Chapter 1

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Caroline's POV

"Megan! Jake! Over here!" Paparazzi were yelling at my costar and his girlfriend down the red carpet, attempting to gain their attention at the Red Carpet Premiere for The Fault In Our Stars. 

Megan Vanderbilt is a teen model who occasionally guest stars on my show Mighty Med. Well technically it's not my show so much as our show, meaning Jake, Bradley, Paris, Devan, and my not-so-bestfriend Dylan Strattensburg. Dylan is constantly attempted to "steal" Jake away from Megan, but I dont see why because she dates him in the show.

I guess I shouldn't be talking, I'm Caroline Davis, the sixth and final star of Mighty Med. I date Kaz... and Bradley. I know what you're thinking, it's a fluke, they're costars and it will never work. Maybe that will someday be true but for the time being we have chemistry and thats enough for me. 

I think Bradley is trying to talk to me but my attention is elsewhere, on Dylan, the only star between myself and Megan. 

Bradley takes my hand and whispers in my ear, "Don't worry, Jake likes megan.. not her, and its our turn to look at the cameras." I reluctantly shift my head to face the blinding lights in front of us as Bradley slides his arm around my back.

This is easy for him, but it's my first red carpet event and Mighty Med is my first real acting job. 

Once we've made it to the end of the carpet and given some short interviews, we are escorted to our seats for the special screening. 

There are eight of us in our group. The six MM stars, Megan, and Aramis (Paris' boyfriend). We are seated in this order: Devan, Dylan, Jake, Megan, Bradley, Caroline, Aramis, and Paris. 

All the guys get up to go get something to eat and leave us all spaced one seat apart. Paris and I are a tight nit duo, on-screen AND off. We always support each other and so does Megan. Almost no one on set has ever been particularly fond of Dylan. Therefore, it was three against one, and she knew it.

Before conversation could even begin to start between the four of us, an anouncement came on over the speakers.

A somber voice began, "The original motion picture event for the Fault In Our Stars screening will commence in two minutes." 

Following the signature ring specifying the end of the announcement, everyone in the large scaled theatre began to clap respectfully so I did the same, while keeping my gaze focused on Dylan. 

The guys came back right then and shimmied in between all of us, breaking the undeniable tension of the row of seats. Bradley manually took my chin softly and turned it towards him. I smiled and took his hand, nestling into his shoulder. 

Straight in front of me a few rows was a camera clicking away aimed at me. That camera belonged to someone who didn't look like he belonged there. I sat up non-chalantly and gazed at Bradley, coarsly whispering "that guy is taking pictures of us." 

I was distraught by the occourence even though I shouldn't be... It's Hollywood life.

Bradley attempted to say something comforting but the lights went down so he just squeezed my palm and moved his attention forward, as did I.


Hey guys, I know this is a really, really, really short chapter but im still getting into the story. hopefully you'll understand. Please comment, vote, tell your friends, et cetera. Thanks for reading! I'll update again soon.


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