A Fresh Start

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Where the hell did I put my damn keys?

I groan, trying with no success to search my purse while balancing boxes in my hands. I look around hopefully in search of a table to set the boxes in order to free my hands. No luck. Fuck me, I roll my eyes as I attempt to shift the weight of the boxes onto my right shoulder causing the contents of my purse spill onto the carpet. "Good dammit!" Tears prick behind my eyes as I slowly try to crouch down to pick up my belongings.

"Here, let me get that for you." I peek around the boxes and see a tall man approaching. My glasses had slid halfway down my nose from my struggle, and I try to shift them back up to get a better look at the owner of the gravely voice.

"Thank you," I croak, my voice betraying my exhaustion. I blow at the curls that have fallen out of my top knot.

"No problem." He stoops down in front of me and starts collecting the scattered contents of my purses. His brown hair is long and pulled up into a bun that, much to my chagrin, looks way better than mine. His grey shirt is pulled taut across broad shoulders and has ridden up just enough to show the tanned skin of his lower back. I quickly look up as he stands again, realizing he is much taller than I originally thought. At 4 foot 10 inches, my head comes up to about his chest.

I tilt my head back to look him in his eyes as he places my belongings back into my purse. He smiles as he reaches over and takes the boxes from me. His hazel eyes crinkle at the corners as he hefts the boxes onto one shoulder like they weigh nothing. 

"Where to?" He asks, nodding to the boxes.

I pull out my papers as I try to remember my apartment number. "Um, apartment 2276? Although I have no clue where that is."

He chuckles as he makes his way over to the elevator. "I know exactly where that is. I'll show you."

"Thank you again," I say as we step into the elevator. I watch as he presses the number four and the doors slide closed. I take amount to finally catch my breath and lean against the back wall.

He leans casually beside me, his head turned in my direction as I stare forward. "You're welcome. I could see you were struggling. Although I don't know why you'd try to carry so many boxes when you're so tiny." I turned my head and glared, his smirk only deepening at my reaction. The elevator dinged and I stormed through the doors, walking with purpose away from the tall jerk. "Hey, shorty. You're going the wrong way."

I stop in my tracks, cursing silently. He chuckles as he takes in my expression and begins walking towards my apartment. "I totally knew that."

We arrive at my apartment finally, and I quickly scrounge in my purse for my key. I exhale a sign of relief as I open the door and step inside. Freedom, I think. I've made it.

"Where do you want these?" I turn around, leaning against the wall as I stare up at the giant man before me. He is definitely beautiful, I muse. I take in his arms that flex with minimal effort while holding the boxes and feel my face heating up.

"Um, in my bedroom over to the left? Just set the boxes anywhere." I move towards the kitchen, carefully splashing a bit of water on my face to calm myself.

I lean back onto the counter with a content sigh as I survey my new home. My apartment wasn't large by any standards, but it was mine and mine alone.

"Boxes are all set. Anything else you need?" He asks as he walks into the kitchen, his large hands stuffed into his front pockets.

"Nope," I swallow, trying to calm myself. "That's all the stuff I brought with me, but thank you."

He cocks his head to the side, his brow furrowing. "Really? You only brought three boxes of stuff with you?"

I breathe unevenly. "Yes. I wanted a fresh start. Spring cleaning and all that." I turn and move towards the door. "Anyways, I want to say thank you again for helping me with my stuff. I appreciate it."

"No problem. It's the least I can do for my new neighbor," he chuckles softly. "My name's Levi, by the way."

I look down at the tanned hand extending towards me for a moment before watching it dwarf mine. I shiver slightly at the feeling of his rough palm on mine. "Adele," I smile. "Nice to meet you, Levi."

I hold the door as Levi leaves and heads across the hall. I balk. "You really weren't kidding about the neighbor thing, were you?"

"Nope," he chuckles deeply. "You can come borrow some sugar anytime," he winks back at me as he opens the door to his home. "Good night, Adele."

I stand in the doorway, stunned speechless by his overt flirting. I reach to push
my glasses up the bridge of my nose, my face burning. Clumsily I turn around and close the door, sliding down it to sit on the ground.

What a day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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