Chapter 2

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A's pov

As I wake up I feel warmth and I smell a familiar sent of chorine and cherries. Is Abby here? I fully open my eyes and see her sleeping next to me. we are still in school, but no one is here! it closed. how long did we sleep? I look at the calendar and its 2014! No! no way it's supposed to be 1990! Abby wakes up and looks at me. "What's wrong A you look scared."

"What year is it?" I ask her.

"1990, what's this about A?"

"It's 2014 abby!"

Abby stares at me like I'm crazy. I bring over the calendar and show her. She takes the piece of technology out of my hand and starts shaking... I walk to the cafeteria to get some food for us there are chicken sandwiches so I cook up the chicken heat up the buns and put ranch on Abby's, as I'm walking back I stop by our lockers mine is open still and its all dusty. I go back to the infirmary and hand Abby her sandwich and juice.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sorry it's so short having writers block :(

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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