Chapter One: The Sorting Ceremony.

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I sat on the Hogwarts Express in an empty compartment with my head pressed against the window. Despite the fact it should be my fourth year, I wasn't sorted, so I merely sat in the first empty compartment I could find. I was a transfer from Beauxbatons, and no, I'm not a Veela. I'm a half Amazon.

My headphones sat in my ears comfortably, softly pumping the tune of 'Drunk', an Ed Sheeran song. I watched calmly as the scenery passed before my eyes. It seemingly flooded in as quickly as it disappeared. I brushed my ash blonde hair from my eyes, and switched the song on my muggle device. I believe they call it an IPod, but I could be mistaken. 'I Miss You' by Blink182 began to seep into my head, my mind hanging onto the solemn lyrics, coated with its soft melody.

I found myself humming along to the song, and realized since the sky was getting darker, the ride was getting shorter. I stood up on my thin pale legs and shut the curtains. My pale arms searched my trunk until I came upon the bland grey uniform, which would soon be coloured. I pulled on the clothing, along with a pair of black combat boots to go with it. I shut the trunk, and shoved it on the shelf in the small room.

The train stopped abruptly, sending my wavy hair into my face, and my snowy owl, Artemis, into my hands. The metal of the cage clanked against the silver band on my right ring finger. The ring was my mothers. At least that's what I've been told. The small white owl cooed at the noise, and I set her cage down on the plush blue seat. I lifted the hatch, letting her out to go to the Hogwarts Owlry.

But instead of flying off, Artemis remained close to me by perching herself on my left shoulder. Looking through the compartment window, I saw everyone from the section I was sitting in, who all were wearing blue and black, flood out of their compartments and onto the platform. I decided to follow them, so I left my compartment to join the throng.

Eventually, I found a small carriage with skeleton-like black winged horses pulling it. Being an Amazon, I've witnessed a few deaths, all of them criminals. I smiled inwardly at myself for knowing what they were, indeed winged horses, more specifically: Thestrals. I hopped into the carriage, and it took off with me and Artemis in tow.

The Thestrals stopped at a large castle, more commonly referred to as Hogwarts. I hopped out of the carriage and stretched my left arm out, signalling to Artemis to get off and find her new home. She hooted, before complying and flying in the direction of the Owlry. I followed the people in blue inside, and was about to enter the dining area, before a teacher stopped me.

She had mousey hair, pulled up into a sort of twisted up do, and she was wearing green tinted robes. She gave me a relieved look before speaking.

"Miss Tate, I've been looking for you everywhere! Come now, we'll get you sorted before the first years arrive." She said with a stern voice.

She led me into the dining area, and up to the front, where a small ledge was, along with presumably a teachers table. She spoke to a smaller teacher, who was much shorter than me, before hustling out of the room, letting the doors close behind her. Everyone's eyes were on me, leaving me uncomfortable. The small teacher spoke.

"This year we have a transfer from Beauxbatons, Miss Tate. She'll be in year four, and has agreed to let the sorting hat speak aloud while sorting her, so we can learn as a whole, more about the hat. Miss Tate," he gestured to a small stool. I sat on it, and he place a worn out hat on my head, and it spoke in a raspy voice.

"Ahh, what do we have here? Persephone Tate, daughter of Arisidia Black, Amazon, and Ares Tate, Ravenclaw. Yes, yes, I see your intelligence is extraordinary, as well as your wit, but with your mothers traits I'm not sure... Fierce, brave, loyal, and you do have nerve... Yes. The perfect mix of the two, even down to eye colour, both personality and look wise... This makes it much harder. But I see one side shining through more than the other. Better be... GRYFFINDOR!"

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