The class breaks into another cheerful clapping.

"Okay, let's see where our little Harry can sit." Miss Jennings looks around the class, "Oh, looks like our little Leprechaun here wants to make a new friend today. Okay, Harry go and sit with Niall, yeah?"

Harry looks over and sees a little boy grinning at him and waving his hand with enthusiasm. Harry nods his head to Miss Jennings and then slowly walks towards the boy.

"Hi, I'm Niall." The boy says as soon as Harry sits down beside him.

"I'm Harry." Harry says softly.

"I know!" Niall grins. "You said it in front of the class, remember?"

Harry giggles when Niall waves his hand dramatically; he thinks Niall is the funniest person he's ever met.

"Do you want a snack?"

Harry shakes his head, declining Niall's offer politely.

The bell rings and Miss Jennings stands in the front of the class and starts speaking. Thought Harry doesn't understand half the things Miss Jennings said, he manages to be a good boy and doesn't eat in class like Niall did.

"Hey, is Zayn your brother?" At the rest time, three boys walk to Harry's desk and ask. Zayn is a senior and he's the most popular kid in the school. Everyone wants to be his friend.

"No." Harry shakes his head and tells them truthfully, "He's my master."

"Master?" The boys snicker and one of them taunts, "Are you his slave or what? 'Cause my mom said if you call someone master, you're a slave!"

"N-No, I'm not a slave. I'm his Barbie." Harry frowns, not understanding why they're laughing at him.

"Barbie? Are you a toy or what? And, only girls can be Barbie, you're a boy!" They laugh loudly.

"But" Harry's lips quiver, his voice trembling, "I am Barbie."

They laugh even harder than before.

"Hey! Don't laugh at him, or I'll tell Miss Jennings!" Niall yells, putting his hands on his hips.

"Whatever." The boy in the middle of the group said, "He's not worth to be friends with. Let's go."

Once they leave, tears start rolling down Harry's chubby face.

"Hey, don't cry." Niall says and rubs his back. "They're just mean boys; they aren't worth being friends with us."

Harry sniffs, "Master said friends in school are nice, but those boys are not."

"Because they're not your friends. I'll be your friend, I'm nice." Niall grins.

"Really? You'll be my friend?"

"Yes. Here, it's my very , very sweet candy. I only give it to my best friend; you're my best friend now." Niall hands Harry a candy.

"Thank you, NiNi, you're my best friend too!" Harry smiles widely, showing his dimples; Niall pokes them.

"What are you doing?" Harry giggles.

"You have dimples, it's cute."

"My master told me that before." Harry smiles shyly.


Zayn frowns when he sees Harry walking into the refectory with his little chubby hand linked with another boy's hand.

He doesn't like it. He doesn't like his Barbie holding hands with other people.


Harry looks around and beams when he sees Zayn. He immediately runs to him and embraces him.

"I missed you a lot, master." Harry murmurs against his chest.

Zayn grins and hugs him softly. "I missed you too, Barbie."

"Umm, Harry?" They hear someone calling him.

They pull away from the hug and look over.

"Oops!" Harry covers his mouth with his hand. He grins and looks at Zayn while pointing at Niall. "Master, this is my best friend, Niall." And then he goes to hold Niall's hand and gestures at Zayn. "NiNi, this is my master."

Zayn is happy for Harry that he has made a friend in school, but he is not so happy that the new best friends are holding hands now. He decides to talk to Harry about it when they get home.

"Let's go to eat lunch, yeah?" Zayn says and grabs Harry's hand, leading them to his table. His friends, Louis, Josh and Stan are sat at the table.

Harry gives them a smile and a little wave. He knows them because they come to their house to play with Zayn sometimes. He likes Louis and Josh, they're really good people and treat him nice, while Stan seems to be not very fond of him. He is always mean to Harry when Zayn's not around. Harry doesn't hate him though, he's Zayn's friend.

"Hey, Harry, how's your first day of school going so far?" Louis asks while eating his chips.

"Good." Harry grins as he speaks slowly, "I made a friend." And then he introduces Niall to Zayn's friends.

During the whole lunch, Zayn holds Harry's hand as they enjoy their food.


Hope you have a good day 💛💚

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