"Delly!"She screamed and hugged me, I hugged her back and smiled. I missed her so much, I haven't seen her since last year.

  "Fay! I've missed you so much!"I said, and she pulled away, and sat next to me. I begin to tell her about the holiday, the World Cup and Cedric Diggory.

  "What?! You met the Cedric Diggory?! Oh god, lucky you!"She said, and I chuckled,

  "He's so sweet, Fay."I said dreamily and Fay looked at me shocked.

  "What?"I asked, as I noticed her staring at me wide eyed,

  "Have you forgotten Harry? You annoyed me talking about him the whole time! And now you're talking about Cedric!"She exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes.

  "Fay... You aren't dumb, so stop being so stupid!"I said, and she rolled her eyes, Fay knew me, she knows I mean it in a joking way,

  "I still like Harry, Cedric is just a friend to me. Nothing more, nothing less."I said, and she looked relieved,

  "That should be better it!"She said, and soon the rest of our group joined, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas.

  "Del! How are you?"Seamus greeted, as he gave me a hug, and so did Dean,

  "I'm great thanks. How have you two been?"I asked, as Dean sat next to Fay, and Seamus next to me.

  "I've been good, I traveled to Rome with my parents, and tell you what Addie. It was brilliant!"Dean said, and we gasped in awe,

  "What about you Seamus?"Fay asked, and he started to tell us how his holiday been, he said he stayed home. And we did nothing but laugh so loud.

  Oh, how I missed you guys.


  We arrived and we took the carriages, still the four of us together, except for a girl called Luna Lovegood rode with us, she kept it to herself,

  We got in the Great Hall and all of us went to sit on the Gryffindor's table. I saw Harry looking at me, he saw me and his face reddened and waved at me and I waved back, smiling.

  "Things got serious between you and Potter, eh?"Seamus asked, and I could sense jealousy in his voice. I knew Seamus like me, I liked him too, but as a friend of course.

  "There's nothing going on between us, he is just trying to be friendly."I said rolling my eyes, and Fay and Dean 'oh'ed at this. Just then professor Dumbledore stood up and started his speech,

  "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! This year, you won't be the only school, two schools will be joining you for the rest of the year. Please welcome, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!"He shouted, as girls appeared in the Great Hall all of them wearing blue uniform.

Bloody hell, they were gorgeous! While they walked by, boys drool over their feet. I looked at Fay and she rolled her eyes, they bent down in front of some boys and butterflies flew behind them.

  I looked over at Harry, and he was staring at them in awe. I felt a bang of jealousy, because he was staring at them. I have been in front of him all those years and he hadn't had a chat with me yet.

   They walked with their headmistress, she was so tall! Taller than Hagrid himself.

  "Once again, welcome The Drumstrang Institute!"The professor shouted once again, and bloody hot boys appeared.

  I looked at Fay whose jaw hit the ground, they made some movements with their sticks. It was impressing to be exact,

  "Blimey! It's Viktor Krum!"Ron exclaimed, and I followed his gaze only to know that he was right, it was Viktor Krum.

  "Hey, Ronnie. You gotta keep this jealous wifey inside you!"I shouted, and everyone at our table laughed. Even some Slytherins, Drumstrang boys and professors. I saw Malfoy smiling, he was actually smiling! Ron reddened and glared at me.

  "Now, make them feel welcome. Now, let the feast begin!"Dumbledore said, and the goblets and the plates were filled with food and drink.

  While we were eating, I felt someone staring at me, I looked up only to meet pair of gray-blue eyes. That belonged to Malfoy,

  "He has been staring at you for a while. what happened?"Fay asked, and I laughed thinking about his face when I slapped him.

  "Oh, haven't I told you that I slapped Malfoy across the face?"I asked, and Seamus and Dean spit in their drink.

  "You did what?!"They both shouted in unison, and I chuckled, and told them what happened with Malfoy and I.


  "I'm so exhausted!"I groaned, as I laid down on the bed. I took a shower before I rested on the bed. Fay threw herself on the bed next to me as well.

  "Me too, that journey knows how to get me down."Fay agreed, and moments later I found out that I was rooming with Hermione and one of the Patil twins.

  "Well, well, well. If isn't the bright witch, Hermione Granger,"I said playfully, and she chuckled as she hugged me, I'm starting to warm up to Hermione a little bit,

  "Hey Delly, it's good that I'm going to be rooming with you."She said, and I nodded in agreement. I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes, letting myself getting lost in the dreams land.


  'Ello! How are you doing guys?! Hope you are well 😄❤

  So, what do you think of the chapter? Was it good or bad?

  Also, I want to know if Adelaide will be better if she was with Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy?

  Answer it please!

  See you soon,

  Bye! ❤ xx

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