First Day Is The Last

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*Warning,this story contains swearing and kissing*

I woke up.Ugh.Its my first day of my new school, and the last day. I got out of bed and brushed my knotted up hair. I got dressed and decided to wear ripped jeans,plain white shirt,a black beanie with my hair down,and black socks and black converse. I brushed my teeth and walked out of my room. ¨hope you don't have a nice day at school¨, my mom said. i hate my mom so much,shes a drunk and abuses me. ¨thanks mom¨ i said and put on my fakest smile. I walked outside and grabbed a pack of cigarettes and stuffed them in my small backpack pocket. I hoped on my bike and starting peddling.

*Time skip*

Once i got to the school,there was a huge sign in the front that said,¨Remember the 7 pm curfew¨. I rolled my eyes and walked past the sign. The bell rung and i ran into my class. ¨Oh you must be our new student?" the teacher said in a disgust tone. I raised my eyebrows and sat at my desk. I looked who was next to me and it was this kid with really curly light brown hair, wearing a light blue long sleeved button up shirt,and caches. He seemed very shy. He glanced at me. *Time skip* The last bell rung and it was the end of the day. Finally. I sat behind a tree and grabbed my lighter and the cigarettes out of my backpack. I lit the cigarette. Look i know that smoking is bad, and im only 13,but it makes me calm. As i was smoking i started looking at 4 boys as they starting dumping everything in their backpacks into the trashcan.

Richie's Point Of View:

I dumped everything that was in my backpack into the trashcan. ¨Best feeling ever¨, Stanley said. ¨Try tickling your pickle for the first time¨, i said with a smirk. Stan scrunched his nose in disgust. ¨Hey what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?¨ Eddie asked. ¨Training¨, i said. ¨What training?¨ Eds asked. ¨Street fighting¨, i said. ¨is that how you want to spend your summer?, inside of an arcade?¨ Eds said, ¨if it beats spending inside of your mother,ohhhh¨, i said and attempted to high five Stan but grabbed my wrist and put my hand down. ¨What if we go to the quarry?¨ Stan said. ¨a-and barrens¨ Bill said. I nodded. ¨Betty Ripson's mom¨ Eds said. ¨Is she really expecting her to be in front of the school?¨ Stan said. ¨ i don't know,feels like Betty Ripsons be hiding at home for three weeks.¨ Eds said. ¨Do you think they'll actually find her?¨ Stan asked. ¨Sure,in a ditch, all decomposed with worms and smells like Eddie's moms underwear¨, i replied and turned to Eddie. ¨Shut up¨ Eds said shaking his head and making a disgust face. ¨Shes not dead, shes m-m-missing¨, Bill said. ¨Sorry Bill, shes missing¨ i said and poked my glasses. Bill started walking off and then we all started to follow. ¨You know the barrens are not that bad, your just splashing around in shitty water¨ i said. Suddenly i felt someone yank my backpack. I feel and nocked into Stan and i fell on top of him. Patrick took Stan's little hat thing on his head (sorry idk what its called,if you know plz comment) and threw it on a school bus as it was driving by. ¨Nice Frisbee¨ Patrick said. Belch(i think thats his name) came up to Eddie and burped really loud in his face. Honestly what the fuck is wrong with these people. Henry's shoulder bumped into Bill's hard as Henry walked by him. ¨Losers¨, Henry said under his breathe. Bill got angry, ¨You s-s-suck B-Bowers!¨ Bill yelled. ¨Did you s-s-say something, B-Billy?¨ Henry said as he mocked Bill's stutter. ¨You got a free ride this year because of your little brother¨ Henry said as he went closer to Bill's face.

Venice's Point Of View: I smushed my cigarette against the tree and threw it. I saw this older guy yanked this kids backpack and he fell on the ground and on to the kid who was in one of my classes. I got and brushed myself off and started walking slowly over to the boys. ¨You s-suck B-B-Bowers¨ this one kid said. Then the older one started mocking the kid with the stutter. The older kid grabbed the boy with the stutter wrist. I went up to the older kid. ¨Let go of him¨ i said angerly. ¨aww Billy is this your little girlfriend??¨ the older kid asked and looked at the kid with the stutter. ¨No, i d-d-don't ev-en k-now -h-her¨ he said. ¨sure you do¨, the older kid said and let go of his wrist. ¨Keep your slut away¨ the older kid said and licked his hand and wiped it on the kid who stutters face. The older kid and his friends walked off and went in his car and drove off. ¨Assholes¨ the kid with the glasses said. ¨Im s-s-orry, im B-Bill and t-the kid w-ith the g-g-glasses is R-Richie, and thats S-Stanley and thats E-E-Eddie the kid with the stutter said to me. ¨Hi,im Venice¨, i said. They all smiled at me gently. ¨Well i have to go,see you guys later?¨ i said. ¨Uh s-sure, Bill said and smiled. ¨If y-you want t-to you c-can m-meet us at t-the b-barrens later¨ he said. ¨okay maybe I will, bye,nice meeting you guys¨ i said while smiling. I got off my bike and started peddling off.

Richie's Point Of View:

¨nice meeting you too¨ i said under my breathe.

A\N: Aloha losers! I hope you like the story so far it took FOREVER to write, word count: 1023! Hope you enjoyed and I will try to update as quick as I can!

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