Man Hunt

703 16 2

______ means your name or someones' name.


The bag is ripped off of my head and I squint, the light to much for my eyes. Whoever is holding my hands behind my back pushes me through the door and into a room with a bed, couch, two other doors and a desk. The person holding my hands let's go and shuts the door behind me just as I turn around. Shit, I didn't get to see who it was.
I walk to the first door and open it, revealing a closet. The other door opens to a small bathroom with a shower. I move to the bed and lie down, I should get as much sleep as I can.


"Get up!" I feel someone rip the blankets off of me but I just groan and curl into a ball.
"If you don't get up you'll get hurt!!" The voice yells right in my ear this time. Wow, so threatening.
I blink a few times and squint at the figure in front of me. I slowly sit up and rub my eyes. I am not a morning person. I
finally rub the sleep out of my eyes and look up at the man again.
"Who are you?" I groan and try to lie back down but he pulls me up.
"If you come with me I'll tell you." He says, clearly pissed at my laziness. Hey, not my fault.
I nod my head and follow him outside my room, down another hall and into what looks to be a living room. The other four men are all sprawled across three couches but when we walk in they all stop and look at me. The man behind me
goes and sits down next to the guy with the lip piercing. I scratch the back of my neck, it's a nervous habit.
"Umm, sooo you gonna tell me your name now?" I ask, directing the question to the guy that woke me up. His hair is brown with the tips died blonde.
"Name's Daniel, but you can call me Skip." He replies and elbows the guy that was with me in the van.
He grunts and looks back at his laptop but not before saying, "Luke."
"Beau." A man with brown hair and happy smile says to me, he seems nice.
"I'm Jai." A boy that looks almost exactly like Luke smiles and waves slightly at me and I smile back.
"And I'm James." The last boy says and I smile at him, he smiles back.
"______." I smile and look at each of them, they aren't that bad for people who just kidnapped me. They're all still staring at me except for Luke, who is still looking at his laptop. I glare slightly at him but stop because I need these people to like me because if they hate me then I could get hurt.
"Well, ______ we're going out tonight, all of us, so you can either stay here or come with us." Beau asks me. But I don't
know if I should go. If I stay here then I can scout out the house to see if I can escape. But I could go with them and learn
more about them, find their weaknesses maybe?
"I'll come with you guys." I smile at Beau and he stands up.
"Well if you're coming you might want to get cleaned up." He smirks and walks towards me, grabbing my arm and pulling me to my room.
"I'll get you in an hour. Be ready by then." He says before walking out.
I frown but walk into the bathroom. Why would they want me to go with them? Isn't that a bad idea? I'd never do that if I were them. I sigh and throw my clothes out into the room and shut the bathroom door. Stepping into the shower, I turn on the water and begin washing my hair. I'm really sweaty. How long was I asleep for? I get out of the shower and turn it off. I grab a towel and wrap it around myself before I comb out my hair and blow dry it. I open the door to my room and walk over to my bed. The clothes I was previously wearing are gone and in their place are some new clothes. I pick up the jeans and Twenty One Pilots t-shirt. After I change, I sit down on the bed, putting on the black vans at the foot of the bed. I don't wear makeup and since there was none I couldn't anyways. After about five minutes I hear a knock on the door and Jai walks in.
"Ready?" He smirks at the t-shirt I'm wearing.
"Fuck ya!" I smile and stand up.
"You like the clothes I got you?" He asks as we walk back towards the living room.
"Yes! I love Twenty One pilots! They're one of my favourite bands." I smile widely and look at him out of the corner of my eye. He just smiles as we step into the living room.
"Okay let's go!" I say fist pumping the air.
Everyone jumps off the couches, most of them have changed into something else. The only person who doesn't move is Luke. He just keeps doing something on his computer.
"LUKE!!" Beau screams at him, pulling him onto the floor.
"Ugh, I'm coming, no need to be impatient." He groans and stands up.


"Can I take this off now?" I ask, trying to pull the bandanna that covers my eyes off.
"Yes." Someone says and I smile, pulling off the bandanna.
I squint and look around. In front of us are two big buildings with about fourteen floors. The buildings are old and look like they are going to cave in at any moment. "Why are we here?" I ask no one in particular.
"We're going to play a game." Someone says, and I whip around. I was not expecting an answer.
"What type of game?" I ask trying to hide my nervousness. After all, these people just kidnapped me, they could try to kill me!
"Manhunt." Luke says looking at the two buildings then back at me. I just stare at him, they are so going to kill me.
"Want me to explain?" He asks and I nod my head, slightly worried it'll involve knives. "Someone will be the man hunter and everyone else will be.... Um.... People... Ya, anyways, the man hunter will count to 200 and everyone else will run and hide, the people will be able to move but you can't be caught by the man hunter or else you have to come back here and wait. If you win everyone else has to do one thing for you but the first person caught has to do two things. The man hunter has two hours to find everyone and if he doesn't he looses. Got it?" He asks and I nod. "Okay. Who wants to be the man hunter?" Nobody says anything so he smirks and says, "Fine, I will."
James moves closer to me and whispers, "Watch out, Luke's the fastest out of us." I nod as Luke closes his eyes.




"GO!" Luke yells and we sprint off. I run to the closest house, not looking behind me to see where everyone else is going.

I was kidnapped? {Janoskians and O2L}Where stories live. Discover now