Sorting Hat (First Year) C2

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The witch was waiting for us at the top of the stair well. "Welcome to Hogwarts! Now in a few moments you will prance through these doors and join your classmates.Before you can take you're seats you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gyrifindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin."
I nudged Crabbe And smiled.
"My name is Professor Mcgonagall and I teach Transfiguration here at Hogwarts. Now when you're here, your house will be like your family. You're triumphs will earn you points, any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will be awarded the house cup."
"TREVOR" a nerdy guy looking guy screams.
Mcgonagall looks down at the student as he picks up his frog.
"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." She walks off to the doors and goes inside.

Then I hear Crabbe say to Goyal. "Theirs Potter, want to talk to him?"
"Guys let's not,...." I trailed off.
"Why are you scared, you don't want us to tell your father that you're weak and pathetic, do you?"
"No!" I plead.
"Then you go do it Malfoy." Goyal insisted.

I stared to walk over, I hate my self for this. But I had to show them who was in charge here. I started to walkover too him and cleared my throat.
"It's true then, what there saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." I hear people whisper.
"This is Crabbe and Goyal and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." I look over at them and they smirked at me.
Then I hear the ginger laugh. "Think my name is funny do you? Do I have to ask yours? Red hair and a hammy down robe, you must be a Weasley." I saw him look of to the side like he was ashamed. "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others Potter, You don't want to make friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." I held my hand out.
At this point I sounded like my father, no I didn't like it, why was I proving that I was better. Because I am said a voice in my head.
"I think I can figure out the wrong sort out myself, thanks." He snapped back. I didn't know he would come off at me like that. I became more shocked when I asked if he needed help. Then I see Potter look above me and I felt a rolled up paper hit my shoulder. I walk back and I realized it was the witch.
"We're ready" Mcgonagall says to everyone, and we stated to walk in.
"Dude, that was really good,"
"Goyal!didn't you hear him he asked if...?"
"Shhh.." I cut them Off. I don't know why I said that to Potter. What I said to Him is a mixture on how I feel, I really do feel bad for this kid but at the same time this is my life's decision. I heard my fathers voice in my head once again.
"You NEED to be the best." Those 6 words have been burned down into my brain and it's a scare that has never yet been healed. Some times it follows with another 8 words. "Or we will never be proud of you." My thoughts get interrupted and I realized I missed a a shit ton of what the old witch said.

Can I please have....Hermione Granger!" 
Everyone looks at her once she started to move, honestly she is crazy and pretty wise too. My father tells me about a whole bunch of people, he thinks mudbloods shouldn't even be taught magic. I don't really understand that though, she is very pretty though. Professor Mcgonagall places the sorting hat on her head.
"Ahhh...." the hat jumped suddenly. "Mrs. Granger, nice to meet you! Okay so where should I put you.....Gyrifindor!"
Granger got up and she was smiling from ear to ear. Everyone at the Gyrifindor table greeted her. Her hair was very curly, brown, and not too short, like past her shoulders.
"Vincent Crabbe"
I see him walk out of the crowd, he slightly turn around and smirked as he walked up on to the stage. He sat down and closed his eyes while Professor Mcgonagall places the hat on him and the hat scares him.
"Mhhhmmm, who do we have here? Vincent Crabb is that you?....hmmm let's see, do you want to follow in you father and mother's footsteps, or your own."
Goyal and I stared at each other in confusion.
Me and Goyal's eyes widen, we are both shocked. He was supposed to be in Slytherin, not RavenClaw, but what in the bloody hell?! Why did the hat say your own footsteps? My thoughts got interrupted by Professor yelling again ,
"Ron Weasley!"
I see everyone spread out while he was walking towards the Professor, like they did want him to touch them. I though it was pretty funny and I chuckled and elbowed Goyals arm. Weasley slowly walked up towards the stool to sit on it. The Professor places down the hat.
"Ahhh!" It scared Weasley. "Another Weasley ehh? Where should I put you...." "I must be....Gyrifindor!" I saw him sigh in relief. . I look back at Heromine, her smile is so bubbly and adorable. I can't get over her. Then I jump then I hear this name.
"Harry Potter" I hear the whole room whisper. "Settle down students!" I see
Potter walk up to the Professor and sat down on the stole. He looked very nervous, extremely nervous I should say. Professor Mcgonagall placed down the hat very slowly.
"Hello! Harry Potter! My goodness, you have so much potential in your life, so much great fullness. But where to put you.mmmhmmmm........Ggggg........sssssslitherin !"
Everyone gasped, Harry Potter in Slytherin? No, this can't be happening. Now don't tell me I'm gunna be in Gryffindor! This is bull shit.
"Draco Malfoy" Professor Mcgonagall called. I feel Goyal nudge me with is elbow as a saying for 'good luck'. At that point my heart stopped, or at least skipped a beat. I stared to walk towards the Professor and everything around me started to get slower. Once I reached the stole, I felt the hat dropped on my head. I was honestly pretty terrified with this hat on my head. 
"Slytherin!" It screamed, that hat was only on me for two seconds. I got off and started to walk towards the table. Honestly, Potter looked surprised himself that he was in Slytherin, I had to sit right next to him. Goyal and Crabb ended up in RavenClaw, which go me pissed. After the feast, we got up into our corridor. It was pretty nice I gotta admit. Since I have the two off my back, I don't need to worry about Potter.
After, we went up to the rooms and of course, Potter had the bed next to me. I saw four leather brief cases stacked up on top of each other and on the very top was his caged owl, honestly he has the prettiest owl in the world. As I stared to unpack everything from my cases, then I hear footsteps from behind.
"Who's there!" I pulled out my wand, then I realized it was Potter.
"Oh sorry Potter, I didn't realize it was you. But I can see that your bed is right next to mine." I said casually.
"Oh yea, I see." Potter rubbed the back of his neck.
I continued unpacking after that. I was thinking about what I was saying earlier that night. I felt really bad, and their was no sight of Crabb and Goyal, so I decided to apologize.
"Potter, I am sorry what I said about your friend Weasley." I sighed.
"No, it's fine. Don't worry about it." He mummled.
After I was finished with Unpacking all of my shit, I realized that Potter was already in his bed, fumbling with his fingers...NO NOT THAT WAY! But he was getting bored I guess. I pulled up the sheets and I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up to someone whispering. It's scared me at first but then I realized it was Potter. I look at the time on my watch, 2:31. I was listening to Potter I don't know who he was talking to. He was saying like,
"I can't believe that bloody little Aunt of mine told me parents died in a car crash. No, that never happened, my parents were wizards and Voldemort killed them."
I was shocked that he was talking about the dark lord. I got upset a bit, but I realized that was really not my problem.

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