I looked at my new high heels shining in the flame light! I started thinking about how much I have changed these many years. I was only work . I had no real life. Soon, I started thinking about Ronald and tears rolled down my cheeks. I missed him a lot. I always thought my life would have been much better if he was with me. I missed the soft touch of his hand on my cheeks and his light kisses on my lips. But he was not there. I tried hard to forget about him but it never worked.

It was as if every time I would try to forget about him something or someone would remind me of him. I thought about Ginny's advice about finding a new man in my life but that was not going to happen.

"My love for Ronald is true and I am never going to fall for any other man" I thought.

Charlotte's POV:-

I knew whatever I said to Hermione, she would not listen to anything.

I felt sorry for that girl. Her friends had told me that I needed to put her mind in some other thing so that she would slowly forget about Ronald, but it was not working. I was sick of insulting Hogwarts. I had thought Hermione would react but she just sat silently on the chair and the tears showed that she was thinking about Ronald.

I stopped my babbling and sat down. She did not even notice that I had taken my seat. She seemed as if she was in some different world. After some time, she burst into loud sobs and left my office soon after. It was so quick and sudden that I did not get the time to realize what had happened.

Hermione's POV:-

"I am going mad. How can Ronald leave me? He promised me he would never leave me and go. Why the God did this to me. Am I such a sinner that he took the only thing that was so precious to me" I thought.

I did not know what to do, I could not control my tears. My reaction at boss's room was too dramatic and I knew it would even cost me my job. But I couldn't take Ronald off my mind. I ran to my office and grabbed my hand bag and coat. I started walking as fast as possible out of the office building. I just wanted to get out of there. I stepped out of that old building and took in the cold crisp air of the winter London night.

It was already too dark and late. I looked at my muggle watch and found out that I was more than late. Usually, I left my office at around 12 but that day it was already 12:45.

I got tensed and started walking through the streets towards the metro station. I heard my stomach growl in hunger. I was feeling sick.

I spotted the restaurant. My eyes fell on the waitress who worked there. She was pulling down the curtains on the windows.

 "Marilynn wait"

She was a bit shocked to hear her name. She noticed me soon after. She smiled at me and opened the door. I was all alone there. The street was already empty.

Marilynn was half-blood. Her father was a wizard and her Muggle mom ran the restaurant. She went to Beaubaxton but she left it in her sixth year as she wanted to live the muggle life and help her mom. Her father was a Hogwarts student who was a death eater. After the war, she was too humiliated to be called the daughter of a death eater so she started living her life as a muggle and so I respected her.

She looked at me and smiled as I entered through the doorway.

"Cold dear?" 

 "Yeah, too much!" 

I was literally shivering, which I also did not realize till I entered the small restaurant. My eyes roamed around the small place. Her mum was cleaning the tables and a young boy around 17 was sweeping the floor. They called the boy "Joe". He was also half-blood. He had been hiding from his father that he was a wizard but her mum had made arrangements for his education. That was what I heard from Marilynn.

I never talked to that boy but I always wanted to ask him about the present condition of Hogwarts. I ordered for hot chocolate and some pasta.Marilynn vanished in the kitchen after taking my order. The chef had already gone home. I was too late. But she decided she would cook because she always considered me her friend.

I looked out through the window and saw the empty road. I looked at the sky. The stars were sparkling and I remembered how I used to sit with my mum in the balcony and look at those stars. I smiled happily but I was interrupted. Joe was there with my hot chocolate. I looked at him and smiled.

He kept the cup on the table and was just about to leave when I called him back. It was natural and automatic as if it was a motion done not by me. 

 "Yes, ma'am is there anything else I can do for you?" 

 "No, but will you sit with me for sometime?" 

 "Yeah, no problem. I can give you some time!" 

He sat across me. He was bit curious about what I was going to tell him. He looked like Dean Thomas of my class but he was more jolly and bubbly.

"You are from Hogwarts, right?"

 "Yeah, Hogwarts is my home" 

I felt pleased with his answer.

"A proud Hufflepuff" 

I smiled at his response.

"Wait, I know you. You are Hermione Granger?" 

"Yes, I am but how do you know me?" 

 "Ma'am, I am so honored to meet you. You are like a celebrity in Hogwarts. But many think that you are dead or something!" 

 "No, I am not a celebrity and I am very much alive. It's just my job that does not let me show myself in the public so much. I hope you are not going to spread the news that you met me because that may cost me my job" .

"All right, I won't" 

But I was not sure. I knew how teenage boys were. I was not going to take any risk. He got up from the chair and I raised my wand at him. He looked at me but I just smiled. He got scared of my wand. 


Joe felt a bit dizzy and looked around. He looked at me with confusion which almost made me laugh.  

"No need, thank you, Joe" 

 He scratched his head and went back to the kitchen.

I watched him as he walked away. I held the cup tightly between my palm and felt the warmth. I looked out of the window again and took a sip. Marilynn appeared with the dish of warm pastas.

"Had a hard time in the work place, Mione?".

"No, it's was all right. I can handle everything".

She placed the dish on the table. 

"Thank you"

"It's my job. Dig in!"

I dipped my fork in the soft pasta and turned the fork in a spin. Just then a letter appeared in front of my eyes. I grabbed it and opened it. It was from my boss.

 "Sorry dear, and your first task is to show your partner "slytherer" his apartment. The address is given below" the letter said. I memorized the address and then after I was done with the letter, the letter burned into flames and turned into a silver card. I assumed it to be just a key to his apartment. I did not think much about that and started with my pasta. I dropped the card in my handbag.


Draco was asked to use the floo station from Australia but he decided to use the magical train introduced just after the wars which could go through anywhere. He was pretty excited about using it and they were quite fast also. He could very easily reach with in a day. He informed the London office that he was taking the magical train and gave the excuse that would be safe to travel as a commoner. They agreed.

Hermione was asked to wait at the king's cross. Draco was informed about meeting his partner in the station. He was very excited about that. He never believed that he would ever return to London. He had assumed that his work would always and forever make him an Aussie resident.

Thanks for reading!




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