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They both were sitting in there house and was trying to understand this bottle.

Tae : can you tell me exactly what was the conversation you had about weapon.

Yoongi: it was just a person who came to me and told me that he knows who I'm and my enemies, and that my enemy is plotting some great plans if I wanna stay ahead I need to get this against him. Then he gave me this house address and Hoesok name.

Tae: all this time I was looking for some dagger or at least some knife to kill that werewolf. What are we gonna do with this little bottle with some liquid?

Yoongi: I wish I knew...maybe I'll find something in our books.

Yoongi bring all the books he has in his possession and tae went to nearby libraries and bought all the books that looked like they could help. They both started reading them they didn't even realized they spend the whole day in piles of book when suddenly someone rang there bells. They both stayed right where they were completely ignoring the bell. When they heard the door being opened. The door was unlocked and it was jhope standing right in front of them.

Jhope surprisingly asked oh you both started book club ?

Yoongi: no, we just trying to find out something.

Jhope: and what is this ? I'm not a reader but maybe i can help!

Tae: you could've if you listened to your uncle.

Jhope: huh?!

Yoongi showed him that bottle: do you know anything about this ?

Jhope: oh it's my uncle's why it is here ?

Yoongi: you gave me this last night don't you remember ?

Did I ? Don't remember I think I was drunk jhope said feeling little embarrassed.

Tae walks toward jhope and compelled him yes you gave us this as welcoming gift saying it's something very special.

Jhope: yes I gave you this as welcoming gift and I said it's something very special...right! I think I remember now

Yoongi smiled : yes so we were just tryna find out what's so special in it.

Jhope: you both I'm sorry it's just some portion my weird uncle gave me he said it's very powerful portion but some people are behind him for this so he gave me this and asked me to keep it safe..I don't really think it's something powerful also I had this from many years..I think it must've gotten bad now. Please don't drink it I don't want you two be in some trouble.

Tae points of view:
Why this didn't came into my mind we have to drink it to be powerful. If this is something powerful portion like jhope's uncle said I bet we have to drink it yes!

Tae grabbed the bottle from yoongi's hand I think I know what we have to do...

Yoongi looked at him surprised and asked what ?

Tae: we have to drink it yoongi.. it's written on it why are we wasting our time! It's something powerful so it'll give me power..
And that's why you were searching it so you'll drink it and be powerful!!!

Yoongi: I'm not sure about this tae but I don't think you should drink this at least not until we are sure what is it..

Tae: oh why ? So then you'll drink it huh?

Yoongi: no tae I promise you I'll let you drink it but let's just make it sure..

Jhope : I don't think I'll let any of you drink this.. jhope moved toward tae to grab the bottle..

Blood, Sweat and Tears (Part 1) Where stories live. Discover now