. Your smacks really give me a lot of pain, especially when you are using so much strength." He piped out his thought brashly, while placing his hands on his chest, and looked away, trying to act like he was in immense pain.

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