Consistency (Draco x Harry)

Start from the beginning



"Hm?" Harry frowned.

"Why are we just sitting around and doing nothing? It's Saturday!"

"Well do you want to go somewhere?" The raven haired male nodded eagerly.

"Yeah. We should go to the park! It's so nice out today." Draco sighed and marked the page in his book.

"What are we going to do there?"

"Walk?" The blond rolled his eyes.

"Anything else?" His tone was harsh, but Harry just grinned.

"Well what do you want to do?" Malfoy shrugged.

"I just want to go to bed." Harry got up from the couch and stood in front of his roommate, frowning.

"Are you sure that you aren't sick?" He felt Draco's forehead. The blond pulled away.

"Stop touching me!" He regretted it as soon as Harry gave him one of the most pained looks he'd ever seen. "I'm going out."


"Don't follow me." Draco said, angrily. He grabbed his coat and the keys to his car, practically running out the door.

Harry's heart wrenched painfully. What did he do?


Harry was curled up with Vanos on the couch when someone knocked. He paused the movie he was watching and walked to the door, wondering who was knocking at this ungodly hour.

Potter opened the door, frowning. "Yes?" A large man stood at the door, he had a stern face and wild eyes. Draco looked small compared to him.

"Is blondie yours?" Harry scowled at his friend, arms crossed.

"I suppose he is." The man smiled at Harry's response.

"Well Blondie, your boyfriend looks pretty pissed. I hope you're good at sweet talking and cuddling."

"We're not boyfriends, but thanks. Blondie is lucky that someone decided to save him." The man's brows rose.

"It sure sounded like you were boyfriends by the way he talked about you." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Get inside." Draco giggled and walked into the house. "Once again, thanks. Should I call a cab for you or something?"

"No, I'm alright." Harry smiled. "He cares for you. Poor thing looked like he was just told that Santa wasn't real when he got to the bar. I'm guessing that has something to do with you?"

"Yeah, it does."

"Take car of him." The man winked before turning, but paused. "The name's Fenir."

"Harry, the drunk one is Draco." Genie grinned, walking down the sidewalk and getting onto a motorcycle where another man sat in a sidecar. Harry guessed that the guy in the sidecar drove the motorcycle here and Fenir drives the car.

They drove away into the distance, Harry's shut the door and shook his head.


"Yeah?" The blond slurred drunkenly. Harry sat down on the couch next to him.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you today."

"What're you talkin' about? You didn't upset me." Harry sat down on the couch next to him.

"You should go to bed. You'll feel horrible tomorrow."

"Don't wanna." Harry sighed, drunk people were so difficult.

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