Chapter 2- How are you Easton?

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^^ Kendra

Chapter 2- How are you Easton?


"Good morning, sunshine!" Kendra said cheerily while yanking my blinds open. I groaned while pulling the blanket over my head.

"Kendra, fuck off." I growled.

"Kingsley, Calum and Brett are already downstairs and having breakfast. You're running late." She said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Rough night?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I snapped while sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I was feeling a little bit off but nothing major.

I got up as she still watched me. She had on dark jeans and a turtleneck. No one knew where she got her curly hair from and although it was big and frizzy at times she always managed to keep it respectable.

"Don't be so mean. It's not good for you and stop frowning. Wrinkles make you look ugly." She said and I sighed as she finally left my room. After brushing my teeth and getting changed, I made my way downstairs.

I passed by a head of green hair and I stopped and turned around to look at Calum. His usual bleached hair was now green.

"What's going on, pineapple?" I asked.

"Pineapple?" He asked confused.

"Pineapples have green leaves on the top." I shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

"Mom and g-ma dig it. Just to let you know." He said continuing to walk on. I laughed while shaking my head and went into the kitchen. Kingsley sat at the breakfast bar with four waffles, a bowl of fruit and a plate of bacon and eggs.

The girl ate anything and stayed like a rake.

"I swear to God I am going to shove my foot so far up his ass..." mom growled and I chuckled as I took the coffee in front of Kingsley and a slice of her bacon.

"Who are you doing that to? Mom I'm not doing drugs. I'm not Calum." He said.

"Jackson!" Mom yelled.

"Good morning Mrs. McKinnon." Dad said pleasantly.

"Jackson, I have one box of cereal that I buy every week for me. You buy one box of cereal every week for yourself and you still eat mine!" She said crossing her arms.

"I didn't eat it! It was probably Kingsley! She eats everything." He denied.

"Are you calling me fat, daddy?" Kingsley pouted while dropping her fork. Kingsley was dads' baby. He'd jump off a skyscraper for her.

"No, sweetness. You're perfect." He said kissing her head.

"Jackson focus! I went to have breakfast and all of my captain crunch is gone." Mom pouted.

"I swear I didn't eat it my beautiful girl." He said while pulling mom into a hug.

"I'm going to reach down your throat and chop your balls off if you do it again." She said and I laughed while drinking the last bit of coffee.

"Let's go. School." I said patting Kingsley's shoulder.

"Shotgun!" Brett screamed while running by us.

We pulled into the student parking lot and I parked in my spot.

"I have basketball after school, kids. Also stop telling people I don't know how to do math." Brett said angrily.

"Brett, what is twenty multiplied by ten?" Kingsley asked.

"Who needs math?" He said before getting out.

"I need a smoke before class." Calum said.

"Weed will turn you into Brett." Kingsley said.

"Oh be quiet." He teased while leaving. I looked back as Kingsley stared out the windshield. I followed her gaze to some of the grade elevens on the football team and some of the cheerleaders.

"You getting out, King?" I asked her.

"I hate those guys." She mumbled under her breath.

"Why?" I asked and she shook her head and got out. I watched as she put her head down and began walking. Kingsley was one of a kind. She didn't say much, she was smart and sarcastic. She came off to a lot of people as a bitch but she wasn't.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag while getting out.

"Shit did you do the trig homework?" Max asked while jogging up next to me.

"Yea. I don't know if it's done right. It kind of pissed me off last night. Did you ask Kevin?" I asked. As if on cue, Kevin walked beside us.

"I did and no you're not copying it again, Max."

"Come on you little shit. I thought we were friends? You want me to get you a date with my older brother?" Max asked him and he rolled his eyes.

"As if. He thinks I'm a little prep." He said and we stopped walking and looked at his light blue dress shirt, dark chinos, dress shoes and cardigan.

"You literally look like you're going to brunch with your mother and her friends." Max said.

"I know, shocking that I hang out with a tattooed, giant who looks like he should be in some underground band and a typical jock who wears a letterman jacket everyday of his life."

"What instrument would I play?" I asked.

"The triangle." Kevin said as we stopped at our lockers. Kevin's was a little farther down the hallway.

"And there she is, gents. The young lady who took Easton McKinnon's heart." Kevin sighed dramatically. I looked where he was looking and he was staring directly at Ryan Freeman.

She had on black thigh high boots with jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

"Aboriginal beauty she is. Too bad she hates your guts." Max said and I rolled my eyes.

"I sometimes forget how supportive you both are. Thank you." I said while grabbing my textbook and binder.

"Look how gorgeous she is. A part of the original family." He said. The original family were the direct descendants of the first werewolves. A native tribe from the human world, its a long story for werewolf history.

"You'd think she would hangout with you know the cool kids that party every single night and do coke like it's going out of style. But there she is, playing fucking softball and is the captain of the chess team." Max said.

"What's wrong with that? She's different." I frowned.

"Nothing by it. She's just quiet and still hates you." He said and I rolled my eyes while shutting my locker.

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