chapter 009 // christian vs bakugou

Start from the beginning

"That was kinda sad, she was on a roll til-- hold on, look!"

"Kidding." she said in a teasing tone before throwing her hammer up into the air, Bakugou had stupidly looked up only to be punched in the back & stomach "I'm merely a hologram!" the one covered in ashes said as she stuck her tongue out while doing a peace sign, the other one stood next to her with a smirk

"Same with me!"

"Eh?! When did that happen?!"

"When he did the smoke screen!" they said in unison

"As soon as he did that, the real one turned invisible & ducked away…"

"While I appeared in her place & fought last place!"

"Then where's the real one?!" the crowd yelled

"She's nowhere, but somewhere!" they said together, but then suddenly the old one was exploded out of existence while the new one was grabbed by the throat

"Show yourself you fucking coward!!" he yelled before crushing the other one out of existence as well "If you have the balls to do so!!" the hammer was still falling until it was caught, by the real Chris

"I have more balls then the ones dangling in between your legs." she shot back, he grits his teeth before shooting multiple explosions at her but she twirled her hammer in front of her, blocking each & every explosion

"Dammit…" she looked at his arms & saw they were throbbing & twitching "That big attack I did took a lot out of me, at this rate… she'll win." he looked over & saw that only her hammer was left behind, he goes to turn around but felt her hands interlock with his & wrap around his waist "H-Hey, what are you…" he then suddenly started getting chilly

"You sweat a substance similar to nitroglycerine, so I'm dropping you body temperature to where you can't sweat until a few minutes!" he tries to use his quirk to explode her away but the explosions were too small, he wasn't sweating enough "So…" she spins around & slams his body down on the ground, she lifts her leg & goes to slam it down on his stomach but he rolls away

She tsked as he got back up, he still wasn't sweating enough so he was on defence when she ran at him. She goes to try chi blocking him but luckily he dodges, unfortunately she got a few joints in his arm so he laid limp in his arm. He was finally sweating enough so he goes to use his giant explosion again but she immediately noticed, so she interlocked hands with him again

"I wonder what would happen if I do this?" she said, his eyes widened when he was the one that got hurt & was sent flying back "Man!! I didn't think it was going to be that easily, I thought you were going to be a bit more challenging like Shouto! Oh well." she picks her glasses up & puts them on before picking her hammer up

"Dammit… dammit no! It wasn't suppose to end like this!!" he cried out as he got back up again, his arm finally unparalyzed

"Oh come on!!" she rolled her eyes before changing the blue crystal to the red one, she twirls it around her wrist before slamming the tip of it on the ground "Element Fire: Supernova!!"

"Oh come on!!" she rolled her eyes before changing the blue crystal to the red one, she twirls it around her wrist before slamming the tip of it on the ground "Element Fire: Supernova!!"

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