Together, we were all able to stitch up Minho, and stop the blood.  It had taken two and a half hours, but we got it done.  He sat, still unconscious, on the bed, while Jeff was finishing wiping the red liquid, that was seemingly everywhere, off of his chest. 

He was breathing, and he was safe.  The healing would take a month or two, because it was a serious injury.  But, he would live.  It didn't affect anything vital, thankfully.

I sat against the far wall, my arms rested on my knees.  My hair was very messy, and Minho's blood covered my shirt, and my hands.  My own bloody handprints covered my tan pants, and glops of blood rested in my hair, making it stick together in parts.  I was a mess.

Newt sat next to me in a similar condition, blood all over his shirt and hands.  There were some red stains on his forehead and hair, from where he had tried to push his hair out of the way.  Dark bags rested under his eyes, a result from the exhausting task.

Alby sat on the other side of Newt, looking the same.  "This shank better live after all the work we put in to him," he half-joked, but there was also a serious, scared undertone.

"He will," I said, "Just gonna take a long time to heal."

"We're one runner short, then."  Newt said, running his hand through his hair, which resulted in it being more blood-stained.  "What are we gonna do about that?"

Alby scratched his cheek, studying the wood flooring.  "Thomas can be the temporary keeper, and I don't know.  Maybe I could replace him.  I kept up with him when we went looking for the dead griever."

I recalled what Thomas had been telling me the other day.  Alby and Minho had went out in the maze, after Minho saw what he thought was a dead griever.  Alby got stung, and he, Minho and Thomas were stuck in the Maze.  Thomas made me promise to not do anything that he did, and I did, willingly.  No way I was gonna be that impulsive.  If it was Newt, or Thomas, that would be different.  But Thomas didn't know either of them very well.  Idiot.

"That could work," Newt said, rubbing his bottom lip, "things are pretty calm here, right now.  Except for this buggin' shank."  He motioned to Minho, sighing.  "I should be able to take care of things around here.  Y/N's always here if I need dome help.  She's pretty good at calming everybody down."  He patted my knee, and gave me a tired smile.

Alby got up and held out a hand for Newt.  "Let's go hit the showers.  It looks like Clint and Jeff got this covered."

"Save some hot water for us," Clint said, washing the tools in the sink.

"Will do," said Alby.

Newt hopped up, and then helped me up.  "You got a little something," he said, gesturing up and down to my body.

"Yeah, I noticed."  I plucked his shirt, "You've got a small stain right here."

He laughed and walked out to the hallway, ruffling my hair.  "Thanks, Love.  Didn't notice it."


The hot shower was amazing.  The warm water flowed over my body, removing the blood that seemed to be in every crevice of my body.  My hair finally felt clean and sleek.  The water that swirled down by my feet had turned red, and it gradually became more transparent, until all the blood was off my body, and the water was clear.  The soap that the Creators sent up smelled like mint and rosemary, although I don't know how I remember those smell.

"I'm right here, Love."  TMR Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now