Two - the message

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It's taken all night to film this audition tape and honestly and all I want to do is collapse into a corner and cry. This is so stressful! But, finally, I've filmed the perfect tape and I just have to pray with all my heart and soul that the odds are in my favour...
Sitting in English I can't help but zone out. All I can think is: 'Did I get it? Did I get it? Did I get it?' 'No way did I get it I'm not a professional actor!' 'But what if you did...'
"Excuse me!"
I look up to see everyone in the class staring at me and one angry teacher who was clearly a bit ticked off.
"Miss Brooks?" She stated.
"Y-yes" I stuttered like a fool.
"Are you ready to join the class yet?"
And at that moment, I just sunk into my text book and prayed for sudden death...

At the end of the day..

"So," Rowan screeched at me with a glint in her eye, "how did it go ?!"
"Rowan, I am so stressed out. It's like my brain is having arguments with my brain!" I say, combing both hands through my hair.
"Seriously?!" She said. "You're one of the best actors I know!"
She pulled me into a tight hug.
"What would I do without you?" I sniffled into her shoulder.
"Ah sweetie, you'd probably be dead without me."

Later that day at home..

I've been staring at my laptop screen for hours on end, praying for some sort of miracle. Until finally, I slam it shut in defeat, tears stinging my eyes.
Why did I ever think I had what it takes?


"HOLY CRAP." I screamed. I sprinted to my laptop and swung it open.

-One Email from Netflix US-

My hands fumbling with the mouse, I slowly logged onto my email and clicked 'open'...

-Dear miss Brooks,
After careful consideration, we have decided that we would love to cast you in the new series of stranger things. We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta in three months. The other cast members are aware of your casting so prepare for them to get in touch with you.
Yours faithfully,
Netflix US

I literally can't help myself I'm screaming, dancing and singing for hours in my room fuelled by the utter happiness that has overcome me.
I read the email again and then realised that the cast are going to get in touch with me....
I dive for my phone like a torpedo, expecting a text from Rowan but no..
-Noah schnapp has sent you a private message.-
I think I'm going to pass out.
Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Sorry this chapter was a bit short I've just got so much school work to do!

XOXO - Izzie

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