Part 16 - Deliverance

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Your POV - Monday - 1245 - Canteen

Your day has been pretty boring so far, apart from Ana shouting at the history teacher for something about the Second World War. Feeling hungry, you decide to get some food. You're not too sure on what to get, so you just go for a bacon sandwich and a bottle of juice. You go over to Rias and Akeno.

Akeno: Bacon at this time of the day?

You: Bacon is a universal component of my life, as it makes literally any moment better.

Akeno: Whatever you say, Darling!

Rias: Anyway, we have some more news for you. You need to leave soon to meet your parents. They aren't devils, so they can't use the teleportation circles. This means they are getting an escort to Issei's house by my brother. 

You: That's great!

Rias: We told the Principal that you will be absent on behalf of an ORC meeting off site, so your covered for the afternoon. So we'll all gather at the clubhouse and walk down from there.

You: Good, I'm so excited!

Your POV - 1330 - Issei's House 

You are all clustered together outside of the front door as you wait in anticipation for your parents arrival. Then around the street corner comes a jet black limousine with red trimmings and slows to a halt. Akeno grabs your left hand out of comfort and holds it gently. Lucifer gets out of the front  of the vehicle.

Sirzechs: Ah, Mr [l/n], I hear you have officially joined after a rather short and bloody conflict.

You: Yeah, about that...

Sirzechs: Don't get yourself worried over it. I heard you fought well and showed leadership, so I'm glad to have you on my side.

You: Thanks you, sir.

Sirzechs: That's quite alright, but I gather you must be quite excited about meeting your parents for the first time for a long while?

You: Yes sir, I am definitely so.

Sirzechs: Well enough of that, so let's get to it!

He opens the door and your parents step out, and a gleaming smile is formed upon your face. Your Father is a few inches shorter than you and has the greyish hair with a small beard, as well as your [e/c] eyes, but what is the most surprising is his arm from the elbow down: it's cybernetic. Your rather short Mother has the same hair as you, but her eyes have a fusion of green and blue that make them look like lightning.

You: Mum! Dad!

You go straight towards them and hug the pair of them.

Father: Son! It is great to finally see you after all this time!

Mother: And look at how you've grown! You're bigger than your father! And at 16 you must still be growing?

You: I hope so, but it's hard to get clothing. But what happened to your arm?

You pull away and look at their faces alternatively.

Father: Lost it a few years back in a grand combat against a powerful foe, but that is a story for another occasion. But I hope you haven't been giving your hosts too much trouble!

You: Not at all!

Rias: Well, that's debatable...  But shall we all go inside for something to eat.

Sirzechs: Of course! My servants have already prepared a meal for us.

Father: Then what are we standing around for? Let's head inside.

You all head inside to the dining hall where Issei's parents are overseeing the servants. They help you get you seated along the grand mahogany table, with Akeno next to you and your parents opposite the two of you.

You: So what have you been doing all these years?

Mother: So it's rather a long story, so we'll try to sum it up. After you were taken away, I had to get your father out of the spot of bother he got himself into, being captured by the red haired man at the end.

Sirzechs: I do love this story.

Mother: So to put it simply, I had to break into Hell after a deal, which I wasn't too proud of. But to put it simply, after a long battle and over 50 dead angels, fallen angels and devils, I was ready.

You: Wait, what?!

Mother: I made a deal with the White dragon emperor, Albion, to help whittle down the forces. He knew for me this was personal, so he did not ask me to join him after the bloodshed.

You: That just leaves me with more questions. Why him? And how did you defeat them all?

Mother: Well the first one is too hard to explain now, but the deaths were mostly from weapons that were against a specific faction, as it with light and you devils. By the way, do you have the wings?

You: (Rolls eyes) Yes, Mum, I do have the devil wings.

Mother: Good to know. So as I was saying, I broke through the Gates of Hell using the help of the White Dragon's fire blast, then sneaked past Cerberus and then hacked and slashed through hordes of reanimated corpses until I reached where your father was being held.

Sirzechs: So at this point, I was actually incredibly impressed by both of your parents' fighting ability, I hired the pair of them right there and then, well, it was more of a partnership. They agreed to help me with situations that the devils couldn't directly intervene, for political reasons.

Father: We knew you were still at a young age, and we didn't want to affect you with our actions. So we watched over you like guardian angels, but when you got involved this this bunch, we thought you would have questions about our whereabouts. And thus, we gladly came out of hiding.

You: That...  That puts a whole new perspective on it. You hid from me... to save me.

Mother: Of course we did, [y/n]. Nothing was more important to us than you.

Father: We didn't want to risk you becoming killers like us, but I heard about your battle. Taking down a Valkyrie? That's some hard core stuff.

You: Yeah, and that allowed me to become a part of the chess set.

Rias: I have to say Mr and Mr's [l/n], your son was a born warrior.

Mother: Thank you, but pleas Rias, call us Louise and Mark.

You: So that's what your names are.

Mother and Father: (To Sirzechs) You didn't tell him?!

Sirzechs: I thought you two should be the ones to tell him. But it looks like the food is finally here!

The servants bring in a banquet fit for royalty. Your group eats away into the night with laughter and joy. At around 11 o'clock you feel exhausted and excuse yourself from the table. You tell your parents that you will see them tomorrow morning and you head up to your room, just as Akeno jumps up and tows along. You both reach your room and get change into your PJ's. You get under the duvet, as Akeno snuggles up to you upon your chest.

You: I tell you what, Akeno; Things are finally on the up for me.


Before any of you have a tantrum, yes I know there was a great big time after my last chapter. But I wanted to try out the military harem, and I like how it went. So, I plan to continue on doing both of these, probably alternating each time. And if you haven't already check it out.

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