CHAPTER 24: What is the relationship of everything?

Start from the beginning


The hours passed and it was almost night. At the time they captured Kai, they took him to a very small house that was abandoned and destroyed, although it can not be believed, that was the main laboratory of Dr. Yamada.

At the time of arrival, Kai's mother was out of the house, waiting for them, knowing that Nanomon and Lilithmon would arrive soon and with a strong impulse, they dropped Kai to the ground as if it were nothing.

Kai: Rays-He said sore while stroking his head

Dr. Anzu: You finally came home, son. -He said with a smile as he approached the

Kai: Do not come near me, -he said angrily as he got up and walked backwards to get away, but Lilithmon stood behind him.

Lilithmon: You will not plan on escaping again, will you?

Kai: It would ruin the surprise-He said in a mocking tone

Dr. Anzu: What happened to your friends? Did not they protect you?

Kai: And again. They are not my friends, -he said angrily.

Dr. Anzu: Are you sure? They looked very protective of you

Kai: I'm sure, -he said angrily.

Dr. Anzu: I see, I can imagine why they protected you. -He said while snapping his fingers

Nanomon took that as a signal to catch Kai again in his robotic arms around his body and then they walked inside the house, the four of them.

Kai: I do not want to ask, but I'm tempted to know what you mean-he said annoyed

Dr. Anzu: I think the only thing that matters to you is that you look like your friend

Kai: That sounds familiar, -he said with a small laugh.

Dr. Anzu: What's funny? -Said without looking at it

Kai: I think that also mattered to you, did not it? You wanted to look for Taichi just because he looks like me, -he said, still chuckling and in the moment Nanomon and Lilithmon did the same.

Dr. Anzu: What are you laughing at? -He said annoyed seeing Nanomon and Lilithmon.

Lilithmon: N ... it's nothing, it's nothing

Nanomon: Yes Who laughs?

Kai: Do you know Anzu? I think you know me and you know that I do not care

Nanomon: It's true. I was even impressed that you were surrounded by friends, now it makes sense, -he said laughing

Kai: Shut up. I can say it, but in your voice it sounds stupid

Dr. Anzu: Did you hear that you called me by my name? -He said with a very cold look that forced Kai to shut up.- Nanomon, why do not you take him to his room and lock the door with the padlocks?

Kai: Chains, what a surprise-he said sarcastically

Nanomon: Right away, -he said as he took Kai to the room on the other side of the room

Lilithmon: It will not start yet?

Dr. Anzu: It's my son, I want him to rest for at least a few hours, it's not good that his conditions are like that. He does not obey me like he used to

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