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It was a cold winter's night in the kingdom of Arendelle. Everyone was asleep... Except for one little boy... Alfred tossed and turned in his bed and no matter what, he can't sleep a wink. He looked over at his older brother, who was fast asleep. The young brother jumped out of his bed onto the cold floorboards and ran to Matthew. Tackling him, Alfred shook Matthew repeatedly.

"Matthew! Wake up! Wake up!" Alfred whispered/yelled with a happy grin on his face.

Matthew groaned half awake and sat up to see the young prince by his side.

"What do you want, Alfred? It's not even dawn yet..." Matthew complained, closing one eye and rubbing it.

"The sky's awake! So I'm awake! I wanna play!" Alfred told his brother.

Matthew pulled the warm satin sheets over his body and caused Alfred to fall on the cold, waxed wooden floor.

"Go play by yourself. I'm tired..." Matthew complained.

Alfred hit his head on the floor and rubbed it. Then he got back on the bed and grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

"Hey. Do you wanna build a snowman?" Alfred asked.

Matthew smiled and opened his eyes to see Alfred. They ran out of the room, down the stairs, through the long hallways, and into the ballroom, Alfred giggling all the way in joy, Matthew having to shush him so they wouldn't wake anybody else up.

"Do the magic! Do the magic!" Alfred said to Matthew.

Matthew had the power of ice and Alfred loved it when he did that. Matthew swirled his hands around to create a snowball that glowed an enchanting blue in the moonlight shining in from the skylight in from the ceiling.

"Are you ready, Alfred?" Matthew asked, smiling.

Alfred smiled hugely and nodded, eager to see the magic. Matthew tossed the snowball into the air and it exploded, making snow go everywhere.

"This is awesome!!" Alfred yelled, overjoyed.

"Watch this!" Matthew said.

Stomping his foot on the ground, the ball room floor turned into an ice rink and Alfred slid on the ice, laughing. They played hockey, Matthew always winning with Alfred 2 points away from winning, ice skating, and, of course, they built a snowman. Well, snow-bear.

"Hi! I'm Kuma! And I like warm hugs!" Matthew said behind the snow-bear and held out his arms for Alfred to hug the snowman.

"I love you, Kuma!" Alfred said and hugged the snow-bear, smiling.

Awhile later, Alfred was jumping on piles of snow that Matthew was making. The younger prince kept hopping faster and faster on the piles and Matthew did his best to keep up with his young brother.

"Catch me, Matthew!" Alfred said.

Now he was going to fast and Matthew wasn't able to keep up with him.

"Alfred, slow down please!" Matthew ordered his young brother.

Alfred didn't listen and he jumped again. Matthew panicked.

"ALFRED!" He yelled and blasted a blue ray of magic aimlessly.

Instead of aiming it under Alfred, he aimed for his brother's head. Alfred was knocked out cold and fell in a pile of snow nearby.

"Alfred!!" Matthew yelled and ran to his brother.

He held Alfred in his arms and saw a piece of the young prince's hair go pale white. Matthew gasped in surprise and tears welded up in his eyes.

"MOMMA! POPPA!!!" He yelled and held Alfred close to him.

He felt very bad about what he done to his young brother. Tears went down his face and saw the whole roll being covered with frost. He heard 2 pairs of footsteps running down the hall and the King and queen bursted through the door. They were in shock about what happened.

"What happened to Alfred?!" The King asked and ran over to Matthew.

"It was an accident! I swear it was!" Matthew said, sniffling through tears.

The queen picked up Alfred and felt his forehead. It's ice cold.

"He's as cold as ice!" She exclaimed.

"I know where to go!" The King said.

Later, they were all on horseback, heading into the forest. Matthew was leaving a trail of ice behind. As a young boy was walking home with his unicorn, he saw the trail of ice behind them.

"Ice??" He questioned.

He smiles once he knew what it meant. He quickly got on his unicorn and rode behind them.

"Faster, Secretariat!" He ordered and the young enchanted pony went faster.

The royal family arrived in the middle of a rocky terrain with white rocks. Getting off their horses, they look around.

"Please! Someone help! It's about my son!" The King called out.

Suddenly, the rocks started moving and revealed themselves as little creatures. Mochi! It was Mochi! The eldest of the mochies came up.

"Your majesty!" He said.

With Arthur, they were watching when a small mochi came up between him and his unicorn.

"Shh! I'm-a trying to hear!" He said and looked at Arthur and the unicorn.

"Cute! I'm-a going to keep-a you!" The mochi said and smiled.

The eldest mochi looked at Matthew.

"Was he cursed or born with these powers?" The small being asks.

"Cursed. My son's ice cold." The King says and holds Alfred out for the being to see him.

"You're lucky it wasn't the heart. The heart can't be changed but the head can be persuaded..." The being said.

"Now Matthew... Your powers are the thing that gives out beauty and Harmony... But... Fear will be your enemy..." He being said, making pictures in the skylight.

Red flashed at the last part before Matthew's eyes and he got so scared, he hid behind his mother.

"What do we do??" The King asks.

The being made pictures of the memories Alfred and Matthew had together. He replaced them with winter clothes and a snowy wonderland background.

"We will replace Alfred's memories with new ones." The being said.

"He wouldn't remember that I have powers?" Matthew asks.

"No. He would only remember these memories..." He being transformed the memories in a blue glowing thing and placed it on Alfred's forehead.

The young king smiles in his unconscious state.

"He'll be safe this way..." The being said and kissed Alfred's forehead.

"What about Matthew?" The queen asks.

"I know... We must close the gates... Limit his contact with any other soul... Including Alfred..." The King said.

A week later, Alfred saw the maids and butlers move Matthew's bed and his belongings out of the room. Wanting to know what was going on, Alfred ran to Matthew's room and saw Matthew close the door, looking at Alfred for the last time... Alfred felt tears in his eyes. Now who was gonna play with him now that Matthew wasn't with him anymore?

Frozen Heart (DisneyTalia Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα