The Forbidden Forest

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Draco's POV:

Stupid Potter, thinks he's the best, that he knows everything. He was seen flying, admittedly to catch something I threw that I possibly shouldn't have, but instead of getting expelled as promised, he got put on the Quidditch team!!! The youngest member ever!!! He always gets of, intact, not even let off, you gets praised, for doing the wrong thing! I'm going to catch him and make sure he pays for all his trouble making. .
And just as I thought that an opportunity arrived. The I spotted the golden trio walking along the field late at night from the only window in my common room. I quickly got up and dressed, I put my cloak over my head to be made the least visible I could and then left the building. I ran down the field to Hagrid's but, I knew they'd be there, at that scamp's place.
I peered into the window. There sat Weasly, the first to judge me by my family. The Weasly are supposedly so excepting, they've never managed to except me though, all they see is my farther. And there was Hermione, she'd changed since the first time we met, she must have been really hurt by the mud-blood comment, and the fact that I didn't stick up for her probably put her off me for life. You probably began believing the rumours. And finally Potter... With his pitch black hair and dazzling green eyes and his cheeky smile, nononononono Draco, stop it! You are here for one reason, and one reason only, get Potter to finally pay for his mischief.
It was at that point that I was spotted, I jumped and then bolted up the field and into Hogwarts, time to find McGonagall.

Harry's POV:

I saw Malfoy threw the window, he jumped as he caught my stare and ran away. Oh god. We where in for it, I saw that they others had spotted him to and I said.
"Come on, we've got to get back before Malfoy get a teacher!"
As we where walking swiftly down the corridor Hermione said "It can't be that bad can it, it's only Malfoy,"
"It can be, it can be very very bad" Ron said as he slowed to a stop, looking up. I followed his line of vision and saw McGonagall standing there, with a stern, disappointed face. Then Malfoy stepped out from behind her with a smirk plastered to his face and he twitched his eyebrows up. I glared at him and then followed McGonagall to her office.

Draco's POV:

"Mr.Potter, Mr.Weasly and Miss, Granger, I expected better from you," McGonagall began.
I rolled my eyes at this, she should be expecting this sort of thing from the trio by now.
"Going out so late at night, you know this is a major school rule you've just broken!" They nodded, and I just stood there smiling, proud that I'd gotten them here.
"So, as punishment you will be going into the forbidden forest tomorrow night to do work for Hagrid," they gasped, "along with your class mate Mr.Malfoy."
What??? Nononononono there must be some sort of mistake, I thought.
"Excuse me Professor, I'm not sure I heard you correctly," I said, trying to stay calm.
"I'm afraid you did Mr.Malfoy, you where also walking around late at night, and by bringing these other students to my attention, you've brought yourself with them."
I heard Ron scoff and turned round, Harry and Hermione where failing to suppress giggles, I scowled at them, anger rising.

Harry's POV:

The next day

I arrived at Hagrid's shack to find Malfoy already there, he had his arms crossed and was leaning with his back against the wall and his foot up. I took a few seconds to admire his beauty in the dimming light, his blonde hair almost shining and his grey eyes looking down at the ground, appearing like stars in the moonlight that was quickly taking over the sky. But then he looked up and a scowl plastered his face at the sight of us. I felt my heart drop at his reaction... He really did hate me. So I put on the same scowl and walked towards him.
"Malfoy," I greeted. Just just huffed and looked the other way, Thai was going to be a long evening.
Around 10 minutes later, Hagrid arrived with a big smile.
"Sorry 'm late," he said, "Just checkin' on...Um, well ne'er mind." Then seeing that none of us reacted, he started walking towards the forest, "Follow me," he bellowed.
Ron, Hermione and I ran after him and I heated a sigh from Malfoy as he pushed him self up and dragged himself along at the back.
"Alright, so t'day we are looking for Unicorn blood, there has been... Well... That's all I'm allowed t' say really. So, Hermione and Ron you come with me, and Harry your with Malfoy," he said, giving me a sympathetic smile.
"Fine, then we get the dog" Malfoy spat.
"Sure thing," Hagrid replied, handing over the lead,"But I'm warnin' y'u, 'e won't be any good." And with that he turned away, Hermione and Ron following quickly behind, but not before sending me the same apologetic look.
"I guess we'll go this way then," I said pointing in the opposite direction to the one Hagrid web in," You know, to cover more ground." He shrugged and began to walk.

"Ugh, this is disgusting, this is peasants work!" Malfoy moaned.
"Peasants work?" I questioned.
"Yes Potter, peasants work. We are walking round a dangerous word filled with God knows how many dangerous creatures, trying to look for blood!"
"I agree it's gross, but that is a good reason to not wish this appointment anyone else. Just stop moaning, it's better us than them," I said.
"No it's better them then us," Malfoy disagreed. I stopped in my tracks, and after noticing what I'd done, Malfoy did the same. I looked into using eyes. They where amazing up close. People would assume that what with him being a Malfoy, his eyes would be cold, but they weren't like that at all, they where amazing. I got lost in them, looking at the lighter swirls of grey, moulded in with the dark, looking like waves of glitter.
"What is it Potter?" He said, snapping me out of my gaze, I shook my head as if trying to get the correct thought to the front.
"Why are you like this?" I asked him.
"Like what?"
"You act all superior, like you are better than everyone, it's horrible!" I saw him flinch as I said horrible, he took a few steps away and I could have sworn I saw his eyes gloss over as if he was going to cry, but he blinked and the gloss was gone. In an instant, he had put his mask back on.
"I was raised that way Potter, and it's true, that's why I think and act like this," he snapped. But I wasn't having that, I wanted him to let me in, I wanted him to open up. He was so beautiful when fragile, I loved seeing that side of him, I needed to see it again. I didn't know what to do to make Thai happen, I found myself stepping closer to him, I expected him to move back but he didn't.
I placed my hand on his arm very gently, rubbing my thumb along it. He looked at me threw thick black eyelashes with his head down, he looked so cute! Then I tilted my head slightly up as he was taller than me and stepped that little bit nearer.
Then he smiled, a genuine smile, I'd never seen it before, and trust me, it was a sight to behold. So amazing and full of life, as if he'd never been happy before that very moment.
Then I did something neither of us where expecting, I tilted my head slightly and pecks his cheek lovingly.
Our eyes widened and a quickly let go of his arm, at which point I broke his soft side again, but instead of looking angry, he just looked like nothing, as if he had no emotions. We looked away from eachother, I saw him press his hand to his cheek from the corner of my eye and he gave a slight smile, making me feel so happy. We walked I little bit further but then, standing in front of us was some sort of hooded creture, standing over a unicorn.

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