The Move

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Angelica my foster mom:

Come downstairs now Ariel

Me : Why

Angelica: come downstairs its  really important.

Me: Ugh Oh my gosh I'm coming.

     I I got off my bed and went downstairs

   Angelica: Yeah what did I tell you bout yelling at me.

   Me: Yeah what did you need to tell me that was so important.

   Angelica: Do you hear what I said...... Am I talking to the wall.

   Me: yess

       Angelica: anyways I don't got time for all of the attitude I have something really important to tell you where moving to LA.

    Me: ???What??

Angelica: I said where Mov-

Me: I heard what you said but why?

Angelica: James got a new job in LA and they said they will pay him 1,000 dollars a month.

   Me: Oh my god when are we moving!!!!!.

Angelica: tomorrow


Angelica: I only found out a day ago.

Me: That's not an excuse you should have told me a day ago too.

   I left Angelica downstairs with a blank face and went upstairs to pack up my stuff for tomorrow. She dead just got me tight.

A few minutes later my room was almost empty. All my stuff is in my boxes. Except the things that I'm going to wear tomorrow. I took out my laptop and went on Facebook and put up a status ." Hey Facebook friends and followers I'm over to LA so I wouldn't be seeing out for a while goodbye". After that 3 seconds later I had inboxes  comments and likes on my status. I did not feel like moving and leaving the people that really loves me and knows more about me. Well what's done is done.

The Next morning I got up did my hygiene and got dressed. I wore grey sweatpants and a white tank top that says, " boss" I put my hair in a messy bun and put on light makeup. For accessories i wore my gold earrings and gold chain. For shoes I wore my Tim's. I wasn't feeling myself today.

As soon as I open my bedroom door the scent of food hit my nose. OOOOoh that smells good.

I Jogged out my room and went downstairs.

Me : Good morning

Angelica: Morning sweetie... Here's your breakfast

Me: Thank you

  Angelica : Eat fast because the moving truck is coming in a few minutes.

Me: k.

in my dictionary k means to stfu I'm still mad at her since yesterday.

::::::::::::::::::::45 minutes later :::::::::

All our stuff was in the moving truck and we were driving to our destination. I never saw our house yet but I hope it's big.

30 minutes later I was on my phone and suddenly dozed off to sleep.

:::::::::::::::::::1hr later::::::::::::::::

Ariel Ariel wake up

Me: mmmmn hmm

Angelica:What where in LA

Me:Okay great. I'm going back to sleep.

:::::::::::::: few minutes later:::::::::::

Ariel wake up

Me: mmn hmm what

James: Where here

     Me: Really

I jumped up so fast i think i had whip lash.We were waiting outside of a silver tall gate.

   Me: WOW

James: Right

The gate started slowly open. James drove right in to the the biggest mansion ever, Well the biggest manson i've ever seen. When James parked the car I was the first person to get out of the car. I was soo excited!!!!

James went to open the door and I got in first. I couldn't believe my eyes it was so big, huge, massive it was alot of words

James: What do you think

  Me: It's awesome

Angelica: Okay go look for your room.

ME: Okay I will but I'm not  going up those long ass steps.

James: Who said you could.

  Me: What do you mean?

James: We have an elevator

  Me: What do you mean elevator. Where is it?

James: It's right by the staircase.

    I walked to the elevator and push the button. When the doors open I went inside and it was really beautiful golden and purple. I looked at the buttons to see what floor to go on. The number on the buttons went up to the 5th floor. We have five floors!!

 I went to the 2nd floor. And I already found my room it was a bed with a hot tub a stand up shower and a black toilet. It also had 4 walkin closets a secret hide way and 2 walkin windows. The walls were blue my favorite color. This room is perfect.

A few minutes later the moving truck came and we were ready to unpack. I Got all of my boxes and went to my room to setup my room.

 A few hours later I got up my laptop and wrote a status on facebook," just finish unpacking"a few minutes later 50people liked itp and went in the shower to take care of my hygiene.   when I was done I put my pajamas on and went to bed. its going to be a big day tomorrow.

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