"Where to start, well you came with us to the party a bit strangely. Nino and I thought you weren't gonna say "yes", then after a dozen texts you did, and when we picked you up you kind of acted different. Than usual I mean." Alya tried to explain.

"And then what happened. At the party?" Marinette question trying to hurry Alya along.

Alya thinned her lips together, "well I sort umm. Uh. It was that Nino and I had something to take care of. So I thought I would just text Adrien to hang out with you and look after you. And he replied, "Sure" So yeah and that's all I remember but the past like hour, after that you got up on stage and were super drunk and sang "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" By Whitney Houston. And killed it by the way, and when I went to see you after you passed out and fell off stage after your standing ovation. But don't worry Adrien caught you and you soon woke up a couple minutes after and stormed off, refusing Nino and I for giving you a ride home. So we sent Adrien after you and that was it." Alya was looking at Marinette, she could tell Alya was sorry, but Marinette still felt something nagging at her, like Alya was hiding something, or wasn't telling the whole story.

"Mari don't worry I will never leave your side." Alya's promise ringed in Marinette's head, She was lying, Alya is lying to me! She broke her promise to me that night, that's why I refused to got with her Nino. At least that part is true, though the questions remains, how did I get home last night? Marinette's head swarmed with question not just about how she got home but how she could've gone on stage and sang a Whitney Houston song, How Chatnoir's words somehow fitted into all of what happened last night and how she for some reason resented Adrien right now, and didn't want to go talk to him, at all yet, she knew she had to if she wanted to figure out what happened last night. Marinette sighed and rolled her eyes at Alya.

"I'm not stupid Alya I remembered some things that happened last night y'know, for example your promise that you were never going to leave my side but apparently not even five minutes later, and that promise doesn't exist anymore? Or did it just mean nothing to you? Huh? Well say something!" Marinette was furious now as Alya shoulder sulked down while looking at her hands she took a small step away from her.

A minute ticked by and Marinette had it she bursted out with anger, "How dare you leave me!? And for going to hook up with Nino! I thought we promised each other that NO boy was going to hurt out friendship in anyway! Or is everything you say just a lie and a broken promise? Or does our friendship just mean nothing to you?!" Marinette stepped closer to Alya practically attacking her, with accusation after accusation.

But Marinette knew it was the truth she remember Kim telling her about the upstair, where was where people basically hooked up, bumped uglies, or exchanged personal information. And how that was where Alya and Nino went.

Alya straightened up and glared at Marinette, "You think you haven't done anything wrong?! Well isn't that just bull crap! You have no idea what is going on in my life! For your information, I'm having a real tough time right now, that you wouldn't understand, only Nino would. Cause Nino has been twice the friend you have ever been to me these past couple of weeks! All we do when we hang out is talk about Adrien and your damn fashion designs, never have you asked me about me, or how I'm doing!" Alya and Marinette were glaring at each other now, both waiting for the other's response.

Soon after a couple of seconds Alya turned and walked away from Marinette. While dialing Nino's number on her phone.

Marinette felt a part of her heart crumble, she was then running after Alya but lost her around the corner of the street.

Marinette felt tears slip down her cheeks, as she slowly fell to the ground sobbing. Feeling all alone in the world, yet without her knowing it she wasn't for, only a few yards away were a pair of eyes watching her, with sympathy glistening in them.

Marinette didn't know how long she was crying for, but soon looked towards the water in the small ravine.

Marinette opened her eyes and screamed at the water as tears poured down her face. She kept screaming at the water angrily, till she couldn't anymore. Her voice cracked into pieces between sobs.

The eyes in the distance began to move closer to Marinette but stopped abruptly when they heard another voice talk to Marinette.

"Marinette, it's gonna be okay, I'm here." Tikki soothed Marinette in a hushed whisper from her satchel.

Marinette opened her bag to let Tikki fly out, and hug her cheek.

Marinette used her hand and hugged Tikki back, as tears slowed down her face.

"It's not fair Tikki!" Marinette choked out her brows furrowed in frustration.

"It never is Marinette." Tikki felt Marinette's pain and anger but knew she couldn't do anything about it. Just like how she knew the tragedy was coming soon like it always did, with every Ladybug, comes destruction.

Tikki sensed something, before she could identify what it was it disappeared. Tikki was going to tell Marinette that they should get somewhere safe, but soon realized even if she did tell her Marinette wouldn't be able to hear her in her current state. So, Tikki stayed alert for the rest of the time Marinette cried.

Adrien was pacing in his room wondering he wanted to bout Marinette. Go to her as Chat first? Or Adrien? He couldn't make up his mind. It was like his mind was walking on circle. Right when he was about to make up his mind on being Adrien his brain thinks Chat noir would be better.

After a couple of minutes, Adrien sat down on his couch and stared blankly into space.

"I don't get you at all, Adrien why don't you just leave it be and chill." Plagg said as he then took a bite of camembert cheese, then continued, "I mean, who cares if your friend's girlfriend told you about her friend, and what happened last night. I mean this is why you don't want to have a girlfriend all they do is boss you and your friends around." Plagg was nodding his head in agreement with himself.

Adrien sighed while shaking his head, "Plagg it's not that simple, I'm Marinette's friend. I should be there for her, and I definitely don't want her let her down. I mean you saw Marinette crying on the concrete after Alya stomped off. She looked really upset plus I worry about her, you know? And tonight i've never seen her so down in the dumps I got to be able to do something anything at all." Adrien said more to himself than Plagg.

Adrien dug his fingers through his hair in frustration, "God, that's it. Plagg, it's up to the God's now." Adrien fished a quarter out of his pocket, then continued, "Head's Chatnoir, Tail's Adrien."

Adrien flipped the coin in the air, Plagg watched it just as intently as Adrien.

Once it landed on the back side of Adrien's hand, he let out a pent up sigh. 

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