2.Billionaires and the stories of their rudeness

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"Ten dates" she gave me her trademark smirk "With me"

I think I didn't hear her correct.

"Excuse me?" I enquired.

"You heard me" She smiled leisurely like she didn't just ask a stranger out on a date "Pay your debt"

My mind went blank. I kept on looking at her confident stature stupidly.

"Why" I asked, once I found my voice back.

"Why not" She shrugged.

"Because you're bored?" I asked again.

"That too" Her curt replies were frustrating me. I know she helped me out. But couldn't she have asked for something more sensible.

Like what? Money? My head countered.

That's true. She looks like she can buy me five times over. On a side thought, if I ever sold myself, how much would someone pay? What if I go unsold? I shuddered at the thought.

The small smile playing on her lips told me that she was enjoying my plight.

"If you are bored, I can keep your company as a friend you know. Go out for drinks and all. It doesn't have to be a date" I offered politely. It's a good payback. Having extra friends wouldn't hurt me.

"I don't want to be your friend, sweetheart. I have tons of them" Her voice was smooth as honey but her sharp eyes couldn't mask their irritation "And it's too early for me to decide on whether I want you join my drink-buddies. Trust me you wouldn't like them very much"

Did she just call me 'sweetheart'? What am I her girl-buddy.

She's rude.

"You don't even know me. You should date people you like" I tried to reason because she clearly didn't have any relationship with reality.

"I like how you smell" she offered like it's the most obvious thing to say, like it's supposed to explain everything.

And I thought I was crazy enough to ask a random stranger out on a fake date.

"My perfume? It's a common one" I said as politely as I could.

"Trust me it's anything but 'common'" she replied, her unwavering gaze fixed on me.

"Okay" I nodded "So you have a perfume fetish" if she's going to take the comedy route, I can do it too.

She rolled her eyes "Sure" she replied. That's it?

"There's someone I like" I just have to be blunt with her.

"The woman who want you to go on blind dates?" She smirked "Am I supposed to think of her as an opponent when we both know she's never going to happen"

"That's it" I raised my voice a notch and stood up, pushing the chair away "I'm sorry but I need to leave" I hate being rude to a woman but she leaves me with no choice.

"So, you just stand up and leave once your work is done without keeping your end of the deal" I turned back to face her, she had her brow raised. She's playing the victim card.

I sighed and sat down "Look" I said purposively, she leaned forward with that smirk "You can do better" I said honestly "You are beautiful"

She scoffed "Call me beautiful when you mean it. I'm..."

The shrill ring of her phone cut her off. She looked annoyed at being disturbed. Glaring at the caller id, she picked it up with a bark of "What?" She listened to the person at the other end "I'm twenty minutes away from the city" She listened some more tapping the tip of her perfectly painted nail impatiently on the table, her frown increasing with each passing moment. Her manners aren't the most polished.

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