"Mhm!" I quickly replied. "It's one of my best ones!"

"Well don't get excited about it Y/N. That transformation you hold is just a temp transformation. Your real power has been yet to be revealed." Whis explained to me. However it seems that I haven't figured it out yet as I tilt my head in confusion, staring at Whis.

"Say what now?!" I asked him. "Temp transformation?"

"Why yes, you're actually, a special kind of Saiyan. In fact, your whole bloodline is really...how should I put it....crazy. Yes, that's the word I'm looking for!" Whis tells me.

"W-What?! What about my bloodline? All I know about it is my deceased mother and the father who I've only gotten glimpse of before he disappeared without saying a word." I say to him.

"You only know of your mother and father Y/N. However, there is much more to that which could possibly lead you into a new adventure." Whis tells me.

"So...does that mean...I can challenge more fighters too?!" I asked him excited. Whis gave a simple nod. The minute I saw that nod, I pumped my fist into the air.

"YAHOO! I get more challenges AND I get find out more about my family!" I say with stars in my eyes.

"All you Saiyans think about is fighting, I swear...well at least you recognized the fact you can dig deeper into your family's legacy." Whis told me sighing.

"Now explain to me about my bloodline please!" I demand.

"Yes, yes. Anyways...you, Y/N, are not only a Saiyan, but a Sabe." Whis tells me. "The Sabes are one of the four sage clans from long ago. They are the second most powerful clan but can surpass the first with enough potential. The Sabe are actually the predecessors of Saiyans, the true Saiyans of you will. They are ones who have unlocked the legendary Super Saiyan transformation first as a matter of fact." Whis told.

"Really?! That's actually kind of cool!" Y/N exclaimed.

"Yes, now hush, I'm trying to tell you about your family. As I was saying, they were the first to gain access to that transformation, but it the Sabe used Spirit energy rather than ki as did every other clan at that time. Spirit energy is actually stronger than Ki so their transformations were vastly superior than a normal Saiyan's. But, Super Saiyan wasn't their only trick. Their ace in the hole was SoulBurst. It's a transformation where much Spirit energy is needed and you transform, making it more easier for you to control Spirit energy and enhances your physical attributes. Even the mind evolves somewhat." Whis explains.

"Spirit energy? Wow! I've never really heard of that before...I wonder if I can use it?" I wondered.

"Y/N....you're the descendant of an important Sabe. Of course you can use it! It's flowing through your body as we speak." Whis tells me.

"Ohhhhhh! Well that makes sense!" I reply. Whis just sighs.

"Anyways...Y/N, you're great grandfather, Kenichi Aoihoshi , was the founder of that SoulBurst mode and started the main family of the Sabe. There's four sages for each SoulBurst but they are not important right now-" I cut Whis off.

"I'm the descendant of a Sage?! That's awesome!!" I yell out.

"Y/N! Do not interrupt me! Also, please refrain from shouting so much, you may wake up lord Beerus from his nap! And that is FAR from good!" Whis warns.

"Right, right...continue!" I tell him.

"Yes....as I was saying, you are a direct descendant from the SoulBurst Mode bloodline. Therefore, you actually had access to it at birth, but because you never knew of it yet, you could not yet obtain it's access. Your transformation is just a limit breaker for you. It is there for you to surpass it and go to the next level, which would be SoulBurst Mode." Whis tells. "Also, I have more news for you...Sabes are actually not built to lose. When battling an opponent stronger than them, somehow they adapt to their opponent every 30 seconds, countering and predicting their moves. Soon enough, they'll be stronger than them and know more about the opponent than the opponent knows about themselves! So basically, it's best to finish off a Sabe quickly."

"Wow....so I've kinda got a free handicap huh?" I asked.

"Indeed. But if there is a large gap in the power between the two, the energy may defeat the Sabe before 30 seconds even pass." Whis says. "But it's rare that that has ever happened before."

"So....could you tell me about my father? If you know of him-" This time it was Whis who cut ME off.

"I know all about him! He's actually very famous around universes, possibly even dimensions! I've even met him personally before." Whis tells me. "Your grandfather was the one who created the Saiyans, and continued the lineage of the Aoihoshi, giving birth to your father, who made the most important mark than any other Aoihoshi until now."

"That's great and all but...how do you know that I'm in that family?" I asked.

"Well you see...there's always been one little trait that every Aoihoshi has: Blue bed hair, exactly like yours." Whis told me. "You're great grandfather, grandfather, and father all had the exact same hair as you."

"Ohhhhh! So...I really am one huh?" I asked.

"That is correct!" He told me. "That is all I shall tell you. However, tomorrow we will begin training to unlock that power." My eyes widened with excitement.

"Seriously?! That's AWESOME! Oh wait, don't tell Goki or Vegeta. I want to surprise them when I show them how strong I am!" Whis nods.

"I don't see why not. Now I'm going to send you home so get ready." Whis tells me as he hits the ground with his staff. Soon we were warped back to Earth. "I can't wait for our next encounter Y/N." Whis then warped back to his realm instantly. I fly up and start zooming back to Goki's house. I arrive and descend to the ground as I step inside. But, the minute I walk in, I'm tackled instantly by someone. They pin me down to the floor tightly. I look up to see a VERY lustful looking Goki.

"Nowhere to run now my Y/N~."

Finally I get the chapter out! Next time it's going to be a lemon, though y'all already know. I hope you guys really enjoy! Also

I have another version but Wattpad won't let me post so I guess I'll post it on Amino tbh

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I have another version but Wattpad won't let me post so I guess I'll post it on Amino tbh. Should I post edits on this book? Answer in the comments.

Female Goku x Male Reader: Love of a Saiyan Where stories live. Discover now