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I pull my hoodie over my head. I hated when water got in my ears. I sat on a bench and hugged my knees to my body, the rain was freezing... I soon get up and walk around a little, looking for a dry place because my hoodie was soaked. I climb up a sat of stairs and sat down out of the elements. There was a door to the right of me and a door to the left. I lay my head down on my knees, shivering and alone. I started to doze off when I heard the right door open, I then felt a jacket being placed over my shoulders. I instantly look up at the figure, he was around 5 foot 10 inches, he was well built, a strong jawline, red poofy hair, and a kind smile.
"Are you ok?" The man asks
I shook my head
"Here, come on in. You must be cold."
I slowly stand up, hiding my ears and tail. He lets me in and leads me up a spiral staircase and into a white tile room.
"You can change in here, I'll get you some clothes." He said
He walked out and walked back in with clothing, I started to take off my hoodie as my new master wanted.
"Woah, sorry." He said blushing and closed the door. I change into the t-shirt and shorts, I see a comb and I start to brush my furry ears and tail, I then brush down my (h/l) (h/c). I walk out looking for the man, I walk down the stairs and see him.
"Are you my new Master?" I ask him
He looks at me and his jaw dropped when he saw my (fur color) ears and tail. He then looks at my collar... He stands up and walks over, I flinch when he reaches out but he unhooked my collar...
"You won't be needing this." He said
"Well I can't go out without one..."
"Yes you can."
I shook my head but I stopped when he hugged me... I have never felt anything like this....

A/n: Holo, Jupiter herez! Is this good or naw? Sorry for all the late updates, I'll soon work on a schedule! Bub bye~

My Neko (Y/n) (Markiplier X neko reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu