Day 1-An Unfamiliar Town (New Year's Day)

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Hello! Me again. Wow the introduction was really long. Oops. Oh probably most of the parts in this book will be a few pages long so bear with me. And this will be like, 365 chapters since it's a day-by-day thing. Hmm let's see what I went over so far. I explained how Adam came to adopt me and all of that stuff. Oh yes. I left us when we landed in Owatonna, Minnesota.


I watched the sun rise as the pilot said we could get off. Adam was still asleep. Gently, I woke him and at first he was confused then his face turned red as he remembered. A small laugh escaped my mouth as we exited the plane. With suit case in hand we walked out of the small airport and I stood frozen in amazement. Dirty snow covered everything except the roads and it was colder than back in Florida so I zipped my jacket up as I put it on. Part of me wanted to believe this was all a dream but I knew it was real. Ever since I heard Adam's music I wanted to come to Owatonna. Now it's really happening. To my left there were three airplanes on holder things which were the ones seen in the 'Alligator Sky' music video. Adam placed his hand on my shoulder and I jumped. He chuckled and he led me towards the edge of the sidewalk when a blue Toyota Sienna pulled up and the side door opened automatically. I got in, and felt warm. I smiled and put my suitcase on the floor between the two middle seats. There were also three seats in the back as well. Adam sat up front in the passenger side and I pushed the button and the door closed. As I buckled I stared at the person in the drivers seat. The person had long black hair and wore a pink sweater, jeans, and I think boots. I wasn't sure. Adam looked back and made sure I was alright. I said I was. Then he introduced me to the driver.

"Breanne Düren this is Elaine Harper," Adam said.

The car stopped at a red light and she turned around so we made eye contact.

"A pleasure to meet you Miss. Düren," I said politely.

Breanne smiled. "It's very nice to meet you as well Elaine. You have a southern accent. Where are you from in the south?"

"I'm from Jacksonville, Florida ma'am," I replied, "I was born in Georgia but we moved to Florida when I was two so I don't remember much about where I was born."

Breanne nodded her head and was about to say something when Adam said the light was green. She turned left onto a street. I think the sign said Walnut Street. Then we passed a power plant. I stared at its weather faded bricks and the sign on top that said Owatonna Power Plant. That's cool. I stared out the window. Adam and Breanne were talking about music. Which reminded me. I put the suit case in front of my seat and opened up the top compartment. Inside it was an iPhone with a pair of earbuds and a charger. I pushed the home button and I saw a picture of me and Skye smiling and holding her little sister. During the whole month of December, which was last month, Skye was asking me what music and apps I like. I told her. Along with the iPhone there was a case and a note which read

Dear Elaine,

Sorry this is a late Christmas present but I wanted you to have something that we can communicate with while you live in a different sate. All of the songs and apps that you like are on here and it's ready to be used. I'll miss you a lot.

Your friend,

Skye Sailor

I folded the note back up and found myself crying. Adam made Breanne stop the car. He got out and came in the middle and sat beside me. Then Breanne started driving. Adam placed his hand on my arm. I jerked it out of his grasp and looked out the window as I inserted my earbuds, scrolled through the music and found Fireflight's album 'Unbreakable' and put the whole album on repeat as I played the first song. My head rested against the headrest and I closed my eyes as the music took me somewhere else. I imagined I was with my parents and younger brother again and not in an unfamiliar town. In my mind we were having fun and it was warm out and we were happy. I was yanked out of my dreamworld when Adam removed one of my earbuds and started talking. I glared angrily at him then I paused the music. He then stopped talking to me and frowned.

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