Just friends

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A week before Halloween

"Simone!" I yelled from downstairs for once I was dressed and she wasn't I felt so accomplished. I had somewhere to be but I also wanted to talk to her about something before I left.

She finally came down 20 minutes later and I just looked at her "Really? so this what we doing?" she just looked at me like I wasn't there "We need to talk, right now."

I lead her to the kitchen where a girl was sitting when she entered she looked shocked." What are you doing here? What is she doing here?" Slick said upset I looked at her and my body collapsed but I caught myself.

"Baby, you ok." She said looking at me then I put my hand over my mouth and I felt it shaking. she looked me in my eyes and my eyes got watery. I took a deep breath and tried to hold back my tears "So it's true?" I said "It is but I swear I didn't mean to hurt you." She said and I looked at her.

"I told you everything and you go and do this shit? I..I gotta go." my voice was so shaky I left and she didn't even run after me. I made it miles away from home then pulled over.

I sat in the car and just cried it's crazy cause I never cry but this time I did. Lovely stop before you make yourself sick I told myself. She took me and showed me her world and I showed her mine and it's like she just... she shot my planet down then they made it a national holiday.

I got a text from Slick "Where are your clothes?" I texted back "Damn, it's crazy you just noticed today. My clothes have been moved out for weeks. An I took my name off the lease." My heart was broken cause how could she not notice.

I got a phone call from Nicki and I was so ready not to answer but I did. "H..Hello?" I said trying to hold back my tears. "Hey, what's wrong Slick keeps calling me, asking have I spoke to you and you didn't answer on the first ring."

I paused then spoke " We just broke up. She was cheating on me with some other bitch. SHE AIN'T EVEN THAT PRETTY!" She sighed "Sis come over I'm at home."

"I can't, I have an event to attend." "Well after that comeover." We hung up and I went to my event after the event. After the event I went to the hotel I was staying in. After that, I drove to get me something to eat and I plotted my last move. After that, I finally went to Nicki's house and we chilled and talked for a while.

"Man that shit whack." Nicki said and I looked at her "You know what I should fuck Tommie. Man, I want to so bad." Nicki looked at me shook and I smirked.

"Well what's stopping you?" she said I looked then thought "It's too soon I wouldn't even be able to enjoy it, Yah know?" She nodded and we just smoked and eat.

"Damn I ain't even got a Halloween date anymore." She paused then spoke " BITCH, you have options. Tommie, Tiffany, Me, and any of your other friends."

Three days later

Word got out about slick cheating and the breakup. I told my fans to stay strong and don't blame her even though they should even though I did. I wasn't doing any interviews or talking to anyone. cause I knew all the question would be about us and how do I feel.

I'm moving on though I bought me a house in Atlanta and today is Moving day. I had movers and a home decorator but I still wanted to be there and make sure everything was great.

We had finally moved everything in now it was decoration time. We were an hour into decorating when my doorbell ring. I went downstairs and to my surprise it was Tiffany.

"I knew, I knew that car from somewhere." She said and I just looked at her "How did you get my address no one knows my address yet." I said shocked. "I'm your next door neighbor." She said smiling happily

"More like da stranger next door." I mumbled and she just looked at me. "Is that all you wanted to say or did you want something." I said kinda annoyed it was like although we were on ok terms, we just weren't ok.

"Why do you hate me? Why are you so mean to me?" She asked and I looked at her " I don't know maybe cause you humiliated me and I'm not mean. I'm just not into a woman who has a man and still wants more." Tiffany touched my hand that was holding the door open. " I don't have a boyfriend I mean I couldn't not after everything with you."

" Ok." I said not trying to sound any type of way. " Look I'm having a girls night and was thinking maybe if your not busy you could come over." I looked at her "Yea, maybe if I'm not busy I'll come over. Is it right or left." she smiled then stopped "Right."

I nodded and she walked away as I closed the door. Maybe I will get outta my personal decorator's hair or maybe not.

Da Stranger Next DoorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora