Cock Blocking Tay

Start from the beginning

"Huh?" Tay said popping his head up staring at Jacob.

"You my baby?" Jacob asked smiling.

"Uh huh." Tay nodded.

Jacob pecked Tay's nose causing him to giggle.

"Can I get a kiss?" Chres asked Jacob biting his lip.

"Hell no! Bitch we ain't together!" Jacob said laughing.

"What chu mean? I own you!" Chres said smacking Jacob's thigh.

"You so fucking abusive!" Jacob giggled kicking Chres.

"Tina! Who the fuck you kicking? Eat the cake Anna Mae! Eat the cake!" Chres said in a Ike Turner impression.

Jacob choked on his spit from laughing so hard. Even some hair had got in his mouth. Tay started laughing too because Jacob was laughing.

"What yo grown ass laughing at?" Chres said laughing tickling Tay.

Jacob was rolling on the bed laughing. Chres looked over at him and shook his head.

"You got issues." Chres said as Tay laid his head on his chest looking at Jacob like he was crazy.

"J otay?" He asked Chres.

"Nah he stupid." Chres responded.

Jacob wiped his tears sighing.

"But for real tho give me a kiss." Chres demanded.

"No. The last time I gave you a kiss I couldn't walk." Jacob said placing his hand on the bed, then moving it quickly before Tay could grab it making him laugh and look at Chres.

Chresanto laughed at his brother's cuteness.

"Why are babies so fucking happy? It's like they high all the time." Chres said with curiosity.

Jacob busted out laughing again not stopping.

"Are you high? What is wrong with you today?" Chres asked laughing because Jacob's laugh was so contagious.

Jacob couldn't even get any words out he was laughing so hard. To be honest he didn't know what was wrong with him today. He was just really giggly and happy. Tay once again started loudly laughing along with every one else.

"Jacob for real tho you on somethin?" Chres asked trying to get his attention.

Jacob sobered up wiping his tears. "I'm on...that good milk and apple sauce!" he sung laughing again.

Chres just stared at him dumb founded. What the fuck is wrong with this nigga? he thought.

Jacob sides were hurting but he couldn't stop laughing.

Just then Mr.August busted in the door to see Jacob rolling around on the bed laughing with tears streaming down his face.

He looked at Chres, then Tay, then back to Jacob.

"What the hell wrong wit him?" Mr.August asked laughing a little.

Chres shook his head. "I have no idea. How was work?"

"Oh ya know same old same old." He said shrugging picking up Tay.

Jacob finally sobered up. He sat up wiping his eyes sighing.

"Hey Mr.August!" Jacob said smiling.

"Hey Mr.giggles!" Mr.August responded chuckling.

Tay squirmed around holding his arms out for Jacob.

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