August 13th, 2018

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Our adventure began around 1875. There was a lake, not just an ordinary lake. The lake had a lot of fog, you can't even look through. The lake has this alluring aroma when just looking at the lake. It was known as Mysterious Lake. In the middle of the lake, there was a boathouse. It was very new, the wood was new as bright of day. The place was very clean as a whistle. There were was a father and a daughter. The father's name was Alistar. Alistar had grey hair as the fur of a wolf, he had green eyes as a granny smith apple. He was very tan, with his muscular body. Not only that, he has a perfect scar across his left eye and has the handsome charm. Then, there was his daughter. Her name is Sadie Mae, she pale skin as a ghost, she also has blond hair with long curls like a doll. She had emerald green eyes like the Chester cat from Wonderland. Sadie was the light for everyone she knows, but Alistar was not. He was full of jealousy, full of furious rage. One night, Alistar betrayed his only daughter, his mind is like a madhouse inside his head. Alistar leaped onto Saide and try to smuggle her with a pillow on her bed. Saide tried to fight back, and then Alistar pulled a knife and stabbed her in the back. She screams in pain and kicks Alistar in the balls and he dropped the knife. With her last bit of energy, she took the knife right through his chest. They both died on a Friday of the thirteenth of August.

100 years later in the future. It was August 12, 1975, in a town of Waterloo, there was a small house, with a young girl named Maddie. Maddie was 19 years old with some intentional beauty within her. She had black hair with long wavy hair like Snow White. She has blue eyes as the glistening sea of despair. She is very tough and always help others in need. She had a dream that she wants to have her very own land with lots of nature, full of joy, One day, she received a letter with big bold letters. She opened it up and saw the words "CONGRATS"! It said," you have just won your very own vacation home at Twisty Forest". Maddie was very excited and she leaped into the house and pack all her things for her adventure. She got her in the car and went there in a flash. As he was driving, she saw many signs like "TURN BACK" or "STAY AWAY", but she didn't care. As she was driving she saw a boy named Jet. Jet had red curly hair with green eyes as a leopard. He was always in his A game when comes to protect others. Maddie saw that Jet's bike's wheels were popped down on the side of the road. She pulls over and walked over to him and said," Hi, my name is Maddie and I see your bike tires are pop?" He replied back," Yeah, my wheels got burst and I need some support, the name is Jet." Maddie helps with Jet's bike and put on her back of her car.

They continue down the road and Maddie was trying to explain why she is here. Maddie got a letter saying that she has a free vacation. Jet also told her that he also received the letter of having a vacation home too. Around 11 PM two hours before midnight, they had arrived at their vacation home. As they pull up, it was very foggy and very hard to see into. They got out of the car and started walking a path which leads to a lake. There was a bridge connecting to a small island, which was a boat house. They heard owl howling through the night, and hear the ripples of the lake with creatures down below. As they were across the bridge, there was the breeze with someone saying,"Run, turn back, leave before midnight." As Maddie heard that slow voice, she had the chills behind her back. She thought a young girl calling out to here, warning her. As she walking, she heard it again but now louder. She thought her mind is playing tricks. She said to Jet with a low tone,"Hey, did you hear a voice just?" He shook his left and right saying basically saying no.

When they arrived the boathouse, it will old as her Aunt Molly's place. The wood planks were rotten, the windows were shattered, glass left to right. As Maddie and Jet walked up to the wooden old door. There was the gold knob with lots of scratches as if a raccoon was trying to open the door. Jet turn the knob and a click inside the knob. He gave it a budgie and the door was caught stuck. Jet gave it push and the door was squeaking with a high tone of a voice. As the door open, Maddie heard the mysterious voice again, but the voice sounded even closer. This time saying,"LEAVE NOW.." Maddie is not thinking she is crazy and can't tell what reality is anymore. They walked into the dark room, and the door slammed right behind them. Jet turn on the light and see something strange.

The lights brightened up and saw the inside of the house so fresh and new. There was food on the table and there was a fire of passion at the fireplace. Jet was so amazed at the place, but Maddie was very curious and questioning herself,"Who made these preparations and who is the mysterious voice?" Maddie and Jet were roaming inside the boathouse. There was a living room, a kitchen, a supply room, and the two other bedrooms. Jet was chilling at the fireplace, while Maddie was looking at one the rooms. Before she went upstairs, she heard the old grandfather's clock struck at midnight. Maddie saw a kid's room with pink wallpaper and a lot of stuff toys. She was roaming around when she catches with her eye. Before she went upstairs, she heard the old grandfather clock, pointing at midnight. There was a picture of a young girl and her father. But when Maddie looks at the picture closely, she saw blood crying from girl and father having the devil look. She was about scream when someone taps her shoulder. She whips her head fast as a rocket and a spirit of a girl. Maddie was trying to keep her cool together, her heart was going skyrocket, and began to sweat with fear. The spirit said to Maddie, "Do not be afraid. I'm not an enemy."

She explains to Maddie that her name was Sadie Mae. She explains about her past 100 years ago and how the house is enchanted like a time loop. She also told Maddie that she needs to find Alistar's knife before midnight, or else he will kill Maddie and Jet, and keeping Sade imprisoned. Maddie ran to Jet yelling," This is a ghost is our friend, she is here to help us to save our lives." So, the heroes began searching for Alistar knife when all the lights go black as night. There was a small blue light, coming towards to the Master bedroom. When the three took a peak, it was the knife sitting on the bed. Not only that, we saw a dark red spirit. At first, it was a blur, but when it became more clear is was Alistar. You can see the wound hole, almost you can feel his pain and has blood dripping from his eyeballs.

Jet, Maddie, and Sadie make crawled back to her room, quiet as a mouse. They were some brainstorming some ideas of how to trick Alistar and getting the knife. Jet had a plan that two of them will distract Alistar, while the other person could grab the knife. They decided that Maddie will get the knife, while Jet and Sadie Mae distract Alistar. Alistar and Sadie were tiptoeing to the master room before the plan began, Saide said to Maddie and Jet," I could make a magic circle to trap my father, and we could make him weak, and Maddie will stab right through him to banish him for good."The jet took a pot and a wooden spoon and started to make small tap sounds.

As Jet was doing that, Alistar started coming towards at the Master Bedroom. As he was walking out, you can almost his shadow. His shadow was a full blood moon and almost looks like a rose. When he was out, he was almost in the living room, and Maddie started sneaking the bedroom. As she was walking, she made so many distractions. When she placed her right foot, the floorboard began to SQUEAK. When she heard that, her heart almost drop to the floor. When she turned around, Alistar began slowly walking towards the back, he was screaming that almost blew the Dickins of Maddie's ears. Maddie began speed walking until she finally she made to the bedroom and quickly grab the knife. As she was about to leave, Alistar slammed the door so loud and said,"Come out.... I know you're here". Maddie tried to cover her loud breathing and duck right under the bed. Alistar was about to scream, Jet came over and said,"Hey I'm right, come get me." Jet started running, Alistar started the following Jet too, and Maddie began to hop out of bed and started chasing after them.

Before Maddie arrived, she could the wind howling and sense something unusual. When she went downs, Sadie Mae had trapped Alistar in the magic circle. Maddie rush over, and Sadie Mae needed to stab right through his heart. So Maddie came over and stabbed him right through his dark pure heart. There was a scream from Alistar and he vanished. It's over they said to themselves. When Alistar vanished, Sadie Mae slowly began stardust, she thanks, Maddie and Jet for setting her free. Just you know, she was gone blink of an eye. It was sunrise and Maddie and Jet began leaving this palace. Before they pulled away, Maddie took one final look and she smiles with pride and hope. They drove away and Jet and Maddie will remember what happened on August 13, 1975. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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