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Ships are one of the greatest things on this world! It lets you imagine some of your favorite characters in a cute, sinful, or whatever relationship you desire!
If you don't ship what others ship then please for the love of heck-don't attack them about it, leave them be.
If it's a ship that contains things like pedophilia (Idk how to spell it fam) and someone ships like that-leave them be! They are fictional characters who do not exist and will never exist. We do not "normalize" it. We just think that ship is cute. Everyone has their own opinion. It's like ice cream.
Some people like
Mint chocolate chip
Or Rocky road
And maybe cotton candy.
And maybe you don't like ANY of those flavors. You like chocolate instead. That doesn't mean you should shove that flavor down someone's face hole. Just respect everyone, okay? I'm not saying you have to like that ship-just be nice about it. Walk away or say something nice. And think about the damage that may do to somebody. Telling them to kill themselves because they ship a brother and a sister? That must really hurt someone. Would you want someone to say that to you? Please just think before you say anything. I know it's wrong in the real world. But we go to the internet to escape all the bad things in the world to be happy, ship the things we want and have fun!! So please, think before you say anything, you could really hurt someone. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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