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Teyla struck, launching herself across the mat and brought both her sticks down hard on Michael's left stick. She quickly spun around and struck Michael's right hand with her right stick nocking his weapon to the floor. She kicked the stick away before turning to face him again.

Michael stood back up, tossing his stick from his left hand to his right. "Nice move." Michael said.

Teyla's heart was pounding and her palms were sweating. She nodded to Michael without relaxing her guard.

Teyla quickly stepped towards Michael, first with her right foot then her left, she spun clockwise kicking her leg up at Micheal's face. He batted it away from him and through a swing that Teyla easily blocked. She came at him again, first with her left, then with her right sticks. Michael grabbed her right arm, dropped his stick and pulled her past him to the ground. He straddled her holding his right hand to her throat.

Michael was breathing heavier now. He imagined Teyla could feel his breath on her face. He had never been this close to a human that we was not intending to kill. He quickly let her go and stood up without helping her up. He grabbed both of his sticks and stood ready at the edge of the mat. Now he was breathing hard.

Teyla got up and repositioned herself. She could almost still feel his hand on her throat, like it had left a mark.

Michael came at her again, slowly. He threw swings that she could easily block.

Teyla came back quickly and hit him once in the side and then again in his face. Michael dropped one knee to the floor as blood flew from his mouth and landed on the mat.

"Are you alright?" Teyla asked, lowering her sticks.

"I am fine." Michael replied moving quickly and swinging at her legs.

Teyla fell to the ground and Michael pinned her down again. She laughed, "nice move."

Michael smiled back at her. As he began to release his grip he felt a sharp pain in his side and then a numbing blow to his face.

It was Ronon. He pushed Michael to the ground and was on top of him holding a small blade dripping with blood to his throat. "Thats enough wraith!" He roared.

"Get off of him!" Teyla shouted.

"He was going to feed on you!" Ronon hollered, pushing the knife harder against Michael's throat.

"No he wasn't!" Teyla screamed. She knew that Ronon was going to kill Michael. She quickly grabbed one of the wooden weapons and swung it against the back of Ronon's head.

Ronon's eyes closed as he loss consciousness, falling over and releasing the knife.

Teyla pulled Ronon's body off of Michael. She took the knife from Ronon's hand and threw it across the room. "Are you okay?" She scanned Michael's body looking for the wound. His blood was spilling out onto the mat.

"I will heal, I'm fine." Michael groaned as he spoke clenching his side.

Teyla ran over to the bench and grabbed her radio, "medical team to the gym immediately!"

"On our way!" She heard back. She dropped the radio and ran back over to Michael, his blood was still pouring out onto the mat and onto the floor. She ripped a piece of her skirt off and held it to Michael's side.

Michael put his hand over hers and pushed it into his side and groaned again. Michael kept pushing on the wound as he tried to sit up. Teyla used her other hand to hold him down.

"Don't move." She insisted.

"I am already healing." Michael slowly released the pressure from Teyla's had. "Look at it." He urged as he pulled his shirt up.

Stargate Atlantis-An Alternate UniverseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant