Charlotte shrugged, giving a wry smile. "It was just a duty, I guess." she finally shook her head, and pasted a wider grin on her face. "But whatever, it's high time I get over it. Life's a lot more then just infatuation and matters of the heart, right sister dear? I'll head over to the Home today, shall I? There should be things to do."

Elle laughed, shaking her head. She had always admired Charlotte's quick ease of switching her moods when necessary. "There sure is. Do you mind checking in on Mister Chase for me? I hope Freddie and Terry hasn't been terrorizing him. Fabian refuses to leave my side, he even does his work in the bedchamber, so I have no clue how are they doing."

"Will do."


"I'm sorry, Lacey."

The gregarious brunette laughed, shaking her head as they stood at the doorway of the apartment Lionel had purchased almost a year and a half ago for her. It had been their haven in many times when Lionel had wanted to escape from work or when Lacey needed some time by herself. As much as she loved Elle, she hadn't brought the duchess to the place simply because the East End night flower had never thought she would actually own the place. So when her protector and lover over the past year and a half had turned up on her doorstep with the deed to the place, Lacey had definitely been surprised.

In fact, she had been more surprised by the gift of the deed of the apartment to her, then she was at his declaration that he no longer was going to be her protector, and that she'll be getting the apartment and a string of diamonds as a compensation for her time. Really, Lacey can't say she's surprised. Ever since Charlotte Rothesay had returned for her Season two weeks ago, until yesterday when she had taken off back to Avondale (as the rumor mill has it anyway), the only thing Lionel Chadwick has come to look for her was for tea or a game of chess.

So she just laughed when he apologized, waving him in to the living area. "I can't say I'm surprised, Leo. There's nothing to be sorry about, really."

"Eh?" he responded, with a raised brow. Lionel had came here mulling over how was he to call off their arrangement, only to find Lacey completely unaffected, so his surprise was evident.

"Really Leo, anyone whose next to you could see the way your eyes follow Lady Charlotte when you're out. Even back in the Avondale estate before Ellie got married to her duke, it was obvious." she poured hot water in to a pot filled with tea leaves. "I was just young then, too naive to think I could snare the attention of a rich lord."

"But I'm not even a lord." he countered.

"No matter, you're part of the peerage in a way." Lacey poured two cups of steaming tea, passing one over to Lionel before taking a seat. "But I'm older now. I've had my part of being the lover of a peer in the ton. I think I've had enough, so... do go after her. Don't just let her slip through yer fingers, would ye?"

"I don't know-"

"Oh shut your fash, Leo. Yer just in denial and I'm too busy ter listen ter yer excuses. Now come and play a game of chess with me afore ye leave."


Leo's heart lightened considerably as the carriage rolled to a stop. It was a break to be away from London, especially with it being in the middle of the season. Unlike the problems faced by his friends like Lucan and Fabian, both peers of the realm in their own right, Leo faced an entirely different set of suitors. As a club owner, the marriage-minded mama's would not let their charges a mile within him, and debutante's were warned against mingling with him.

No, what Leo faced were widows and ladies of the night with eyes on his fortune, a fortune that was partially left to him by his foster father, and partially his own hard work.

Choosing Love Over Honor [Agents of the Crown #2]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat