"Wow," I said, shoving his shoulder playfully, "Big deal."

"It is a big deal, for you anyways." He teased.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at him, then looked over at Thomas. He was smiling, and so was Minho.

Over the course of the past two weeks, I had learned that Minho, was in fact, very sassy. He had given me some mouth, and I snapped back at him. We had now came to a mutual respect, both equally sassy and snarky.

The boys around me kept talking, as I began to grow tired. I commented in on a few conversations, but my eyelids began to grow heavy. Sleep welcomed me with open arms.


I felt someone touching my hair. I opened my eyes, and realized I was laying sideways. Then, I realized I was resting my head on someone's lap. I twisted my face, and I saw Newt sitting there, his hands playing with the ends of my H/C hair. We were still in the Medjack room, and I recalled falling asleep in here last night.

"Goodmorning, sleepyhead," Newt said, his voice barely above a whisper.

I felt heat rising to my cheeks. Quickly sitting up, I noticed that Thomas was gone, and Minho passed out in his bed.

"Sorry if I woke you up, Love."

"No, no. You're fine," I said. "What time is it?"

"I dunno. I'd say, maybe, ten minutes before breakfast. Clint or Jeff will be in here soon to keep an eye on Minho."

I nodded, and rubbed my eyes. "Where Thomas?"

"He left a little bit ago to run the maze."

"Oh." I stood up and stretched. "I'm gonna go down to breakfast. You coming?"

"Right behind you."

As we walked through the hallway, Jeff passed us on his way to Minho, giving us a small smile. The Homestead smelled of wood. The memory of the smell of an old book popped into my head. Don't ask me why I could remember that, but not what I looked like. Ask the shuck Creators.

Down in the glade, a cool morning breeze ruffled my hair. "I'm so glad to be out of that room," I said, smiling in the sunlight.

"Yeah, it got pretty stuffy in there. Can't imagine staying in there for weeks on end. Poor Minho." Newt glanced at the rising sun, then towards the pavilion, where we were headed. "Well, I guess you can help in the gardens today, because Jeff's watching Minho, and Clint's taking care of all the small injuries."

"Are you sure you want me to help in the fields? Didn't go so peachy last time."

Newt laughed. "I'm sure we can find something for you to do. At least I'll have your company to enjoy, rather than Zart."

After breakfast, Newt and I waltzed over to the gardens. Zart was already hard at work, pulling at weeds.

"Hey, Zart." Newt called, and Zart looked up from what he was doing.

"Ugh, you're here again?" He teased.

"Can it, Goldilocks."

Zart put a hand over his heart, grinning. "Wow, greenie. I'm hurt."

"I'm right here, Love."  TMR Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now