Chapter 1

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"Trivia Time! Okay girls, your question is, 'Which one of the boys was not potty trained until they were 8?' Enter your answer on the Zippy app and if you are correct you will gain a point towards getting a prize!" the announcer from 1D-Day said.

Backstage Harry was blushing madly. "Is ickle Harry embarresed that he needed nappies only 5 years ago?" Louis taunted his young boyfriend and band mate. Harry pouted and turned away from Louis. He started walking away but he was picked up by Louis. He held him like he was a baby. "Go to sleep baby Harry!" Louis said as he rocked him. Harry struggled to get out of his arms. It all happened in a flash. Louis' hand slipped and Harry went flying towards the floor, head first.

Harry's eyes fluttered closed. Louis started freaking out. "Harry? Wake up. This isn't funny!" he screamed. Then a girl walked over to them. "He fell on his back cerebrum, he needs to go to the hospital. I am the doctor on call for now, I will take him. You need to stay here and continue the show." she said calmly. "But-" "No protesting, those were my orders. 'If one of the boys gets hurt, take him to the hospital and make sure the others stay to continue the show." the girl said. "My name is Serena Shelton. Harry will be back soon." she said and walked off with the 13 year old in her arms. The boys all shared a sigh and walked onstage to continue the show.

Meanwhile, Serena snickered as she took the unconscious Harry into her trailer. She laid him down and took out her wand. "Turn this boy back 12 years. No memory of this shall appear." she said and waved her wand with a flourish over his body. She watched as pink and blue sparks fell and disappeared in his skin. His body shrunk and she giggled in delight. Harry's eyes fluttered open and he looked around with his emerald eyes that were too big for his head. Serena got a nappy and taped it on him. Harry gurgled and tried to roll around. He frowned when he couldn't. Serena got out an age-tester and held it to Harry's heart. It read '8 months'. "A little younger than I was going for, but it'll have to do." Serena murmured to herself. She put him in a buggy and pushed him out of her trailer. She snuck backstage and looked around before she left the buggy in a corner and walked away, leaving baby Harry by himself.

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