"Remember the Potter boy?"

"Oh yes," she nodded. "The bespectacled, scrawny one with unruly hair."

Lynn opened her mouth to argue with her, only to feel a sharp kick from under the table. Podraig glared at her, warning her to keep her mouth shut. She inhaled sharply at the pain. "Yes mam, that one."

Eveline McLaughlin pursed her lips and made a noise of amusement. "And why would you want to spend time with a Potter?"

A heavy silence settled among the family, and Eveline assumed that there would be no more words spoken the evening. Lynn looked around at her family, who had gone back to eating, and imagined their faces if she just decided to ruin their evening.

"Why wouldn't I spend time with a Potter?"

Everyone looked at her with shock.

"What did you say?"

Her tone was quiet and deadly, almost like she was daring her daughter to speak against her again.

"What's so wrong with the Potter family?"

Eveline inhaled sharply, her dark blue eyes piercing into her daughter's aquamarine ones. "What's wrong with the Potter family? They are arrogant thieves is what they are!"

Lynn's eyes turned to ice. "What do you know about James? Nothing! Just because you're prejudice and think every single English pureblood is responsible for all the Irish families leaving for America-"

"Don't you DARE raise your voice voice at me!" Eveline roared, standing up. "You ungrateful-"

"You haven't left this house in twenty years! How would you know anything? Just because the Potter's are British purebloods doesn't mean they fit into your outdated, prejudiced beliefs-"


"Sit down Lynnie," Podraig spoke tiredly. It was only then did Lynn realise that she had rose from her seat and was now digging her fingernails harshly into the wood.

"I'm leaving for America tonight," Podraig continued in a cold tone that didn't suit him. It sent chills through his siblings spines when he spoke with cold anger.

"I was going to tell you later, but I'm sick and tired of listening to your bullshit."

Eveline gasped at his tone, her face slowly turning from shock to showing her rage as she got over Podraig's sudden declaration. "America? You're not going to America." She laughed at him, as if she thought it was a joke. 

"I've been offered a job at the Magical Congress, in the international relations department," he told her nervously. "Da... Da said he'd help me."

Lynn's eyes widened in surprise, only hearing this for the first time. She didn't know that Podraig had contacted their father.

"Mam... please understand-"

"Get out."

Podraig's face fell, and the other siblings stared at their mother in indignation. 

"I said get out!"

Podraig nodded and summoned his prepared trunk and empty owl cage.

"No! You can't just-"

"Silence Conor! All of you in your rooms!"

She stormed out of the rooms, barking at the family house elf to tidy the table, leaving the siblings in a tense silence.

"Well that went well," Lynn stated simply, hiding her shaking hands behind her back.

"I thought she was going to tear into you for mentioning Da," Ruairi said to Lynn. "I think Podraig broke her though."

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