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                     They say "time heals" but, how can time heal our pain, that routed deep in our soul?

I used to think about the time that stops and continue. How did it made? Where did it start? Does the scientist knows all about time? Or they're just basing the facts on their experimental projects?

How come time didn't have any controls? Does it always move and never stop?


                      I closed my notebook when Mrs. Ferry, our literacy teacher, saw me writing something on it even if she hasn't tell me to.

"Mr. Archer, didn't I tell you once that be attentive during my class and write even if I told not to?"

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. I-I just wrote down what you have said earlier."  I reasoned out.

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows and put her hand at her waist, that she always do when she wants to scold someone.

I nodded and bow down my head. I was really nervous. If she'll found out that I didn't really wrote it down, I'll be found dead on arrival at the principals office with my mom, crying.

"May I see your notebook?" She asked.

I rub my fingers at my palm. Feeling nervous and nothing at all.

I held my pocket watch inside my pants, and when Mrs. Ferry raised her one eyebrow, I held it tighter this time.

I'm ready for her outburst, I slightly close my eyes and pray, not to get caught.

A sudden knock on the door made my day. Since the day Dad left me I was never been glad, not until now.

Thanks to the old man who knocks. Mrs. Ferry hurriedly come to the door and talk to the old man.

"Excuse me, Ma'am. Mr. Tan wants to talk to you." I heard the old man say.

And when time collide with me, the bell rung. Mrs. Ferry already said that we could go and class is dismiss.

"Woah! That was close!" Jeremiah, my friend said and tap my shoulder. 

I just nod and give him a timid smile.

So close.


               Musics and laughter field the air because of uncle Alvert Reevero. We're having a dinner at our place. They seems to have a good time, maybe I can go now. I don't want to heard corny jokes from uncle anymore. For heaven sake! It wasn't that funny. Dad was more than him and he will never replaced Dad. Ever.

"Excuse me.." I was ready to stand when mom stop me.

Which, I should've done.

"We have something to say, honey." That stops me from standing, nor leaving.

Then Mom held Uncle Alvert's hand. My brows started to furrowed.

What the hell is going on?

"Alvert and I will have a baby! You're going to be a brother!" She announced.

For a moment I was silent and there's a bomb that exploded inside me, just right now.

"What did you just say?" I asked, mouth half opened and my breathing halt for a moment.

Words escape my mouth. I felt like my brain will also explode for the sudden bombing.

"U-uhm.. I'm pregnant -" Mom said like it was nothing. Like she doesn't dropped a bomb inside me.

That was it. I move faster than anything else.



I walk and run until my last breathe.

I thought I was going to die for holding my breathe for a long time. I don't know what to feel.

It just sucks!

It sucks!

I held my pocket watch, my last gift from my father.

Then I cried with all my soul. I just wish..


                    I wish I can turn back time where dad is still here, making pancakes for me, playing with me in the backyard, reading stories about how dinosaurs lived, making me believe that time heals all wounds and how my mom fell in love with another man.

Then I remembered his pocket watch, he gave me this when he was about to die. He said that "Time heals all wounds." leaving me with a question on how does time heals wounds.

He always says that time could be me. It could be everything if I'll just see what he sees before he explore the world without me.

I just wish, he was here.


                       Then the last thing that I remembered, I was running really fast.

I run and stop at the middle to shout.


The last thing I see is the setting of the sun.

and Dad?

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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