CHAPTER 25: The tragedy Part. 1

Start from the beginning

In an instant, a strong breeze passed and it shook the bridge very lightly, but it was enough for both of them to lose their balance.

Takeru: Brother!

Joe: They're fine, it was just a shake-He said nervous

Sora: Yeah ... a shake-she said nervously

Hikari: It's too much danger, they should come back

Mimi: Taichi-san! Come back at once!

Yamato: Rays-He said scared and annoyed, holding on to the railing made of a steel rope

Taichi: Are you okay?

Yamato: Ye ... yes

Taichi: Mimi is right, let's go back. -He said worried as they made the attempt to return.

Hikari: That was dangerous

Mimi: Yes ... What ...? - She said confused to see something strange among the trees on the other side of the bridge-Is there anyone ...?

But when I heard a loud noise, I stopped seeing what was on the other side and I can see how the bridge swayed more strongly.

Mimi: Guys!

The bridge was shaken, but not by a breeze, both felt as if a heavy weight fell on the bridge, but saw nothing, and only caused one of the supports of the front part to break and this caused it to release With force one of the steel cords and the impulse caused it to bounce on Yamato's arm and for the bridge to lean to the side, leaving them hanging.

Hikari: Brother !! - Scream scared

Sora: It can not be!

Koushiro: Yamato-san! Taichi-san! Resist!

In the instant, Taichi and Yamato tried to hold their arms on the only steel rail that remained, before it fell more and caused them to have no support for their legs and end up falling.

Taichi was held with both arms and Yamato towards the attempt, but with his right arm bleeding with the cut, it was very painful.

Joe: It can not be I'll go for help! - I shout while running

Takeru: I'll accompany you!

Mimi: Hurry up! - I shout at them before they leave

Taichi: Yamato, resist

Yamato: It's easy to say, -he said in pain.

Taichi: You are close to the others, try to get close to them

Taichi had crossed the bridge first and Yamato later, so if they had to go back, Yamato had to move back, but with the pain he felt, every time he moved, his arm would bleed.

When there were only a few meters left, Yamato could not resist anymore and released his right arm from the railing, he could not move without that arm.

Yamato: Damn! - Scream of pain

Sora: Yamato!

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