Chapter 1 | New Beginning

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It was hard to believe that all of this was happening. Not again. Getting told by a foster family that they didn't want you anymore was hard enough. But I had been told it so many times that I'd lost count.

"Well are you ready?" Lara asked, looking at me concerned.

I took in a deep breath. "No" I answered honestly.

She gave me a sad look "You'll be alright," She began pacing around the room with a neutral expression. She never really gave away her emotions. It was a skill that I definitely needed to learn from her.

When she finally did stop pacing, she turned to me. "Well," she began, looking unsure of what to say to me. "Let's gather all your belongings so we can head off. We can make a quick stop by the Agency so you can say goodbye to everyone if you want."

She stayed looking at me for my reaction. She made it seem like it was up to me to approve this all but it wasn't like I could object any of it.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Look, there's honestly not that much I do want anymore. But at least tell me I get new clothes or something like that." I thought a bit more before adding "And there's a budget right? I can get money every month to get the things I need?"

"Don't worry, you can get a few new belongings once you arrive at your destination and Melissa will be sending your foster family money every month." She assured me.

I sighed. "That doesn't exactly make me feel any better Lara. My last foster family spent the money that you sent them on alcohol and cigarettes."

"Then it's good that you're out of there." She said, ignoring my complaining. "Now come on, let's get your stuff, we need to leave soon. You have a long flight ahead of you."

I widened my eyes "Wait, I'm getting on a plane?" This had never happened before.

"Yeah" she smiled, noticing my confused look. "And your flight leaves in a few hours."

"Where am I going?" I asked impatiently.

"I can't exactly tell you all that now since I'm not sure if it's my information to share with you. It's pretty classified. But It's out of the country" Was all she could say in reply.

"Out of the country? What type of family wants a foster child in a different country? Don't they have foster kids there?" I asked, growing more and more confused by the minute.

Lara simply shrugged. "They wanted you. They looked through all the profiles of kids and chose you."

I furrowed my brows. "Why would they want me?"

She shrugged again. "Guess they heard your story and wanted to bring you to a better home" she suggested.

"Or... maybe they're a bunch of creeps." I retorted back.

Lara rolled her eyes. "We checked them out Leah, they're fine. But seriously, get off the couch and pack now."

I sighed and stood up following her instruction and walked out of the room to grab my belongings. I wondered where I was going. It could be anywhere. Brazil, Australia, England, China... I had no clue. As I unzipped my suitcase I stopped for a moment to take everything in. This was a new chance. A new beginning. A chance to discover the new Leah. I finished packing quickly and dragged my luggage outside towards the car that Lara was leaning on. She was staring down at her phone but looked up when she saw me.

"Great timing," she noted.

"It's not like I have a lot of things to pack" I explained.

"Well, get in and let's pay a quick visit to the Foster Home Agency and then we can go to the airport."

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