chapter 1 - she moves.

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Renee's POV:


"I'm coming!!"

I check my room over once more to make sure I didn't forget anything important.

"oh my Lucky shirt!"

I see it lying on the floor in the furthest corner of my room

"I mustn't forget that!"

I pick it up. so this is it. I'm finally moving to america, goodbye Australia with your pittyful accents and disgusting mosquito's. I will not be missing you!!

I ran down stairs. outside, and jumped(more what seemed like a leap) into the car.


Ugh that's my annoying little brother Kai. he's suck a Dweeb

"Renee how many times do I have to tell you this. your 14 now you need to start acting like an young lady, not some sort of snob who just does what she likes when she likes"

"I'd prefer to be a snob than a lady mum"

"whys that Renee"

"because it sounds more fun"

mum never liked the fact that I didn't want to be like her. I was always my own person and she really didn't like that.

"how comes Renee doesn't do as she's told?"

"shut up Kai. I do I just don't want to be what mum us trying to make me be"

"you will be a better and more confident person if you were who I wanted you to be"

"mum, its never going to happen. I have enough confidence. I farted In public the other day And I didn't even care"

she didn't reply to me after that. she just started the car and headed over to the plane.

"our car will be shipped over so when we get there we will have a temporary car for 2 or more weeks."


as long as its a cool car I don't care.

*after the plane journey*

I grab my bags, then Kai goes into full drama boy mode.

"come on then, wheres the limo waiting for us to take us to our fabulous mansion"

I look at Kai

"your such an idiot. this is America not Hollywood"

mum glares at us

"children please. look there's our car"

mum points to what seems to he a piece of rusty metal on wheels.

"you got to be kidding me,"

kai says. usually I don't care but even I'm embarrassed to be seen driving around in that.

"Its only temporary guys relax."

we get in and drive to our new house. at least this place was nice. it was fairly big and had 3-4 floors and a cellar. somewhere I can put Kai if he annoys me. so far has been such a weird journey. but now I got the weirdest part coming up. school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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