chapter two

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Back at headquarters, Levi dismissed his team. Naturally Eren argued and demanded to be included with what was going on, but Levi simply ignored him and walked with Starfire to his office where he had ordered a soldier to tell Erwin to meet him

“Starfire, we're going to my office. There, we will meet the person in charge of the scouting regiment. We will talk there.” He explained.

“Very well. Will you tell me how you move with those cords? I have a friend where I come from that uses a gun with a grappling hook, but nothing like this.” Earlier he had asked her not to fly around the soldiers so she would not scare them. She was walking now, surveying the others as they sauntered by.

“Yes I will. Please don't stare at people, you make them nervous. No one here is used to green eyes like yours.” She averted her eyes to the ground. She didn't know why she was listening to him, but he reminded her of Robin. If not a little meaner. She didn't know why she unsettled the others, though. She was just dressed as normal. Her purple skirt and top with her matching boots. Then again, she didn't see any one else dressed like her. Actually, they all wore the same uniform. Like the one Levi was wearing, but with out the white napkin at the top. She thought he looked silly wearing a napkin like that.

Her thoughts were interrupted when they finally arrived at his office. He unlocked the door and walked in.

“Close the door behind you,” He said while taking off the big metal boxes that were hanging form his sides. She closes the door, but remains standing even though the chairs across from his desk looked quite comfortable. She still was not completely sure of this man. He had this stern look in his eye like he abandoned humanity a long time ago. She had once seen this look in her own sister and it made her uncertain of him enough to not completely trust him. But she was here because of him so she had to give him a chance.

“Erwin should be along here soon. We can wait until he gets here or start talking now. Whichever you prefer.” He explained.

She was going to say they could talk now, when there was a knock at the door.

Without looking away from Starfire, he shouted at them to enter.

A tall man with blond hair and matching bushy eyebrows entered and looked from Levi at his desk to Starfire. His eyes examined her from head to toe and rested on her face.

“She's not a threat, Erwin. From what I've gathered, she has no idea where she is. She was confused when we confronted a Titan and has amazing capabilities.” Levi explained to Erwin.

Erwin nodded and smiled kindly at Starfire. “Well then, nice to meet you. I'm Chief Erwin. I'd like to know more about these amazing capabilities if you don't mind. But first, I'd like to ask a few basic questions. Like where are you from?”

“I was born on a planet called Tamaran. I escaped my execution ordered by my sister and found refuge with the Teen Titans. But they are not at all like the Titans you have here. We are a group of heroes that protect the city. The last thing I remember is reading a book that belongs to a friend of mine named Raven,” for a moment, she looks down at her hands. Almost like she was ashamed of something, “I know I shouldn't have borrowed it, but she was with another Teen Titan group for the time being and I was bored. Next thing I know I was on the ground in your city.”

Both men look at her like she just grew another head. “What do you mean, another planet?” asked Levi. Since the fall of human kind, knowledge that used to be commonly known, like the existence of other planets, was lost to most.

Starfire looks from Levi to Erwin, waiting for someone to explain more, “I don't understand your question. But I would still like to know where I am. I know now I'm not on earth. But you people seem like humans. Explain please.” Her tone slowly grew to frustrated and she slumped down on a chair, exasperated.

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